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Ensemble Mafia - N5


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Elie I was disabled last night.

Wait I thought ryker said he had been disabled? Around where was this?


I think he said he is odd night watcher.

And last night was N5

That's really weird. I still don't see how the no kill on N4 happens with scum!irony though.

N2 Kirsche died & flipped. N3 Proto amnesiac'd Kirsche's doc role. N4, Proto protects. Alternatively, scum was too lazy to submit an action.


"You know how to get under people's skin, their weaknesses and pitfalls. During the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X: I know what makes you tick, <USER>." You will engage in a battle with <USER> and leave with their role PM. You will also disable <USER>'s abilities for the following night phase, because they will be exhausted from fighting with you. You may not target the same person consecutively, though, because that's just silly."

This explains a lot. Yedi had my role PM, Ryker's Role PM and Da Bear's Role PM, which explains certain events.

1) This explains why Yedi targeted Ryker on Day 4. After all, Yedi knew that Ryker had a powerful protection ability, and wanted him out of the way so that Ryker couldn't save anyone in the future.

2) It also could explain why the Mafia potentially lynched me on Night 4. Yes, Yedi got my role PM on night 2, and I wasn't targeted on Day 3, nor was I lynched on Day 3. I theorise that was due to the fact that the Doctor was still in play.

3) This may also explain how the Mafia knew to lynch Kirsche on Day 3. This is just a theory, but Yedi might have role blocked Kirchse (I guess on day 1 presumably. If I remember correctly, no one died on Night 1, but Blitz died on Night 2. Maybe Kirsche's role was disabled on Night 1 (but that didn't take effect until Night 2) and then he was killed on Night 3?

Looking back at this, and action history/claims from proto's analysis here, I considered that scum might've faked the whole "disabled" thing to just buy innocence, but since their Rolecop was tied to the Disable, I kinda doubt that scum would give up investigation that early in exchange for a chance at lategame innocence.

Also YOLO is basically confirmed scum since he claimed VIG and didn't fire last night evidently, and today cannot possibly be MYLO with a Vig shot floating around and two scum, since even with a NoLynch, factional kill & town kill on a vig shot mean that town loses in parity on D6.

I'll hold off on voting for YOLOSCUM since I'm in no rush to end discussion but it's albeit confirmed and I'm more interested in looking for YEDIYOLO's scumbuddy if it isn't the almost-too-obvious-to-be-true SBGorf.

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The problem is I don't think YOLO is Ensemble. His behaviour is just so... Off.

This is dangerous thinking. If you are wrong you will throw the game for voting on impulse. Do not vote in mylo lylo at all. FOS instead, discuss.

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Also YOLO is basically confirmed scum since he claimed VIG and didn't fire last night evidently, and today cannot possibly be MYLO with a Vig shot floating around and two scum, since even with a NoLynch, factional kill & town kill on a vig shot mean that town loses in parity on D6.

For emphasis on this point @Irony, the game would be in Potential MYLO, which indicates that it's possible for town to lose after a Mislynch (where Potential implies Role-related reasons for the game to potentially end).

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Irony when were you notified of being disabled?

At the end of Night Two/ Beginning of Day Three, and I couldn't use my role on Night 3, even if we had lynched a member of the Mafia.

That means that Ryker's role was Disabled at the end of Night Three/Beginning of Day 4, which fits in with Ryker's claim and also fits in with when Yedi targeted him.

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This is dangerous thinking. If you are wrong you will throw the game for voting on impulse. Do not vote in mylo lylo at all. FOS instead, discuss.

Ok, I will keep my vote on YOLO for now, and wait to see what he says/doesn't say. If events occur that convince him that he's Ensemble, then I will get rid of my vote.

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For emphasis on this point @Irony, the game would be in Potential MYLO, which indicates that it's possible for town to lose after a Mislynch (where Potential implies Role-related reasons for the game to potentially end).

I don't follow?

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Let me use an example. Let's say its lylo. It would take 3 to lynch. If you vote first, scum have enough numbers for them ti control the lynch, so they would both instantly vote and quick lynch to victory. This is why we are stressing this point. Luckily it takes 4 to lynch. Dear lord.

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Let me use an example. Let's say its lylo. It would take 3 to lynch. If you vote first, scum have enough numbers for them ti control the lynch, so they would both instantly vote and quick lynch to victory. This is why we are stressing this point. Luckily it takes 4 to lynch. Dear lord.

Aaaaaaaah, ok. That makes sense.

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I tried to Roleblock YOLOSWAG last night. I guess I chose incorrectly? :(

The problem is I don't think YOLO is Ensemble.

This all makes sense, in thought process and in action. I derped and skimmed the phases' opening posts and completely missed the former >.<

Elie, thoughts on there being both a mafia role blocker and disabler? Ryker did say he was roleblocked. Wondering if Ironies testimony checks out.

Also I missed this mafia while at work is a bad idea.

Considering what town has for mafia to need two rolestoppers for (Doc, Inventor (that invents we don't even know) and a Redirector, plus the Amnesiac which is basically town's backup). I know I considered it earlier that Town & Scum could have a blocking force, but I don't think scum would get two blocking roles when Town's stuck with an Amnesiac as a backup. Sure there's the Alt-Night watcher claim, but that role basically blocks itself for scum. The "Roleblocker when mafia dies" seems too quirky, since it doesn't feel fair for town to get stronger when mafia gets weakened by removal, but it'd mean that scum gets a standard disabler and a quirky backup hook, which I just don't see as realistic.

tl;dr i think scum having two blocking powers is a bit much since town doesn't have that much that needs to constantly be shut down. I'm not worth blocking at all.

I don't follow?

Today, 6 people are alive. If we NoLynch, then there's still 6 people alive. Mafia shoots you, for instance, and TownVig!YOLO shoots me for instance. When the day flip happens, then there's 4 people alive. 2 are town, 2 are mafia. Mafia cannot lose at this point.

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Also need to mention that I might have dodge wifi this weekend, so in the unlikely event that I don't post twice on Saturday and/or Sunday, please don't prod me/sub me out/mod kill me.

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Irony, tonight you roleblock Gorf if Yolo flips scum. Elie, send Gorf a post restriction that forces him to vote with one vote only. Bear, watch Irony.

I approve of this plan.

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