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9-5 Rant


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Holy balls that attack on the boss princess just crushes anyone on my team it hits. I burned most of my stamina just banging my head against the stage and trying in vain to train up a suitable counter (I've had shit luck with my pulls) before finally just giving in and spending a light's blessing (or whatever they're called) and dogpiling her. After that, going through the first several stages on hard mode feels like a breeze in comparison.

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I tried grinding in the training tower for the final mission, but my units were too weak for some of the higher levels, and they were too strong for anything lower. And I didn't have any way to use the level up function on units that were over level 20... Also was annoying because I could not upgrade anyone and reset their level (lacking hero feathers, mainly). So I did a bunch of the hard mode missions (cleared chapter 3 in hard mode with the team I had, and everything before it), tried to get some good summons (kind of failed at that), and just ran in with guns blazing, and an orb stockpile...

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9-5 is extremely tricky, and is a map where your units' starting positions actually matter. The walls make it hard to position your troops, so if you don't already have a unit with the proper color in the position closest to where you need them to be, you're already at a big disadvantage.

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9-5 gave me a lot of trouble because it's horribly inbalanced in favor of 2-range units, and my only good 2-range unit was a 3 star Nino.  I had to use a light's blessing to beat that chapter.

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It was rough, but I did manage to beat it first try with my initial team and I was about the same level at the map (4* Felicia, 4* Sakura, 5* Marth, 5* Cain). I think only one character died (I got extremely lucky, for some reason the AI decided to gang up on one of my healthy units instead of one who is in critical condition).

Granted, I did have the benefit of having 4* and 5* units and consider myself an above-average FE player (I enjoy Lunatic every now and then), so that also helps.

Now that I think about it, I think I only had to use Light's Blessing once (mostly for kicks, otherwise I just surrender), but that was near the early game when I was still running around with the "Heroes Trio." Felicia for debuffs, Sakura for healing, Marth's strategic positioning, and Cain's DPS is a deadly combination.

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I beat 9-5 on my first try, but I did use Light's Blessing.  I figured I might as well use it on the last map, since they were free.

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9-5 was surpringly easy.

5* Roy wreck her in one hit.


9-4 however was tough for me. It was an instant lose. Then I refuse to give up and uses Light Blessing.

Edited by Ryuke
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Managed to get through the entirety of Chapter 9 normal on my first try, with 2-3 of the maps being cleared without losing a single unit. I recall losing at least one unit when facing against Mysterious Man's and Veronica's respective maps. Used 1x 5*, 1x 4*, and 2x 3* units.

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Lilina destroyed Veronica in one shot. The rest was trivial.

9-4 though was more difficult, with Masked Buffdude wrecking shit left, right and centre. Me lacking a good green and my only blue being Sharena didn't help.

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I have 3 different files so I ended up being able to play around with different approaches to the map. Tried baiting Xander at first. That didn't work well. 

The strat I found that works was to just go aggressive on Veronica first turn after they move. I put Lyn directly outside of her range, wait a turn, then blew her up. Once Veronica's out of the picture the other units aren't difficult to take down. 

Having my own mounts help, since that offsets the 3mov dominance on the map. I did have a combination of Abel5 and Olivia4, so his brave lance+ paired with her dance made removing everything else a lot easier.



Edited by Thor Odinson
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Felicia was my MVP against the strong mages of the last maps. Her insanely high resistance tanked Veronica's hit and debuffed her and then the rest of my team cleaned her up. For the Masked Man, I let Felicia duke it out with him over the wall and healed her up with Clarine until her special skill activated and killed him.

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I had to use 3 whole light blessings just to beat that map.... i wonder if defeating the healer on the second turn was a mistake or not... cause i thought removing the healer would of put me at an advantage...

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