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Favorite Fire Emblem Continent?


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So almost every Fire Emblem game has several continents with a specific set of people living in those continents.

My favorite ones so far are Yillse because I like how the world shows some sort of freedom fighters fighting against evil (of course I'm talking about joining with Chrom)

Then there's Sacean. I like how it shows people that are of a different tribe and it shows a some sort of red indian race with them having a different style of clothing.

Then I like Silesse because well...Lewyn's home.

Then Nohr because I like how it has roman type of people and shows a new style of units than your typical ones that are from the medieval period like Europe and all.

Those are my favorites, what are yours?

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I assume you meant countries, not continents? Because that's what you were on about.

For continent, I'm going to pick Judgral for... reasons. You know, being a place rife with terrible things and good people.

As for country (which you described. :P ) I'll pick Thracia. Honestly, picking this is not as easy as I'd expect.

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I like how it shows people that are of a different tribe and it shows a some sort of red indian race with them having a different style of clothing.

Personally I always saw more of the Mongol tribes in the Saceans than native Americans.

Tellius is my favorite continent because how developed it is compared to the other continents. The nations are all cultural distinct from one another in ways other than merely what kind of units they could field. With the recent making of Tellius books it also has a decently fleshed out history. The countries also tend to act more like countries would realistically act.

The Laguz nations are a little less developed than the Beorc ones but merely having them ensures the continent also has some variety to go along with its depth.

Elibe ranks second because it has a lot of the strong points that Tellius has though to a much lesser extend. Every nation has a different setup ranging from Lycia's loose federation of little duchies, Etruria's corrupt court to Bern's militaristic monarchy and in Sacea's case they are visually unique from the other countries.

There are also some other little things like racism against Saceans an implied rivalry between Bern and Etruria.

Jugdral is a strong contender too but how the maps are handled ensures that the various countries don't really have any memorable locations which kind of hurts it.

As for individual countries its probably going to be Begnion and Etruria. I'm a sucker for overly corrupt noble families conspiring against each other. Both also have an implied association with magic which I always like.

Also I'm the emperor of Etruria so that makes it reach the top by default.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Elibe is my favorite continent, mainly because I'm biased for its games.

FE6 does a good job of showing off everything on the continent, while FE7 tightens its focus to three nations in particular (Sacae, Lycia, and Bern, with tiny focus on Arcadia).

I think it was pulled off well at least.

Tellius is pretty cool too.

Countries? Can't say I have a preference. Illia, I guess? Love muh Peg Knights, even if their economy makes absolutely no sense.

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Elibe and Tellius are both pretty great for me.

I wanted to love the 3DS locations, but they just suffer from lack of world-building, which is really disappointing, because I think places like Roseanne in Valm, Regna Ferox (one of our few sources of apparently-black characters), and Plegia had a lot of interesting potential.

Personally I always saw more of the Mongol tribes in the Saceans than native Americans.

It might be american familiarity bias, but I saw them as native americans too haha. Mongol tribes is probably more correct, though. x3

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No fans of Valencia eh? Gaiden needs so bad a remake that can expand on its setting.

For a continent I'd go with Tellius because it is the most developed in terms of its lore, its story, and the interactions of its nations. It feels very alive and their habitants are very much fleshed out. Even the racial/social issues seem so realistic, at least more than in other titles in my opinion.

As for the best country I don't know, I had my fanboy phase for Aritia/Ostia/Renais/Crimea depending on the current game I was playing, lol. I think Begnion is the most fleshed out, but I hate Begnion and I'm glad they're the bad guys in FE10. So I go with Crimea, I guess.

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No fans of Valencia eh? Gaiden needs so bad a remake that can expand on its setting.

I so desperately wanted to like that game with its cool new ideas and different take on the franchise, but with the slow, awful level ups, constant misses, those bloody summoning spells and chapter four being a giant middle finger to any fans of strategy games, I just couldn't take it anymore. It's a shame considering how much potential the game had, which is why I'm very much in favor of a remake.

I mean, I always did find it a little weird how Alm just joined up with a rebellion after sword practice and liberated half the continent in an afternoon.

