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final fantasy xv actually released (no, really)


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Initially announced in 2006 alongside XIII and Type-0

The game came out today and I was interested in peoples thoughts for those that have it - I won't be able to probably drop down full price for it on the account of just buying a gaming pc. But most reviews seem very positive, which is nice because the demo had some issues a while back and they delayed it for quality assurance.

Haven't played or seen it really yet, but Final Fantasy kinda needs it if that's the case.

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you must be kidding, what next, are you gonna say the last guardian is coming out too?

i haven't really accompanied most of the troubled development of ff versusxiii/xv but seeing recent previews actually got me interested in the game

i don't have a ps4 or xbone so i'll either have to wait for a pc port or for me to get a ps4 which is fine since it doesn't really seem like a game i want to get for full price either (or on release since there seems to be some major patch(es?) still planned)

only review i've seen was the kotaku one which seems to paint it as a good game with some pretty major flaws and some pretty great parts as well

Edited by Tonton
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I've honestly forgotten this game even existed to be honest. I'll have to wait for the PC port if I play it. I played the demo a good while back, and wasn't really impressed with it. I saw it as a "buy this when it goes on sale sort of thing." And the reviews don't really make me feel good because... It's a Final Fantasy Main Installment. So I don't know what to think about professional reviews. I'll wait this time.

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It's got an 84 on metacritic, and Destructoid has given it a 9/10.

Seems like about what I expected- it's not mind blowingly amazing, but it's a fun and solid game.

Also, technically that was Final Fantasy VS XIII that was announced ten years ago- actual development on the game itself didn't begin until 2011, when they started to consider making it XV. And then there was the directional change in late 2013/early 2014.

Random dub observations: I like Noctis and Prompto, am iffy on Ignis, and dislike Gladio's English voice. The problem is that his VA has a pretty even tone to his voice- he spends more time trying to sound deep than actual emoting. They should've either fished for another VA that had a naturally deeper voice or they should've let the VA they went with use a voice closer to his normal one; as-is, Gladio seems to almost never emotes.

Edited by The DanMan
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And the reviews don't really make me feel good because... It's a Final Fantasy Main Installment. So I don't know what to think about professional reviews. I'll wait this time.

I kinda meant people picking up and playing it (since early copies in advance and I believe it was leaked), not professional reviews, and people seem to be enjoying it. Not like a 10/10 must buy but I wasn't really expecting it to be.

I'm hoping for a PC port I guess?

Also, technically that was Final Fantasy VS XIII that was announced ten years ago- actual development on the game itself didn't begin until 2011, when they started to consider making it XV. And then there was the directional change in late 2013/early 2014.

True, but the fact that they canned what they had and started over still makes me consider it the same game. Edited by Tryhard
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I kinda meant people picking up and playing it (since early copies in advance and I believe it was leaked), not professional reviews, and people seem to be enjoying it. Not like a 10/10 must buy but I wasn't really expecting it to be.

Ah, okay, that makes more sense. That sounds good then. I can get behind "not great but fun." And yeah, I expect a PC port since it's multiplat. SE seems to be trying to port most of their major titles to the PC.

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I've honestly forgotten this game even existed to be honest. I'll have to wait for the PC port if I play it. I played the demo a good while back, and wasn't really impressed with it. I saw it as a "buy this when it goes on sale sort of thing." And the reviews don't really make me feel good because... It's a Final Fantasy Main Installment. So I don't know what to think about professional reviews. I'll wait this time.

Which demo you tried? The Episode Duscae, the Platinum demo or the judgement demo?

Just being curious.

Anyway, I've been following this game since the re-announcement at the E3 2013 even tough I knew I wouldn't have been able to buy it at launch, considering that I've lost the sight of the original VS XIII after pretty much Its original announcement.

I still find it hard to belive that this game even released tbh

Btw, so far the reactions seems to be very positive between the fans and makes me happy since It means that It won't be as divisive as the FFXIII trilogy.

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I ordered the game with two day shipping and my Amazon discount but I waited on reviews and some opinions from friends before dropping cash. I'm cautiously optimistic since FF14 is probably my favourite game of the current gen, but FF13 was one of my most reviled games of last gen. I feel like the 15 team is closer in structure to the 14 one, so we'll see.

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I lack the specs or a PS4, but I must say, its surreal. Considering back on an old forum I used to regular "Myffnet" I actually wrote an article about 13-Versus, its been so long since I did that its kinda weird seeing the game out.

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I have yet to play it myself. I plan on getting it for Christmas. I'm a bit cautiously optimistic towards the game. I'm not expecting it to be my favorite Final Fantasy, but from what I've seen. I think I might be in my top 5... possibly my top 3. I will find out for myself soon enough

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I'm a pretty big Final Fantasy fan but I have a hard time getting excited about this game. The gameplay looked like a second-rate action RPG with some odd design choices, and I don't like open-world games. The reviews already seem to have a lot of "flawed plot, flawed gameplay, but man it's a fun world to explore" and that's a huge turn-off for me since that's not an aspect of RPGs that I care about. (See also: why I love Fire Emblem.) Plus there is the game's apparent lack of female representation in a series that I expect much better of.

