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Build your 6* Hero


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It's quite possible that eventually, IS will release 6* versions of Heroes, which we will either be able to pull or upgrade into (at great cost). I'm thinking that the 6*s will be the promoted versions of Heroes, with stronger versions of their final weapons (or actual final weapons, in the case of say Chrom or Corrin). They might also have a skill in every single slot, like the enemies in the last level of Training Tower.

So, what would you want your 6* Hero to be like?

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I want Thany to be able to gain access to the skill Galeforce, and all that jaz, But having Fae get a skill to do 50% damage to magic resistance would be super swell.

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2 hours ago, BANRYU said:

TBH I think this is a lot to presume without much basis or evidence. Would that not also devalue the 5*s that people have as well?

My basis is... Every gasha game ever. Gotta keep da money rollin.

Cards, characters, etc. etc. always devalue over time in gasha games, because newer stuff will always be stronger or more useful in at least one way. If they want to keep the game fresh, it's sad, but inevitable.

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29 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Hmm. Perhaps. I'd like to hope it won't happen for a while at least, haha =3=

The game just came out, so don't worry about that. Worry more about 'power creep' 5 stars instead of 6 stars being added anytime soon xD.

If they do add 6* units, I'm guessing they would just add a few stats, and possibly some skills that the character is missing still. (Most characters have two out of three A, B and C skills and either an active Skill (Shove, etc.) or a time-based skill (Astra and such), so 6* promotion might fill in these openings.)

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i´m 99,9% sure that they will not add a 6* pool...Because this is a gacha game at the end of the day, and even with all the addict scam...They usually have rules to not fuck the whales. =S

For sure they will add heroes after heroes, new mods and events...and then the crossover with other franchises start...mobile/gacha games are kind of predictable /o/

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2 hours ago, Eilanzer said:

i´m 99,9% sure that they will not add a 6* pool...Because this is a gacha game at the end of the day, and even with all the addict scam...They usually have rules to not fuck the whales. =S

For sure they will add heroes after heroes, new mods and events...and then the crossover with other franchises start...mobile/gacha games are kind of predictable /o/

A lot of gacha games actually do raise the star count (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Tales of Link comes to mind), but only after a year or two does it start being implemented.

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I rather have alternative advancement for 5* heroes instead of raising the star level.

1. Level Cap Break (Break the Level Cap by increments of 5 through a special item!)
2. SP Usage (Give me more skills and stuff to be at 5* ranking, providing more options to characters.)

I really do not want to see 6* or higher heroes, that will just make the current "grind to endgame" even worse than it already is.

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25 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

We don't even know what the max stat caps of any Heroes are yet!

There is no 'real' stat caps of heroes. Each hero has predetermined stats with mostly one boon and bane (meaning +3/4 and -3/4 to a stat). On top of that your unit can have +4 in a stat if you merge it 10 times with a duplicate. You can consider that the 'stat cap' of a hero.

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