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The curse of typing...

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I don't know, if I'm the only one here who has to deal with this situation, so I'm going to ask this in the public:

Have you ever been the situation that you posted sth. in SF... then you see your displayed post and say to yourself: WTF!? What have I just posted here?

Typos everywhere, grammar is broken, incomplete sentences...

This is the issue I have after each longer post. I :facepalm: about all my errors in each single post... honestly I'm even ashamed.

I'm awful in thinking and typing at the same time. (even a problem in job)

I just would like to know, if I'm not the only one in SF with this issue.


Edit: I can't believe this happened to me even in this post. AAAAAWWWWW...

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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You're definitely not the only one in this case.

I mean, I may be bilingual but hell, this is such a shame whenever I see a typo problem in English. And it's worst when I see one in French.

It happens to me a lot in typing mémoires or essays... so yeah... whenever typing long stuff.

But don't worry, making mistakes is natural.

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Is this even after learning how to type while looking at the screen instead of the keyboard? (because I figure if the problem is "thinking and typing" then maybe that means you already do this but can't focus on the typos)

I typo a bunch but I always catch myself right away because I look at the screen when I type!

Another probably easier solution, as has been mentioned above, is to remind yourself to proofread before submitting a post (so you don't have the "thinking and typing" problem) and then people will be none the wiser~!

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49 minutes ago, Freohr Datia said:

Is this even after learning how to type while looking at the screen instead of the keyboard? (because I figure if the problem is "thinking and typing" then maybe that means you already do this but can't focus on the typos)

I typo a bunch but I always catch myself right away because I look at the screen when I type!

Another probably easier solution, as has been mentioned above, is to remind yourself to proofread before submitting a post (so you don't have the "thinking and typing" problem) and then people will be none the wiser~!

Umm... It's hard to explain.

My main issue is that I have too many thoughts at the same time for some reason and have issues to sort them. I start with a second idea before I've finished the first. It's an issue since my childhood. Bringing it to this thread: I think further than I type. That means I tend to use words from the following sentence, although I haven't even finished the previous one yet. So I somehow merge the two sentences... and it turns out shit.

Also I proofread most of my posts, but some errors can be found only in the third thread... when it's too late and already posted.



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I usually miss out a few words or my grammar can turn out a bit bad.

I immediately then edit it.


Amazingly it happens less frequently on Youtube than here.

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5 hours ago, Eleanor Hume said:

I don't know, if I'm the only one here who has to deal with this situation, so I'm going to ask this in the public:

Have you ever been the situation that you posted sth. in SF... then you see your displayed post and say to yourself: WTF!? What have I just posted here?

Typos everywhere, grammar is broken, incomplete sentences..

All the time.

Even more annoying is when people point it out in a not helpful way.
But that's just a personal thing.

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All the time.

Even more annoying is when people point it out in a not helpful way.
But that's just a personal thing.

I see.

In general I never point out any typos unless the context is so corrupted as a result that I have to ask the person what they tried to say.

I'm literally the last person who would make fun of someone's faults.

*Nobody's perfect!*


Amazingly it happens less frequently on Youtube than here.

same here


Another thing is that I feel to have a certain time pressure in chats. I want to reply fast not to hold the other person(s) up, so I tend to do slips. Tbh it's horrible in my case. I have to edit like each second message.


As for Youtube I can literally take my time to make comment unless it's a reply.


Edit: Also whenever I have to write longer texts like LP text commentaries or essays, I tend to do tons of slips and overlook most of them.

I really don't want to know how many faults my LP threads have.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Lol, that happens ALL the time for me, since my English still needs a little bit of work.

You would be surprise how many times I found a typo in one of my posts. Sometimes days after I made that said post.

Hell, I probably make one typo or more in that post alone but I'll probably realize it in one hour or more.

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There's certain words that I always misspell, if I don't look them up.  Guarantee is one word that I have to keep typing until the red line goes away or I look up the spelling.  You'd think I'd remember how to spell it by now.

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

There's certain words that I always misspell, if I don't look them up.  Guarantee is one word that I have to keep typing until the red line goes away or I look up the spelling.  You'd think I'd remember how to spell it by now.

um, you could just auto-correct them.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

My phone does that, but my computer does not.

huh? My laptop does though. 

I guess it's because mine is of a different model....? Oh well, I dunno.

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1 minute ago, Flee Fleet! said:

huh? My laptop does though. 

I guess it's because mine is of a different model....? Oh well, I dunno.

There might be some way of implementing it, but it often corrects words that don't need correcting, so it is often more trouble than it's worth.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

There might be some way of implementing it, but it often corrects words that don't need correcting, so it is often more trouble than it's worth.

Oh, okay.


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Proofreading and revising are some of the most important aspects of writing, even on a forum. 

My advice is to read your post as you write it, as if you were talking to someone (because you are). Treat commas as tiny breaks, and if it doesn't sound natural, change it until it does. Eventually (hopefully) you'll type natural-sounding sentences like me. Or not.

Oh, but definitely learn how to type without looking at the keyboard - that's critical. I learned in a middle school typing class, but I'm sure you can find something online for it.

Edited by Zera
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As I mentioned earlier even after proofreading I still overlook the one or other thing. (please don't ask me why; I can't really explain it)

It's totally different when I write on paper. I'm rather used to it since my schooltime.

I have to admit I have a new notebook for more than a year, and its keyboad is large, REALLY large. The buttons are huge and the distance (free space) between them isn't small either. It happens too often that my finger slips away... and lands on the wrong button. Blind typing with my current keyboard is pretty hard actually. (with my previous smaller keyboard it was much easier)

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40 minutes ago, Eleanor Hume said:

I have to admit I have a new notebook for more than a year, and its keyboad is large, REALLY large. The buttons are huge and the distance (free space) between them isn't small either. It happens too often that my finger slips away... and lands on the wrong button. Blind typing with my current keyboard is pretty hard actually. (with my previous smaller keyboard it was much easier)

Most keyboards have tiny bumps on the F and J keys so you can orient your hands without looking at it. Does your keyboard have that?

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2 hours ago, Zera said:

Most keyboards have tiny bumps on the F and J keys so you can orient your hands without looking at it. Does your keyboard have that?

with an extra large keyboard, I'd doubt that'd make much of a difference even if it did have them

it'd help you remember where the f and j keys are, but with fingers being used to smaller, closer keys moving on from that point won't be helped by the bumps at all

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