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I so desperately wanted to like that game with its cool new ideas and different take on the franchise, but with the slow, awful level ups, constant misses, those bloody summoning spells and chapter four being a giant middle finger to any fans of strategy games, I just couldn't take it anymore. It's a shame considering how much potential the game had, which is why I'm very much in favor of a remake.

I mean, I always did find it a little weird how Alm just joined up with a rebellion after sword practice and liberated half the continent in an afternoon.

Hey, the slow pace, miss count and such are also present in FE1, and I think the single RNG accounts for it too. And for the summoning, it only became a nuisance for me in the endgame, but I didn't find it too annoying in the whole.

About Chapter 4, I'd like to know what is you don't like about it but I guess it has something to do with the Dragon Mountain, the Lost Forest, or the tower of Doma. Chapter 4 has very cool maps like the battle against Rudolf. If it is about lack of strategy, I find the holy weapon fest in FE4 more offending.

And in several of the old titles the countries are formed by 3 or 4 castles and 50-100 people. The countries are that small. The lack of chapter intros like in FE3 could account for the (lack of) pass of time.

But yeah, I'm looking forward to a remake too.

What can I say? I'm a big fan of Gaiden, it's okay if you don't agree!

Edited by geraq
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No poll?

Well its to say what's your favorite country/continent so why does a poll need to be there for that? Its not a debate nor is it an argument but rather, just to say what your favorite continent/country is.

But yeah if you guys do want a poll, fell free to request for it.

Oh yeah...I forgot about Elibe. I like that continent as well seeing as how Hector and Eliwood are rulers there!

Edited by Harvey
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Well its to say what's your favorite country/continent so why does a poll need to be there for that? Its not a debate nor is it an argument but rather, just to say what your favorite continent/country is.

But yeah if you guys do want a poll, fell free to request for it.

Oh yeah...I forgot about Elibe. I like that continent as well seeing as how Hector and Eliwood are rulers there!

I wasn't under the impression a poll was something intrinsically connected to debate. In fact I'd more associate polls with getting people's general opinion on something.

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tellius, though i feel like this is basically a "favorite era" question in practice. but yeah, those just have really great world building, and relationships between all the various nations is very well fleshed out. haven't really felt that in the other fire emblem continents, though could be wrong.

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Tellius is by far the best. Best world building, most interesting countries, best world building, and best characters. And did I mention the world building? No other video game land I know of has nearly this much world building, it's so fantastic.

Countries? Any country in Tellius works for me, though I do lean more towards Crimea because of Ike and Elincia bias. :P

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Hey, the slow pace, miss count and such are also present in FE1, and I think the single RNG accounts for it too. And for the summoning, it only became a nuisance for me in the endgame, but I didn't find it too annoying in the whole.

About Chapter 4, I'd like to know what is you don't like about it but I guess it has something to do with the Dragon Mountain, the Lost Forest, or the tower of Doma. Chapter 4 has very cool maps like the battle against Rudolf. If it is about lack of strategy, I find the holy weapon fest in FE4 more offending.

And in several of the old titles the countries are formed by 3 or 4 castles and 50-100 people. The countries are that small. The lack of chapter intros like in FE3 could account for the (lack of) pass of time.

But yeah, I'm looking forward to a remake too.

What can I say? I'm a big fan of Gaiden, it's okay if you don't agree!

FE1 didn't have the same nonsensical terrain bonuses though, and there are just so, so many trees and forts in Gaiden.

In chapter 4, there are two things that made me just lose all interest in the game: when the AI showed it could, at any point without you being able to do anything about it, teleport a bunch of Witches to kill off your units in one go, but sometimes they didn't. Another one was when I was attacked by a Zombie Dragon in a swamp with Celica's party, and they could reach my healer and mage in the first turn - and since they initiated they get to go first - only because of their position in the party list. Along with the misses and summonings, it just becomes less of a strategy game and more of a slugfest with a lot of grinding necessary, especially because of the awful levelups I got.

