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Combat bug? Help!


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New to the series--I'm about 3 hours into Awakening and enjoying it so far, but I've been plagued by a really annoying bug. When a battle initiates (and occasionally mid-battle at the start of a turn) I can't select any characters with the cursor. It just pulls up the menu screen as if I selected an empty space. I have to restart the game and pull up my bookmark/save for it to work properly.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I can't find any reference to this issue online.


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Hmmm. . .if it's physical, then it opens up a giant can of worms. The question is, which worm is it? I'm just gonna spew out every possibility I can think of. Perhaps it's one of these, or perhaps it's something else altogether. Would like some input~!

1. Is it possible to bootleg 3DS games? I know there were some very convincing DS bootlegs!

2. Perhaps the cartridge itself has a problem (something both internal and near-impossible to catch).

3. Do other cartridge games work? There's an outside chance that it's a problem with the 3DS.

4. Is your 3DS firmware up-to-date?

5. I have no idea WTF I'm talking about.

Gut tells me it's the second one, but there's no way to be absolutely certain. The best I can do is eliminate possibilities!

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The very first thing I'd try to make sure it's a problem with the cart is to try the cart on another 3ds... or if you know someone with an Awakening cart, try theirs on your 3ds to eliminate the other possibilities.

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