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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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Doesn't really matter if she is mounted. She has her hands on Warp for the longest time and that is definitely useful (even if Warp is relegated to warping people to castles)


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I'm going to include Dew as well since i wasn't present Yesterday:

Dew: His combat is far from being Amazing, but I find his ability to give money to ALL the units extemely useful in particular if we are talking about raquesis


Aideen: She suffers from having a low movement, so she doesn't possess the same usefulness of Ethlyn, altough she has better magic.

However, she still have some things that makes her a bit valuable: she can use the Warp staff to bring yout units on different castle and perhaps even the return staff, if you want a unit to return to the home castle quicker. These two staves gives a lot of experience, which can bring her to promote sooner than other units.

Plus, the libro staff that Chagall drops at the end fo Chapter 2 can let her heal units that are quite distant, albeit said Libro staff only has 10 uses.


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Adean is alright. She's a powerful healer held back by her low movement, but can circumvent this in some ways, namely through physic/libro and making good use of the warp/return staves. Her higher staff rank means she can perform better duties than Ethlyn, but positioning is tricky. Her kids typically turn out alright, Ullur blood means Lester can use Silver Bows out the gate provided his dad can pass them down, but her two best husband candidates are both bow users who also get the heroes bow as well.

I really don't have much else to add onto her. She's a utility unit that has good, easily accessed, easily useable, well, utility. She's also around a chapter longer than Ethlyn so she gets a little more mileage in that regard. 7/10 for me, more useful than a burden in the end.

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And so we now discuss the white mage. Let's just hope she doesn't get killed by a blast.

Aideen joins with Dew, so she has to get away from the bunch of bandits chasing her. And has 5 move. And can't fight. Well, not that that's a big deal because she's there to heal units anyway. She also has the useful utility of warping people around. Well, once Dew gives her the staff. And once she gets it, she can abuse it maliciously to promote early. That or you could train her normally. But of course that'd mean she'd take a good while to promote... into a High Priest. Which only has C tomes. On a unit with no skills. Yeah, so combat's far from her first priority. But really, staffbot is her role. She can use Sleep, Physic and Silence off the bat, and unlike Deirdre will be around to use them for all of G1. If she had 6 move or something to make her more than a bot, I'd be a bit more enthusiastic about her. However, she does her job fine. Especially for Chapter 2, she is useful (though not being able to warp to Noidon is frustrating and makes this harder than it had to be). She's always going to be healing more with Mend and an actual magic stat and growth than pretty much any other healer. And once she promotes, she'll have A rank, as well as a way to defend herself. Honestly, not much else to mention. Besides giving Ichival. So there's that.

She's also a weird case, in that she's one of a few units who give items after she marries someone. For Midir/Jamke, they get the Brave Bow from her. She gets the Rescue Staff from Azel/Claude. It's weird that this is unique to them being paired, and are the only items to be locked by this. Obviously, this is a reward for doing such pairs, but it's odd that this is the only case of it in Geneology.

As a parent.... she's a case where you can choose to focus on improving one child more than the other. The choice can be to improve Rana/Lana (Azel gives a good boost to her magic growth and give Pursuit, Claude give A staffs) or Lester (Midir gives Pursuit and Charge, and is best at multiple hits, Jamke give a lot of power and speed in exchange for no Pursuit and gets Continue without the Brave Bow). Compromise pairings tend to not work out so much (e.g Lex, where their growths don't mesh so well and they have no Pursuit). Really, it's a matter of just improving the two. Which you want to prioritise is up to you.

Midir (Lester gets all the bows (including Brave Bow), with alright strength, skill (if low HP) while giving great speed. Rana gets alright additions to her growths barring luck. Pursuit's great for Lester (and good for Rana when promoted), while he also like Charge for doing more when it procs (Rana likes it when promoted, but it can bite her in the ass when unpromoted))

Jamke (Give Lester lots of strength, around average speed, luck and defence, Charge and bows. Gives Rana nothing much but Charge as a liability and a bit of luck, speed and HP. No pursuit)

Azel (Gives good magic and speed to Rana, while Lester at least gets speed. Pursuit is still nice. No Rescue staff passed down, Lester gets nothing from dad.)

Claude(Rana's great as a staff user now (and passes down rescue), but Lester is pretty much screwed, and just really gets Res, Luck and average to poor growths otherwise. NO SKILLS, Lester gets no inheritance)

Fin (Gives Pursuit and Prayer, which is nice for if they get hit low, while they can also do more hits in combat. Growth wise about average barring Luck being above average. Lester gets nothing, Rana gets a magic boost talking to Fin in Chapter 7)

She's a staffbot, but she's good at it. 7/10.

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Oh hey, its 80's hair, Aideen. The typical healer, the perfect staffbot. She..uh...does healing. 7/10.

