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Just now, John Denver Fan said:

Eh nothing like being on this thread.

Yeah, nothing beats sitting around with random people counting higher and higher until a person of higher ranking shows up.


Apparently people back in the 20s and 30s thought that Jazz and Blues were bad for kids.

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3 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Friendly reminder: Stay away from the weird side of fanfictions, unless you want to be scarred.


This is very, very important advice. I remember when I got curious about reading some Sacred Stones fanfiction after beating it... when I was, like, 13 or 14. I still have flashbacks whenever I think about Eirika and L'Arachel...


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Just now, DefaultBeep said:

This is very, very important advice. I remember when I got curious about reading some Sacred Stones fanfiction after beating it... when I was, like, 13 or 14. I still have flashbacks whenever I think about Eirika and L'Arachel...

I honestly was going to ask where I can read this fanfiction, then I remembered this was a reply to a friendly reminder about the weird side of fanfictions.


Is a quarter of the number of times I questioned myself as of 1/6/18.

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Just now, IfIHadToPickADude said:

I honestly was going to ask where I can read this fanfiction, then I remembered this was a reply to a friendly reminder about the weird side of fanfictions.

I mean, I can try to find it again and PM you the link if you're really curious, but uh... it's definitely on the weirder side of fanfiction, I'll say that. And it is an adult fanfiction, with some... changes to, er... certain aspects of the characters.




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14 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I mean, I can try to find it again and PM you the link if you're really curious, but uh... it's definitely on the weirder side of fanfiction, I'll say that. And it is an adult fanfiction, with some... changes to, er... certain aspects of the characters.

I think I have a vague idea what changes were made. There is an Overwatch fanfiction in which Junkrat is a Hermaphrodite and is the son to Roadhog. I wish I was joking about this. Why am I seriously considering asking for this fanfiction?


In other news, Anime Strike is dead.

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12 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

I think I have a vague idea what changes were made. There is an Overwatch fanfiction in which Junkrat is a Hermaphrodite and is the son to Roadhog. I wish I was joking about this. Why am I seriously considering asking for this fanfiction?

Well, I can say that you definitely got one of the changes right. I don't recall that particular trait of L'Arachel being mentioned in Sacred Stones... but I suppose that's where the "fan fiction" part comes into play.

I went ahead and looked to see if I could find it again (which I did, and I recognized it from the very first sentence, which... should tell you how much of a lasting impact it had on me at that age), and I guess I never realized just how much fanfiction there is for Eirika/L'Arachel. I apparently underestimated Sacred Stones' popularity in the fanfic/shipping community.


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To be honest, this is kinda just making me want to play Sacred Stones again. So I can remember Eirika and L'Arachel for how they truly are in the actual game again...


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Er... well, it's... not really anything important, or something really that worth talking about... L'Arachel just happened to be part of an... interesting adult fanfiction, about herself and Eirika. Except L'Arachel had some... physical differences, that I don't remember having any particular basis in actual canon. It was not something that 14-year-old me should have read, and I wish I had known what it was about before I read it at the time...

But if you're really curious, I can send you the link to it in a PM. Just don't say I didn't warn you; emphasis on it being an adult fanfic, after all...


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2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Er... well, it's... not really anything important, or something really that worth talking about... L'Arachel just happened to be part of an... interesting adult fanfiction, about herself and Eirika. Except L'Arachel had some... physical differences, that I don't remember having any particular basis in actual canon. It was not something that 14-year-old me should have read, and I wish I had known what it was about before I read it at the time...

But if you're really curious, I can send you the link to it in a PM. Just don't say I didn't warn you; emphasis on it being an adult fanfic, after all...

Sure, knock yourself out.  It's funny to read hilariously bad fan fiction.

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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

A reminder that the Code of Conduct also applies to PMs.  I hear a PM in Discord is a lot more lenient. . .

Oh well, it was more morbid curiosity than anything else.  I don't want to get Beep in trouble.

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5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

A reminder that the Code of Conduct also applies to PMs.  I hear a PM in Discord is a lot more lenient. . .

I thought it was allowed if it was privately sharing just a link and if both people were at least 18, which is why I offered to share it through a PM instead of here, but if not, then that's fine, and I apologize for misunderstanding that. Though I don't think Rezzy has a Discord account, and I don't think this is really something worth making an account for, either...

1 I appreciate you not wanting me to get in trouble Rezzy, but I'd also appreciate not being ninjad...


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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

I thought it was allowed if it was privately sharing just a link and if both people were at least 18, which is why I offered to share it through a PM instead of here, but if not, then that's fine, and I apologize for misunderstanding that. Though I don't think Rezzy has a Discord account, and I don't think this is really something worth making an account for, either...

1 I appreciate you not wanting me to get in trouble Rezzy, but I'd also appreciate not being ninjad...



Nah, maybe some day, but my curiosity isn't that strong, and it seems too much of an effort for that.  Plus, it would be funny if my spouse saw my screen and...

"Hey, what are you setting up a discord for?"


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