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Value of Orbs


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This is mainly made for the purpose of deciding which package of orbs would provide the best value for your money should you choose to spend it on orbs. This is current as of 2/6/17; values rounded to nearest thousandth USD/orb.

1.99 USD / 3 Orbs = 0.663 USD/orb

5.99 USD / 10 Orbs = 0.599 USD/orb

12.99 USD / 23 Orbs = 0.565 USD/orb

19.99 USD / 35 Orbs = 0.571 USD/orb

26.99 USD / 48 Orbs = 0.562 USD/orb

39.99 USD / 75 Orbs = 0.533 USD/orb

74.99 USD / 140 Orbs = 0.536 USD/orb

As seen from the above, the package of 75 Orbs has the best value in terms of cost per orb though it's a slight difference when compared to the 140 orb package by about 0.003 USD (not a huge difference if you just make a 1-time purchase of 140 orbs). However, it can save you a bit of money if you intend to drop a lot of money for the game (ie. consistently put down money to get 75-orb packages on the long term).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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5 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

There's a thread about this on the Heroes Reddit, too. The 35-orb and 140-orb packs are tricks lol.

Ah, I don't always visit Reddit. And yeah, those 2 packages need a price adjustment or Nintendo should just make the orbs more readily available than as they are right now.

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While true, the difference it makes between buying the 75 USD and the 40 USD  is that you would get one extra orb every 224 orbs if you've picked 40 USD over 75 USD. I don't think people who spend that amount of money on the game will really fuss about these prices because of that xD.


Still, you're right and the 40 USD one is the better option :).

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For all Canadian gamers, I have CAD prices;

3 Orbs = $2.79 ($0.93CAD/Orb)

10 Orbs = $8.49 ($0.85CAD/Orb)

23 Orbs = $17.99 ($0.78CAD/Orb)

35 Orbs = $27.99 ($0.80CAD/Orb)

48 Orbs = $36.99 ($0.77CAD/Orb)

75 Orbs = $54.99 ($0.73CAD/Orb) <--- best deal for Canadian gamers ATM

140 Orbs = $104.99 ($0.75CAD/Orb)

I'm not sure if they are subject to change, considering how the Canadian dollar fluctuates.

Currently $1 CAD = approx. .76 US

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I really hope the price doesn't suddenly change for Canadians god damn.

Gatcha is akin to gambling so no matter what, if you want to get the card/unit/ you want by betting your luck and money, there is a price and you have to be willing to pay up.


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6 hours ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

For all Canadian gamers, I have CAD prices;

3 Orbs = $2.79 ($0.93CAD/Orb)

10 Orbs = $8.49 ($0.85CAD/Orb)

23 Orbs = $17.99 ($0.78CAD/Orb)

35 Orbs = $27.99 ($0.80CAD/Orb)

48 Orbs = $36.99 ($0.77CAD/Orb)

75 Orbs = $54.99 ($0.73CAD/Orb) <--- best deal for Canadian gamers ATM

140 Orbs = $104.99 ($0.75CAD/Orb)

I'm not sure if they are subject to change, considering how the Canadian dollar fluctuates.

Currently $1 CAD = approx. .76 US

Wow ... I am free to play. But this is plain awful.

If Canadian best deal is 75... So is American.

The number here doesnt make sense at all.

Edited by Ryuke
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