Aideen can just heal, unlike Ethlyn who can also fight. Ethlyn also has a pony, so she can easily reach everyone and heal them, but Aideen is foot locked,, making it harder for her to reach a unit to heal in time. But, hey, she can at least staffbot for all those poor souls who suck in the arena( mainly Pink and Green). She also gets Warp from Dew, and she also gives Return to Ethlyn, as well as giving the Ichival to Briggid. She also has a more powerful staff than Ethlyn and Lachesis. Sadly enough, she has no skills. Like seriously no skills. Typical of her. But hey her daughter's also a healer so it's not like it matters much.

After promotion, she can fight, but it's not like it matters. Although I usually give promoted her a thunder tome.

Oh, yeah, she also dodges most of the time. Which is good. She also gives the Brave Bow to Midir if paired up.

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Oh hey, its 80's hair, Aideen. The typical healer, the perfect staffbot. She..uh...does healing. 7/10.

Aideen can just heal, unlike Ethlyn who can also fight. Ethlyn also has a pony, so she can easily reach everyone and heal them, but Aideen is foot locked,, making it harder for her to reach a unit to heal in time. But, hey, she can at least staffbot for all those poor souls who suck in the arena( mainly Pink and Green). She also gets Warp from Dew, and she also gives Return to Ethlyn, as well as giving the Ichival to Briggid. She also has a more powerful staff than Ethlyn and Lachesis. Sadly enough, she has no skills. Like seriously no skills. Typical of her. But hey her daughter's also a healer so it's not like it matters much.

After promotion, she can fight, but it's not like it matters. Although I usually give promoted her a thunder tome.

Oh, yeah, she also dodges most of the time. Which is good. She also gives the Brave Bow to Midir if paired up.

80s hair, Pink and Green. I like that! ^^

Mybe we should give stupid nicknames like that to the whole FE4 crew. :P

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Hmm, well, Sigurd can be Sigod.

Lachesis can be BlondeLover ( after all she likes Beowulf, Eldigan and Dew, all of whom are blonde)

Midir is obviously PrettyBoy.

That's pretty much the other nicknames I can think of, as of now.

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Arden is Turtle.

Finn could be Blue.

I'd joke about Midir being called Damsil, but that'd be a bit mean.

(And honestly, with the pre-battle music in G2, I actually think it could have been an 80's movie with hair metal soundtrack)

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Dew is difficult to rate. The stealing shenanigans are cool, but afaik it doesn't last past chapter 1. Dew can't keep up because he doesn't have a horse, and he certainly doesn't start with the combat stats to face anything but axes. There's still a world of opportunity in visiting villages and then donating the money to the needy, though. Raquesis and Aideen come to mind, perhaps Ethlin. This is extremely useful when you're playing fast or optimized, not so much outside of it. He can also grab a third magic sword if you're willing to wait for it. Which puts me in a pickle. Dew is really good in an optimized run for his ability to give money, and only interesting for getting you the wind sword otherwise. 5/10

Dew can always find opportunities to steal money. Ch3, Ch4 and Ch5 all have plenty of pirates carrying 5000G. If he walks up to one he gets 5k, then if someone else kills that pirate there's another 3-4k for him to pick up.

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Aideen's extremely valuable in drafts and LTC runs because of inheritance and because she unlocks the Rescue Staff early. Neither of these things however have anything to do with her performance as a charater which is actually mostly unimportant. Deidre, Claude, promoted!Levin, promoted!Lachesis and promoted!Tiltyu all can do most of what Aideen is useful for.

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^I wouldn't say Deidre does a better job than Aideen.

Deidre just has a Silence Staff (correct me if I'm wrong) mostly used on the Ch1 Bishop and the Ch2 boss who has a Sleep Staff. She has a powerful tome but she'll barely use it since she's foot locked. And she has the shortest availability out of all the characters of this game (available near the end of Ch1, the whole of Ch2 and the first half of Ch3, where she can't even go out of the castle).

So yeah, Aideen is better than her.

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^ Oh sorry, I misunderstood your question.

Deidre can do the staffbotting duties Aideen can, but it's not really worth having her buy a heal staff (iirc she doesn't come with one), since she gets captured in Ch3, and is only fully available in Ch2, thus EXP is wasted on her by having her as a staffbot. Aideen is fully available after Ch1, thus EXP is fine for her, and she has a Mend staff, which is superior to a Heal staff.

Edited by Flee Fleet!
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I did something like that years ago.


Niiiiiice! :D

You also nailed pretty well the clichéd style of someone telling a medieval story, while still using a ''normal'' choice of words. I really like that! ^^

*ahem* Anyway...


The ''generic healer'' archetype of FE4 received an exact average of 6.5/10, without any decimals whatsoever! Once again, many thanks to all 15 voters who participated this time around! ^^

So, what's next? It's time for the only prince that doesn't have any Holy Blood, Jamke!

