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I wonder how Echoes will make the towns from FE2 work. Could they add some new things? Maybe a store to buy items from? Or perhaps some sort of cafeteria to buy food at for stat boosts?

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Probably shops and special events/cutscenes. Would be cool if certain "bonus" events occurred depending on certain conditions were met or were a reaction to a thing that just happened. I.e. if one of the characters dies, maybe some of your party can be seen mourning them. I'm not sure how much they're going to add to this remake though.

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I'd like to see some hidden treasure or maybe a sidequest in town. Like, say,

A woman, when you talk to her, asks you to help her find her missing children who went to play in a cave. You then get a little marker on the map to a dungeon, which you can then go to. Fight a battle while protecting the kids, take them home, get a nice Ring or maybe a weapon.

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I would love it if you could walk around it like the clip they showed with Celica in a dungeon. I've wanted that since they had that feature in Fates where you could press R and see the Castle from a third person prrspective with 3D Models.

Also, I think it would be cool if, like in Fates's Castle, you could see some of your soldiers wandering around the towns you visit, and you could talk to them, and get a better idea of their characterization. Maybe you could even have dialogue options and the like to make up for the possible lack of Suport conversations!

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If done right towns could be amazing for FE. Ever since My Castle was revealed I realized the potential of having a free-roamable "barracks". I hope with SoV they take it one step further and place special conversations and events in the towns.

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All I want with the towns is for them to be more lively.  Remember in the original game where you got Saber (the Merc) and he was in the tavern?  It was just him, the Bartender lady, a girl outside, and the dude at the docks.  Same with where catria and palla were at the end of part two.  Just an inn with 2 beds and Catria and palla.  I know that the NES had graphical and storage limitations, but I'd like to think they could have made it seem a little more lively.  I hope they put more into the game's environment so it seems like we're protecting an actual country full of people, rather than a sub-section with scattered villages with small populations.  Perhaps the liveliness was cut short because people were conscripted to arms or killed by monsters?  Who knows?  All I know is... I'm still Hyped.

Edited by Lord Tullus
Spelling errors.
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I was just thinking about this. They might have you move around like the Castle in Fates (or the original for that matter), but it'd be cool if you could roam around it like you can in the dungeons. Being able to freely walk around towns is something I wanted to do in Fire Emblem since 7, and sadly when I played Gaiden it didn't really fulfill that wish (the graphics didn't help with immersion).

Now, this is just me spit-balling here, but how would people feel about a customizable village? Something like My Castle, but not as game-breaking. I enjoyed the feature in Fates, but felt it was a bit lacking in terms of customization (only 4 kinds of landscape, really?).

Edited by Pete-of-the-Forge
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