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I'm a pretty big Final Fantasy fan but I have a hard time getting excited about this game. The gameplay looked like a second-rate action RPG with some odd design choices, and I don't like open-world games. The reviews already seem to have a lot of "flawed plot, flawed gameplay, but man it's a fun world to explore" and that's a huge turn-off for me since that's not an aspect of RPGs that I care about. (See also: why I love Fire Emblem.) Plus there is the game's apparent lack of female representation in a series that I expect much better of.

to be honest i think 'flawed plot' is pretty standard for final fantasy
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A fair comment! I would defend FFX's as extremely overall solid but yeah all the others have at least one significant storytelling flaw in my mind. I tend to like them well enough anyways, though. FF plots are usually trying something interesting, at least.

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A fair comment! I would defend FFX's as extremely overall solid but yeah all the others have at least one significant storytelling flaw in my mind. I tend to like them well enough anyways, though. FF plots are usually trying something interesting, at least.

oh god, ffx is amongst my favourite but I definitely wouldn't say the story was good at all, as well as half the characters

gameplay was always really good though.

i'll admit that the four dudebro car roadtrip isn't exactly the traditional setting for ff, though

still, i hate ff8 the most

Edited by Tryhard
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All FF games drop the ball somewhere. Not a single one is flawless.

Also lack of females will be resolved sometime later, judging by the trilogy structure that has been proposed. If you want a great female cast 11 and 14 are pretty great in that regard. And 13 would have been if Lightning had more personality than a soggy cardboard cutout.

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I don't do MMOs. That's been a big part of me losing interest in FF, there has only been two "main" games made since 2001 and I couldn't get into FF12 at all... so really just one for me! FFs have always been flawed, but back in the late 90's if you felt one game dropped the ball there would be another coming along soon.

Personally I really liked Lightning (as well as Yuna) and certainly disagree that she lacked a personality (maybe I'm just too used to putting up with Fire Emblem lords? <_<) but to each their own.

Also lack of females will be resolved sometime later, judging by the trilogy structure that has been proposed.

Maybe I'll actually care about FF15-2 then, especially if they revamp the battle system. As is the stunning lack of female presence is a hype-killer for me, even if the gameplay looked like something I'd enjoy.

Edited by Dark Holy Elf
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All FF games drop the ball somewhere. Not a single one is flawless.

Also lack of females will be resolved sometime later, judging by the trilogy structure that has been proposed. If you want a great female cast 11 and 14 are pretty great in that regard. And 13 would have been if Lightning had more personality than a soggy cardboard cutout.

But...didn't they say that they made things like Kingslaive and FFXV Brotherhood so that they wouldn't have to do things like FFX-2 and FFXIII trilogy?

I don't remember the specific words, but i do remember they said something along those lines.

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But...didn't they say that they made things like Kingslaive and FFXV Brotherhood so that they wouldn't have to do things like FFX-2 and FFXIII trilogy?

I don't remember the specific words, but i do remember they said something along those lines.

It wouldn't surprise me, given how poorly received XIII-2 and Lightning Returns were (although I will forever love X-2 and argue it got way too much undue flak).

While I am glad they finally released it, I am a little concerned given some complaints I've seen about the second half of the game and especially the ending (and also I have an inherent distrust of anything Tabata directs). I'll have to wait for a PC release anyway, so I'll keep my ear to the ground so to speak and see if I'll ultimately pick it up.

Edited by AzureSen
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But...didn't they say that they made things like Kingslaive and FFXV Brotherhood so that they wouldn't have to do things like FFX-2 and FFXIII trilogy?

I don't remember the specific words, but i do remember they said something along those lines.

Tabata has said in interviews he doesn't want a trilogy, but Nomura and SE have given interviews where they DID want one.

[spoiler=Speculation]I hear the story is quite brief in this game and doesn't feature certain characters as much as you'd expect. The doors are definitely open for a sequel.

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i don't know what to make of this game. the tone is so absurd and takes it self too seriously, the gameplay is convoluted and easy at the same time. definitely doesn't feel like final fantasy, but at the same time only a final fantasy game could have such a high budget and have no idea what to do with it

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Tabata has said in interviews he doesn't want a trilogy, but Nomura and SE have given interviews where they DID want one.

I think Final Fantasy's current business model almost requires sequels? The base games cost so much to make that they need the cheap cash-in sequels to help turn a real profit. FFX-2 and FFXIII-2 are not the most adored games in the series but they still sold a lot (3-4M?) compared to their budgets.

Shipped, not sold, which makes a pretty big difference.

Edited by Dark Holy Elf
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So does this play like Kingdom Hearts? The last one I played was 12 so I missed much of the transition.

Used to play FF almost exclusively at one point, but considering the amount of time I have nowadays I can't be expected to replay 50+ hour long games over and over.

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