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What do you guys think of Hana?


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Despite how bad dodge tanking is in fates I want to have a good try at making hana a dodge tank...any suggestions? I know of useful skills like awakening but that's about it really.

The dodge tanking is dead mentality is funny (edit for clarification: proper dodge tanking is not bad, it's simply less effective than it was in 2RN iterations). It's still a thing. Crank up the speed as high as you can with tonics, promote to swordmaster, throw every goddess icons at her (+4 luck starts to add up fast), even throw on rally luck for +8 extra luck, forge a practice Katana for 8 MT and 5 extra speed (usually works out to about 8-10 extra avoid), eventually her 75% speed growth gets her to a point to where she's effectively immortal on player phase and just plain hard to hit on enemy phase. A lot of late game enemies have poor skill.

This is less effective in Revelation, but Kazahana can marry Keaton for Fighter!Hero and get the +5 HP skill and sol so it balances out easily.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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tfw when people don't look at your hyperlink and see her being 3HKOd by a C23 Paladin on Lunatic mode at 34% hit rate... on enemy phase (no duelist's blow). It's cool tho. Have you ever tried promoting her to Master of Arms if you have issues with her bulk? Let's her pick up Naginata if you are willing to spare an arm scroll for +1 Def (a net gain of +2 Def over Katana) and she gets +4 HP/Def for raw durability and an overall improvement to her bulk growths (45 HP/30 Def isn't that bad actually).

The Revelation complaint is irrelevant when you realize she's got the highest non servant/non paralogue availability and still is considered one of the salvageable units.

The Ryoma bit is sorta like really old school complaints when people used "not Seth" as a criticism for a unit's viability. It's sorta silly.

Going master of arms, and throwing consumable stat boosters help, sure (though not so much on lunatic if RNGsus hates you). Just is a major gripe of mine to have characters with especially crippling weaknesses that need to be actively fixed, and doubly so for melee fighters (either hope you kill in the first attack, or have a 0% chance to be hit in retaliation). I've also been thinking archer/sniper is a good idea (married to Tacomeat), but there's the redundancy problem with that when you already have Mozu, and the aforementioned Tacomeat.

I should elaborate on the Ryoma thing a little; Raijinto aside, his balanced growths, and good base is the selling point, much like my other most used units, eg: Severa, Oboro, Camilla. If awakening's stat caps/growths weren't so high, I'd be the weirdo that prefers Say'ri over Lon'qu (galeforce availability aside).

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character: i'm neutral to it. to me, a large part of Hana's character is her brashness, so it kinda depends on how the support plays out. i liked her Sakura support, and the evolutionary with Keaton's. her design is cute, too.

unit: hinata/ryoma tend to work out better in the long run, so i usually bench her. but she tends to start out okay in the beginning.

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