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Have you changed your profile picture because of the direct?

Have you changed your profile picture because of the direct?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you changed your profile picture because of the direct?

    • Yes, to something Shadows of Valentia related
    • Yes, to something Fire Emblem Heroes related
    • Yes, to something Fire Emblem Warriors related, but is anyone seriously going to choose this answer, not much of anything was shown
    • No

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I was going to change it to Alm, Like I have on literally everything else, but then I realized SF would be rampant with Alm and Celica, so I'm sticking with Laslow... gazing at Xander.

Edited by DeoxyRibose
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Let me teach you a little something about my core avatar practice, sonny boy. I change like the tides, with no real central concept of what I'm looking for in an avatar, more just kind of a feeling, and of all the avatars I've found over the years the Flannery avatar has settled into some kind of 'core identity', as it were, being more or less my central forums identity. It's one I'm fairly happy to change for events, of course, such as the traditional Christmas avatars, and a scheme on Discord where my Franziska-facing-left perfectly complements Kay's Phoenix-facing-left. And in all fairness I can't quite dismiss the influence of modern games on my avatar choices, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Prave, nequiter, turpiter cenabat; Sed venio ad inconstantiae crimen, ne saepius dicas me aberrare; Et quidem iure fortasse, sed tamen non gravissimum est testimonium multitudinis. Ut proverbia non nulla veriora sint quam vestra dogmata. Non potes, nisi retexueris illa. Duo Reges: constructio interrete, quite a fetching Alphys wearing a trash-can which later combined with the Christmas theme to double as both a Christmas reference and as a reference to my lifestyle choice in being a cool, modern hip young lad in this 21st century, up-to-date with every one of your memes. The recurrent theme of colourlessness, of course, bleeds through in that, as well - the black-and-white aesthetic of the Alphys sprite, mirrored in Flannery's desaturated-sepia tones, adds to my credence as a veteran member of this website. Now this alleged 'direct event' has bled into public appeal, particularly given the Fire Emblem series' ability to make inroads into the mainstream following their successes of late, but given that I was not watching the Direct and only got information from them second-hand I 'missed the boat', as the saying goes (more or less), to have one truly current. The only recourse would be then to use my extremely limited Photoshop (or, more properly, paint.net) skills, again an old theme running to some of my very first avatars such as an amateurish application of the magic wand technique on the Caesar sprite from Fire Emblem 11: Shadow Dragon, to have it fit my more usual established colour scheme of green and black, and this is more of a general forums thing than any kind of personal leitmotif as can be seen from time to time almost everywhere, especially in the hacking forums, over the past few years. Now in more recent years, quod si ita sit, cur opera philosophiae sit danda nescio. Eiuro, inquit adridens, iniquum, hac quidem de re; Hoc non est positum in nostra actione, which is exactly why I was not even for a second tempted to leverage my standing in this community to take a senior part in this most villainous of fads.

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This avi is pretty much my main one now, for this site at least, so, no.




Maybe I might change my avi to a picture of Alm in his new appearance in the remake.

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