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Strange Question


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Are you sure that it's not tuberculosis?

Then maybe you have something in your stomach or rectum that may cause it. A guy have blood in his vomit, he come to hospital and ppls found out that there are a long woodstick in this stomach. Or my uncle, he aslo vormit blood, a lots, doctor say that because he drink too much and his liver have more hole than a cheese, he dead after go to hospital for 3 days. Anyway, human's body is very fragile and a lot of things may happen. You should go to hospital for a check, because no matter what happen, it's dangerous.

Hope it's not you...

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Does anyone know what kind of conditions that would cause one to have blood in their vomit? Completely out of the ordinary I know.

And not tuberculosis either...

Prolly a tumor...or if not that, you might have had an ulcer problem.

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I've had it checked before, and they assure me that it's nothing serious, but they aren't sure why it's happening every now and then.

They already determined it isn't cancer, or tuberculosis.

I've heard of cases where people go in to get checked and the doctors say nothing is wrong with them. But then they went to see another doctor, and they were able to tell them what it was, so perhaps you might wanna check with other docs...Best of luck to ya, C. I'll be praying for your well being.

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I've checked with three doctors, and all tell me it's non-life threatening. Someone sent me a link to more information in private, and it appears as thought the most likely cause is from nosebleeds, as sometimes blood can go down to the stomach.

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I've checked with three doctors, and all tell me it's non-life threatening. Someone sent me a link to more information in private, and it appears as thought the most likely cause is from nosebleeds, as sometimes blood can go down to the stomach.

Wait, do you vomit often and blood comes out? Or has this only happened once? I ask only because if its been a few times, I dont think its got to do with a simple nose bleed.

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Thunder tell the truth, Cynthia. 3 doctors maybe not enough.

I dont know anything about this but there is a very effective way to weaken one's sickness, it's laught! Laught a lot! Laught make your life longer!

Edited by soluuloi
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How old is Cynthia?

She is too young to have such a bad illness. I think that its just temporary, and I surely hope it is.

She is 17.

Anyway, in the modern life, there are a lot of new and strange kind of sick that never happen before. So just dont let your guard down...

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Is the blood bright or dark in color?

This following paragraph may possibly disgust some readers (I don't know if it will or not but I'm being cautious). I suggest not reading it if you find yourself squeamish when thinking about blood or internal bodily functions.

I don't know how this applies to vomit, and obviously I am not medically trained so you should most definitely take what I say with a grain of salt, but I know that the color of blood in one's feces helps to indicate whether there is a wound in the rectum or further up the intestines; the shade tells whether the blood is new or has had sufficient time to clot. This kind of information may or may not be relevant to your case with vomit. Again, I am in no way qualified to give any medical advice, but I think this is at least worth mentioning because it may possibly help narrow down possible causes.

I would like to note that I wouldn't encourage anyone to make any sort of medical diagnosis of his or herself. This is, however, your own personal concern to which you seek answers and I have no intention of contesting that prerogative here.

Edited by Wist
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Is the blood bright or dark in color?

This following paragraph may disgust some readers. I suggest not reading it if you find yourself squeamish when thinking about internal bodily functions.

I don't know how this applies to vomit, and obviously I am not medically trained so you should most definitely take what I say with a grain of salt, but I know that the color of blood in one's feces helps to indicate whether there is a wound in the rectum or further into the intestines; the shade tells whether the blood is new or has had sufficient time to clot. This kind of information may or may not be relevant to your case with vomit. Again, I am in no way qualified to give any medical advice, but I think this is at least worth mentioning because it may possibly help narrow down possible causes.

I would like to note that I wouldn't encourage anyone to make any sort of medical diagnosis of his or herself, but this is your own personal concern to which you seek answers and I have no intention of contesting that here.

I was already aware of this, and doctors do take it into consideration. It has never been fresh blood however.

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Well my girlfriend is a nurse...she told me on some occassions you might vommit blood if you drank alot of alcohol, I mean alot till it makes you drunk and sick...

But I am not sure...I am gonna ask her again.

Edited by Luxord
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Well my girlfriend is a nurse...she told me on some occassions you might vommit blood if you drank alot of alcohol, I mean alot till it makes you drunk and sick...

But I am not sure...I am gonna ask her again.

I don't drink, it kills braincells, and I value my mind.

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I'm 17 years old.

Nice, you are too young to be suffering like that. You'll recover, you'll see.

I'll live, don't worry about me. I just wanted to know if anyone had any information for me, and someone was nice enough to send me some.

Thats the spirit. I believe you will indeed live a loooooooooooooooong time, so dont think too much on it.

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Thunder tell the truth, Cynthia. 3 doctors maybe not enough.

I dont know anything about this but there is a very effective way to weaken one's sickness, it's laught! Laught a lot! Laught make your life longer!

Then I'm going to live a thousand years lol

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