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Official art for Ephraim, Eirika, Seliph, and Deirdre.


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Just now, Glaceon Mage said:

It was worldwide.  The results were first announced on a Japanese twitter.

Truly? Then someone please explain to me how Roy made #2. He didn't even crack top 10 for Japan's top 10 Fire Emblem characters whenever that was released... casual Smash fans takeover?

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Just now, Iris said:

Truly? Then someone please explain to me how Roy made #2. He didn't even crack top 10 for Japan's top 10 Fire Emblem characters whenever that was released... casual Smash fans takeover?

I genuinely like Roy, he's my favorite lord (tied with Micaiah), but the likely answer is Smash yes.

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6 minutes ago, Iris said:

I try not to make assumptions without basis, but I'm guessing Jugdral is fairly popular in Japan? And I assume nearly all of the programming work / art work is done in Japan, that they're appealing to the Japanese fan base first and foremost? Again, no statistics for this, but I would think the Japanese market is also paying more money to Nintendo on this game as well. From what I understand about the Heroes popularity poll, it was a US thing only. I wonder how the poll would have fared in Japan, where they've actually had ~legal~ access to games not released in the US. Also, how did Roy place #2 in our poll? Did Smash players hijack the polls, or something? I've always had the impression that Roy was one of the least popular Lords...

Anyways, there are clear similarities in desires between US and Japan's character wants... Ike is definitely the most wanted character on both ends, though. I'm assuming they're saving him for a bigger event, or to make more money and such... or maybe they don't want to introduce the most popular sooner rather than later, because they want people to keep playing... I wouldn't be surprised if we saw the Gaiden characters before Tellius, because of the Japanese release date in a few months.

I had the impression that Roy was unpopular outside of Smash too. But maybe a lot of Smash players also play FE, I dunno. Also, the poll was worldwide. And there's absolutely no reason for Japan to be excluded from it anyway.

If Ike gets a bigger event to himself, I wouldn't complain. <3 He does appear to be the most popular character period if his combined votes are anything to go by! And he's my favorite no question. <3 A bit disappointing that RD Ike is the less popular design of the two Ikes, but it's still the lovable Ike either way!

I wouldn't be surprised if Gaiden came before Tellius too due to Echoes, yeah...

Edited by Anacybele
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11 minutes ago, Deva Ashera said:

Do we know if we'll only be having only a single new banner? I was under the impression we'd be seeing 2 new focus banners each time.

There is no confirmation, however most gacha games I play do a new banner each week. In some cases like holidays or special celebrations, they might introduce another. I think the two focus banners today were put out to celebrate the release of the game as a special occasion. With that said, we don't really know the standard yet. I'm personally guessing it'll be four new characters each week, with a focus banners containing lords from the games until they start doing banners for particular games focusing on just FE1, 2, 3, etc.

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38 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

You don't exactly need to play FE to vote for Roy in some silly poll that Roy is in if you just stumble upon it anyway.

Technically no, but why would someone who's not playing FE or interested in FE Heroes want to vote in the poll? And even if a few people did just decide they felt like voting in a poll for a game they have no interest in, I'm pretty sure the majority of voters are FE players.

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The art looks nice and I'm personally super excited for Judgral, in particular, if it's more than the lords that will be included. I wonder if Seliph/the twins will get a horse like Eliwood does, since it's in their final class?

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2 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

The art looks nice and I'm personally super excited for Judgral, in particular, if it's more than the lords that will be included. I wonder if Seliph/the twins will get a horse like Eliwood does, since it's in their final class?

Ephraim might, as he was a Great Knight in the Awakening DLC, whereas whenever Eirika was an enemy, she was a Swordmaster. Would be nice to have them on horse units, because they'd probably be the only horse units I want to use.

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^^ I looked up what the character's classes were in FE: Awakening Spotpass. I'll be kind of annoyed if Ephraim comes mounted and Eirika doesn't, though.

In addition to what Koen said, Seliph was a Swordsmaster and Eliwood was a Paladin. I'm not sure about the twins, but I have a feeling they'll keep Seliph without a mount. Remember Seliph was the only character in Genealogy that could dismount!! So Kaga could be assured the teenage girls would still like him.

Hi Lumi.

