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Count Until Mods Post! Current Count: 69 haha sex number


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12 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:


What if this is all some psychological experiment, and it's actually been orchestrated by the mods since the beginning? What if there's a mole in the group? What if this is just a dumb and entertaining way to spend a couple seconds of our day?

Scary possibilities, guys.

Guess what? I know who the mole is.


Love those multiples of 11.


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20 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

@DefaultBeep even has it in his title. "not the mole."

So, he is definitively the mole.

But why does there have to be a mole? If this is an experiment, why couldn't the mods just lurk on this thread?


It's easier to perform a psychological experiment when there's someone on the inside to make sure everything goes as planned.



I mean


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Look, I know I'm the new guy here, but have mountains of evidence to prove I'm not the mole.

Evidence #1: I'm not the mole.


...It's a small mountain, but I think it's a very nice mountain with some valid opinions.


Edit: Getting the number that's 6 x 6 x 6 probably doesn't help my case here.

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It's been hard, but I've finally come to terms with my status as the mole. I know this is shocking for everyone, but no one is more surprised than I am. I feel appalled, betrayed, confused, but above all, I feel disappointed. Disappointed in myself for letting this go on for so long without even telling myself. Disappointed in my mountain of evidence for lying to me. I know rebuilding my status will take time, but I hope that you all will come to trust me once again. Trust must be earned, and I intend to do everything in my power to fight for that privilege. And maybe, just maybe, I can help everyone here to reach our goal of... whatever our goal is. Hitting 1,000? Sure, I'll go with that for now.


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