Countries with 50-100 people? When and where is that stated? Besides, I was mostly kidding, but it DOES cover the entire southern half of the continent and the dialogue is minimal here, offering even less explanation of what's going on than FE1.

I should point out that I don't hate the game, it just became frustrating after a while. It had so much potential, which, again, is why I'd love a remake of it.

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FE1 didn't have the same nonsensical terrain bonuses though, and there are just so, so many trees and forts in Gaiden.

I personally liked that, I didn't see a problem with it.

In chapter 4, there are two things that made me just lose all interest in the game: when the AI showed it could, at any point without you being able to do anything about it, teleport a bunch of Witches to kill off your units in one go, but sometimes they didn't. Another one was when I was attacked by a Zombie Dragon in a swamp with Celica's party, and they could reach my healer and mage in the first turn - and since they initiated they get to go first - only because of their position in the party list. Along with the misses and summonings, it just becomes less of a strategy game and more of a slugfest with a lot of grinding necessary, especially because of the awful levelups I got.

I see your point, even if it wasn't a problem to me. I understand very well that it can become frustrating very quickly, the Dragon Mountain on Alm's route was very challenging for me due to formation issues too. Too bad because you were so close of completing it, Chapter 5 is amazing. Celica's maps in Chapter 4 are less enjoyable than the Alm's maps in my opinion.

Countries with 50-100 people? When and where is that stated? Besides, I was mostly kidding, but it DOES cover the entire southern half of the continent and the dialogue is minimal here, offering even less explanation of what's going on than FE1.

I don't mean it is stated anywhere but, come on, in FE4 Grandbell is formed by 7 castles, Verdane is formed by 4 or so, Agustria too and such. The kingdoms in Magvel are comprised of 1 or 2 castles too. My point is that kingdoms in these games are usually very small, I think due to hardware limitations and story pace issues. I know the chapters in FE4 are much bigger and could easily span 3 or 4 maps in the traditional sense, but without cutscenes or intros that could account for the pass of time, once could also say that Verdane for example was taken down very quickly. I'm not bashing FE4, I'm just stating what I believe, which could be wrong. Yes, it is still more than the 1 or 2 castles that Alm overtakes, but I guess is a NES vs SNES thing.

I should point out that I don't hate the game, it just became frustrating after a while. It had so much potential, which, again, is why I'd love a remake of it.

That's okay, let's hope for a proper remake that can make justice to this game and bring it to modern playability standards. At the very least its potential lives on the features present in Sacred Stones and Radiant Dawn.

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I don't mean it is stated anywhere but, come on, in FE4 Grandbell is formed by 7 castles, Verdane is formed by 4 or so, Agustria too and such. The kingdoms in Magvel are comprised of 1 or 2 castles too. My point is that kingdoms in these games are usually very small, I think due to hardware limitations and story pace issues. I know the chapters in FE4 are much bigger and could easily span 3 or 4 maps in the traditional sense, but without cutscenes or intros that could account for the pass of time, once could also say that Verdane for example was taken down very quickly. I'm not bashing FE4, I'm just stating what I believe, which could be wrong. Yes, it is still more than the 1 or 2 castles that Alm overtakes, but I guess is a NES vs SNES thing.

That's only from what we see (50-100 people is also really pushing it taking exact numbers since we see probably twice that in enemy units throughout the game from any given country and where there's military there's also dozens of other jobs and civilians supporting it). And even using what we see, there are fortresses dotted around loads of maps that are presumably castles of some sort, just not important enough in the story to warrant mentioning. And even then there's probably invisible castles that are pretty big and just don't appear on the maps. I can think of at least one case where we know this for sure. Soulful Bridge from FE12 (and I assume FE3) has a castle in its northern section as the size point that isn't there at all in The Sable Order FE11 (and FE1, presumably). Or if it is it's just a regular fortress that's much smaller. I used to think these contents were pretty small, about the size of Britain or so but after playing FE12 it gave a solid figure on the size of the mountain range in the north eastern portion. Can't remember the exact number but it was something in the same range as the Himalayas which has lead me to now envision these continents as being much bigger. The fact that a lot of them are big enough to have a desert thrown in amongst all that grassland helps to suggest they're pretty big too.