Class: Archer (Level 6)

Holy Blood: NONE (I should double-check my facts :P)

Personal Skills: Continue, Charge

Class Skills: Pursuit


36 HP (90%)

11 Strength (50%)

0 Magic (5%)

14 Skill (10%)

14 Speed (30%)

9 Defense (30%)

0 Resistance (5%)

4 Luck (40%)

My thoughts: Even if Briggid exists, Jamke is my favourite bow-user of the first generation. To start off, he has some excellent base stats for his level, most notably in HP, Skill and Speed. As for his growth rates, they are a bit strange: he'll get lots of HP for an archer, and his Strength and Speed will compliment really well his deadly skillset. Speaking of which, he has probably the potential to do the most attacks possible in one round of combat, because of the holy trinity that is Pursuit, Continue and Charge. Sure, it's a shame that Pursuit will never be passed down, but who really cares when you can be a monster of arrows? To compliment all of this, Jamke also comes with the epic Killer Bow: this weapon is very light, is devastatingly accurate and even has the Critical Skill in it. Sadly, the latter is not in good synergy with his pathetic Skill growth of 10%, so he won't do critical hits all that much, but his good base stat will carry him quite far, at least!

Still, despite having quite the kickass offence, Jamke is still a foot-locked bow-user, which means that his enemy phase combat is next to nonexistent (though he'll dodge fairly well because of his Speed) and that he might not reach combat in time, although it's not as much of a problem here, since he can attack in 2-range instead of one. But for me, Jamke is still an absolute powerhouse on the battlefield, and even without his Killer Bow, he'll still do really well in your army. I'll even be extra generous and give him a 9/10, even if this means forever shaming me as a casual player. xD

Dare I say that I found him even better than Takumi from Fire Emblem Fates?

Edited by OliKad
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^ You listed his Holy Blood as Major Baldur, when he has none. Better correct that.

Jamke is the archer who has bad skill but is otherwise in everyway. 9/10.

He's pretty good. He has Pursuit(class skill, sadly), Charge and Continue, so he can easily ORKO enemies, especially if he has the awesome Killer bow. Like seriously, that KILLER BOW. Like it has the critical skill in it. Expect almost every enemy to be shot in the chest by it. If Midir has this weapon, even he can ORKO enemies.

Jamke also has good Hp and Strength growth, and he also dodges most of the time. His only problem is being foot locked, but I don't care much about movement.

Particularly useful in Ch4, as it's filled with Pegasus Knights.

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He's essentially Ayra on foot, which isn't a bad thing but being bow locked with no pony doesn't help. His stats are pretty swanky but Midir makes better use of the Killer Bow. Other than removing flying units, I'm really struggling to think of a time where Jamka's been particularly helpful. There's also the fact that his recruitment is probably the most tedious in the entire game.


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Jamka is the second best archer in FE for me close behind FE10 Shinon. (would be #1 if crossbows existed)

He has excellent bases and good strength, speed and defense growth. Killer bow compensates his low skill.

Pursuit, Adept, Charge and the killer bow is a deadly combination for quite a lot of enemies.

He might be not the best dad; only really good for Ayra and Aideen.

Still very good overall.

8,5 / 10

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Jamka breaks the mould of horrible early-game archer: he's actually good. He has a ton of skills, including the all-important Pursuit, and he comes with the killer bow, giving him access to what I sometimes call the "Three Cs": Continue, Charge, and Critical. He has good bases, even if some of his growths are questionable. *glares at skill* If he attacks something, there is a good chance he will kill it. On the negative side of things, he is still two-range locked so he won't have much of an enemy phase, but FE4 AI is dumb and he can counter things every so often anyway. He doesn't have a horse but who honestly cares. 6 move isn't awful.

Don't underestimate this bow user. 7/10.

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The whole FE4 crew is 80s hair, though. Except, like, Arden.

Ardan is a lemming in armor. :P:

I did something like that years ago.


Banned for making me laugh my ass off :P:

Ahem. . .

Aideen (the other way of spelling her name grates on my nerves) is the literal damsel in distress protected by Dew of all people. I suppose it's a nice callback to Lena and Julian, except I willingly throw Julian on the front lines, and expect him to come back in one piece. She's nowhere near as ridiculous as Lena (because the Warp staff isn't FE11 levels of broken), but she'll still do her job as a foot-locked staffbot. Physic is a godsend, since she can sort-of catch up to the mounted units and heal them up. Most of her utility revolves around getting people to where they need to go faster. . .if she can get to them in the first place! She'll need someone to feed her money, though, because repairing staves isn't exactly cheap. 4.5/10, with a point of negative bias because I can't stand her as a character.

Jamke gets points for being the best-looking of his brothers, as well as having the sense to defect. Being a foot-locked bow user isn't quite the end of the world (unlike Ayra, who needs to be in people's faces to do stuff). However, his recruitment is not something I look forward to, because that part of Chapter 1 is not fun at all. He'll shoot things, and if he procs, well, anything, his opponent will either be dead, or wishing that they were. Like Ayra, he'll do fine if he can actually reach the enemies. 7/10, with a bit of bias for being cute.

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