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EiMM: SF Warriors - Game Over, congrats to Kinumi, Gaius and Sylveon


When should game start? (Multiple choice)  

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  1. 1. When should game start? (Multiple Choice)

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Once again only two people have died because it was a no lynch. Votals are

Pisces: Sylveon, Jiac, Zeonth

Cherry: Einto, Kinumi

Sadly Steele didn't make it through this near deathless night.


Dear Paperblade/Steele, you are Saul Goodman. A down on his luck lawyer that tries his hardest yet often finds himself in a pinch. Your ideas are constantly undermined by others, whether it's your brother or the wife of the meth cooking sociopath, noone can give you a break. Well regardless of what they think, you are experienced and have a lot of connections, making you a lot more competent than that ad may make you seem.

The amount of times Heisenberg has threatened you and you convinced him otherwise shows a clever resilience and negotiating skills. If you are put up for a lynch, you will visit everyone that is voting you and convince them to stop doing so, if possible.

You have two henchman that you can command by responding Sending Henchman <1> to persuade <User> to vote for <Alias> to this role pm. That <user> will then be forced to vote for <alias> the next night on pain of assault.
If you haven't been put up for the lynch that night, then you may Grovel to <alias>, persuading them to not shoot you if they were going to do so.
You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory

Paperblade the Lynch Controller couldn't keep begging for his life any longer. #PoorSaul

Lilliput Wrym finally got what was coming to them, poor thing.

Dear Faerie Knight/Lilliput Wrym, you are Fae, from Fire emblem. You are a little girl and one of the last surviving pure dragons after their war with humanity. Despite your looks you are actually over a hundred years old, giving Japan an excuse to fetishize you. Good job Japan, thanks for your tireless work at helping to create what is borderline child porn. Nowi be praised.
Because of how cute you are, the strongest vote made against you each night will be nullified.
Each night, you may Home-sit for <alias> while they are away. You will go home-sit for <alias> causing any actions taken at you to fail, but making it so that any actions that target <alias> will target you as well! because you are performing a favour for <alias> they will not hurt you in any way for visiting them, though they themselves may receive a benefit for you visiting them.

You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory.

Faerie Knight the Loved Hider, could hide no more. #WaifuIsDead

another exciting night filled with death and destruction, clearly. To add insult to injury on this lack of death, a new alias has appeared on the scene! It is the one and only Rasputin! Will his/her dick be big enough to lead them to victory? 

~It Is now Night 6, which will end 2 AM GMT 27/02/2017.~

Edited by kirsche
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Digital learnt that analog was better the hard way.


Dear Clarinets/Digital, you are Tiki from shadow dragon (not awakening). A very powerful divine dragon, you had to be put to sleep when it was discovered that the dragons were all going mad, lest the planet face your wrath. Nonetheless you are kind and cherrful, even to your bodyguards who are responsible in varying degrees for your slumber.

You start the game asleep, and can only be awoken/kept awake if you are shot once or visited by two people each night. Each night you are asleep you will be unable to vote, use items or shoot, but will be able to talk. Nonetheless your strength as a dragon will be present while you sluber, meaning it will take two shots to damage you once, four to damage you twice etc.


If you are awake, whomever you damage will be hooked for that night and voteblocked the following.

You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory.

Clarinets the ResidentSleeper has been lynched. At least he got to wake up and do stuff before he died.

Cherry found that impersonating the host doesn't usually end well.

Dear Einto/Cherry, you are Sayaka from Keijo!!!!!!!! Your breast size is about 3-4 sizes smaller than everyone else's at what appears to be a solid C cup, causing you to be quiet and bashful about their size. However, you certainly aren't bashful about using them in battle. Your main use of combat is your Butt, which you can propel forwards as ludicrous speeds (not that I'm complaining mind).
Every night you will Stimulate your breasts and thanks to your training in Judo, any actions (including shots) taken against you by anyone you target that night will fail and anyone caught in this will lose a BPV if they have any.
Also every night you may Invite alias1 and alias2 to a race!!!! and participate in a Keijo practice race with these two aliases and your good friend and practice partner ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Nozomi. Your honour as a Judo master means that you won't be able to target either with your shot that night though.
Once per game, you may Give yourself a Wedgie and become super fast, allowing you to use whatever actions (inc. shots) you have twice. However, the night afterwards you will be unable to play Keijo because you will be too tired.
You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory.

Einto the JudoMaster couldn't move her butt fast enough to dodge those bullets.

Bibimbap was trapped in Ice, despite their character being much too strong for that.

Dear Jiac/Bibimbap, you are Dormmamu. You are an extradimensional being with immense power, to the point where you have enslaved everyone in your dimension to worship you as a god. You are what we in the roleplay business call OP: you can teleport, warp space, change size and many, many other ridiculous powers which makes fighting you nearly impossible. Dr. Strange still made you retreat though hah.
Each night, you may Warp space around <alias1 and <alias2> so they also visit <alias3> and <alias4>. You will make it so that <alias1> and <alias2> will target <alias3> and <alias4>, respectively, with any targetting non-killing abilities that they have in addition to what they would have done with their role that night. This will count as you visiting <alias1> and <alias2> only.

You win when you are one of the last three people alive or eligible for victory.

Jiac the Reality Warper decided winning was too much of a pain so gave up and went somewhere else. Then they died. Hah.

~Night 7 Has begun. Bets are closed because the winners are almost certainly decided. Phase end 2AM GMT 28/02/2017.~

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So, do I have the logs for you all. LG is a scumbag. He's a liar and a traitor and I will expose everything he's done for your viewing pleasure. And spend all of this game paying him back for what he did to Emily and to everyone else.


##Vote Delusion

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