Edited by Jotari
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That's only from what we see (50-100 people is also really pushing it taking exact numbers since we see probably twice that in enemy units throughout the game from any given country and where there's military there's also dozens of other jobs and civilians supporting it). And even using what we see, there are fortresses dotted around loads of maps that are presumably castles of some sort, just not important enough in the story to warrant mentioning. And even then there's probably invisible castles that are pretty big and just don't appear on the maps. I can think of at least one case where we know this for sure. Soulful Bridge from FE12 (and I assume FE3) has a castle in its northern section as the size point that isn't there at all in The Sable Order FE11 (and FE1, presumably). Or if it is it's just a regular fortress that's much smaller. I used to think these contents were pretty small, about the size of Britain or so but after playing FE12 it gave a solid figure on the size of the mountain range in the north eastern portion. Can't remember the exact number but it was something in the same range as the Himalayas which has lead me to now envision these continents as being much bigger. The fact that a lot of them are big enough to have a desert thrown in amongst all that grassland helps to suggest they're pretty big too.

Yes, that makes sense. I wanted to stress the point about the small countries but I guess I exaggerated with the numbers, and you're right about the invisible/unimportant castles. It seems to me that the newer games do a better job at portraying bigger countries and making us wonder what is beyond the playable maps. Now that you mention it FE1's world seems bigger than FE2's world, not in a geographical sense but in terms of places to visit, but maybe I'm mixing the two Marth games. In my opinion the world map in FE2 did a good job in trying to hide the linearity of the game, but it can't be denied that the game is small.

Edited by geraq
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I like almost every Fire Emblem continent but I think my most favorite does have to go to Elibe or Tellius with a slight bias in Elibe's favor. Elibe is almost as well written out as Tellius is, but its main advantage is that it has the most sensible geography of the series, partly owing to the fact its basically an expy of Europe. Other FEs tend to have less realistic landscapes which kind of annoys me but never gamebreakingly so.

That said there's something I like about all FE's continents almost: Akaneia has a great and mysterious atmosphere due to all the weird places you visit in FE3 relating to dragons. Judgral had great internal politics in its story that showed how these nations gelled with each other and I dig the holy empire vibe it gives off (and later unholy vibe pft).

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Elibe by far for me. (Can't speak for Tellius so maybe it does it better and I just don't know it :P)

I like the distinct classes for each country, like Sacaens are typically Myrmidons and Nomads. Ilians are often pegasus knights and mercenaries, Western Isles is axeland, etc.

Each country just feels really distinct

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Probably Magvel: while Renais and Frelia feels a bit too similar, all of the country feels very different between each other, which is something that perhaps is helped by the fact of having all the royals from all the countries, excluding Graze.

I also love Akaneia, if anything because it feels the most medieval and fantasy-ish to me

Favorite country? Maybe Thracia, due to Its history.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Elibe, Judgral, and Tellius are my favorites. I thought they did the best job world building.

Elibe had a nice geography, and units of the same country tended to be in similar classes, which implies cultural norms and development in regards to warfare. Plus, I'm biased.

Judgral did a wonderful job bringing out the lore of the series, as well as dive into internal conflict and politics. What your party did in battle had an effect on what the other city states/countries discussed and did. Plus the cast (per generation) was smaller too, so it allowed us to pay attention to the cast more and see how the environment and bloodlines affected their personalities and abilities. Also, since the maps were literally entire countries, you really got the feel of where everything is and how it looks. It would be interesting to see this game get a remake, but highly doubt due to some of the controversial plot points.

Tellius does a good job of having a balance of both of these things. It had international politics, cultural differences, race relations, a variety of environments (maybe due to the technology available at the time in comparison to the other two I mention), and a lot of lore/religious elements. The Radiance series had no shortage of problems, but the world building was really well done IMO.

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Probably Jugdral. I tend to be a sucker for grim-dark settings. There's just something about its epic scope, lore, political drama ( and backstabbing ) and plot that no other FE has matched so far.

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