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What is a good Teamcomposition?


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Regardless of heroes i wonder which is a good idea to have diffrent types of attackers.

Since we can only bring 4 units the amount of variety is very limited.


So we cannot bring a sword, spear, axe and bowfighter + mages + ninja + healer + mages of all sorts.


What is a good setup?


1 Phy Attacker, 1 Archer, 1Mage, 1 Unitlity char?

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You can always change it based on the team comp of the enemy. Of course, it doesn't hurt to go with one of each color and perhaps have at least 1 physical and 1 magic unit if possible.

Here's my current team:

5* Lyn (red; swords)

4* Cordelia (blue; lance; flyer)

3* Cecilia (green magic; horseback)

3* Lissa (gray; staves)

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Just now, Ferozban said:

Wait so a green mage will do extra damage against a blue opponent? i thought the triangle is only for physical damage.

Nope. The weapon and magic triangle has all been merged into one like Fates.

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There are two schools:

- One balanced team. 1 of each color, so you're ready for everything, and you don't spread your EXP. Typically mine is Chrom, Beruka, Jeorge and Sharena/Peri, and they brought me to chapter 9.

- One adapted team for each map. Must be better, since you're ready for this particular situation, but you get less EXP per character so they may end up a bit underleveled. Happened to me. 

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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I've been building my teams in response to the enemy's composition. If they have two swords, I'm bringing two lances, if they have an archer, I'm not bringing a flier, etc. It's worked for me thus far, so I'm going to keep doing it. xD 

If there is one constant in my roster, it's that I try to always have a healer. It's not always necessary, but I figure better safe than sorry. 

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Roy 4* (Red)

Lilina 4* (Red) RNG

Cherche 3* (Green)

Tiki 4* (Red) Close and RNG

I personally would have changed Tiki for a Blue but I dont have any good blue unit. Tiki has an ability that hit 1-2 range regardless. (Think of Mage in FE game)

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