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Nice that we're getting more characters so soon. Can't wait to hear Ephraim say "I don't pick fights I cannot win!"

So thus far, in terms of the individual worlds we have the World of Mystery, World of Binding, World of Blazing, World of Awakening, World of Birthright, and World of Conquest. Once the rest come around, I assume their worlds will be named as follows, since they've been using game titles for them:

  • World of Gaiden/World of Echoes/World of Valentia (hard to say at this point)
  • World of Genealogy
  • World of Thracia
  • World of Sacred Stones
  • World of Radiance
  • World of Dawn
  • World of TearRing :P:


2 hours ago, Koen said:

Ephraim might, as he was a Great Knight in the Awakening DLC, whereas whenever Eirika was an enemy, she was a Swordmaster. Would be nice to have them on horse units, because they'd probably be the only horse units I want to use.

I'd prefer Ephraim stay on foot, simply because he's the only lord to exclusively wield lances on foot.

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The twins look fantastic!! I love it!

Seliph and Julia look good too for what I can see, but I like the twins art more... That maybe is just because of my bias for Magvel

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3 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

EPHRAIM I NEED YOU in more ways than one

...but, he'll probably be in another focus group as a 5 star focus character, which means there is practically 0 chance I will draw him.

Look at this this way - you're getting all of your bad luck out now, so you'll pull Ephraim on your first shot~!

Or, that's how I justify my pulls.  I don't care where on the tier list Seliph is, nor do i care that he's going to be Swordie the Millionth.  I'll take him~!

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11 minutes ago, The Geek said:

Uh, isn't that the FE Cipher logo in the bottom left corner?  Wouldn't that mean these are Cipher cards, not FE Heroes designs?

Dat Eirika is 10/10, tho.

They were shown on the Cipher stream, so it makes sense for the Cipher logo to be there. Didn't the JP twitter also confirm that those four will join the Heroes cast?

That Eirika indeed.

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Was excited as hell when I saw them during the stream, and while Seliph is nice, Ephraim and Eirika are the best IMO. Thanks to the size I have the impression that Julia looks stoned, otherwise she's pretty it's Julia after all

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11 hours ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

I'd prefer Ephraim stay on foot, simply because he's the only lord to exclusively wield lances on foot.

Not anymore. Sharena, dude. :P

I hope Tellius isn't the last world to be added. I mean, I know there's the whole "save the best for last" thing, I guess, but that's quite a long wait for who's probably the most popular character period (Ike) and some more of the cast. :(

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7 hours ago, The Geek said:

Uh, isn't that the FE Cipher logo in the bottom left corner?  Wouldn't that mean these are Cipher cards, not FE Heroes designs?

Dat Eirika is 10/10, tho.

Look at the arrows. They are from Heroes.

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Holy crap yes! I NEED Sacred Stones characters! All the designs look great, but that Ephraim is amazing. I was hoping he and Eirika would be in the game at launch, since they were pretty high in the mid-vote rankings, but having to wait a little while doesn't hurt. I'll be saving my orbs now, that's for sure.

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14 hours ago, eclipse said:

Look at this this way - you're getting all of your bad luck out now, so you'll pull Ephraim on your first shot~!

Or, that's how I justify my pulls.  I don't care where on the tier list Seliph is, nor do i care that he's going to be Swordie the Millionth.  I'll take him~!

LOLOL that's what I tell myself ;): ...except I have like no orbs left T_T I SPENT THEM ALL TRYING TO GET 5 STAR HEROES FROM THE LEGENDARY HEROES FOCUS lolol.  It's okay, I'll work on grinding units until the next update is released so I can pounce on that stuff when it finally comes out haha

I think I missed it, but is there any indication as to when the next batch of heroes containing the 4 peeps will be released? Was it already released in Japan or something? :O

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Just now, mewyeon said:

LOLOL that's what I tell myself ;):

I think I missed it, but is there any indication as to when the next batch of heroes containing the 4 peeps will be released? Was it already released in Japan or something? :O

Current banner's set to run out on Valentine's Day.

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I'm hyped for the twins; they look great!


8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Not anymore. Sharena, dude. :P

I hope Tellius isn't the last world to be added. I mean, I know there's the whole "save the best for last" thing, I guess, but that's quite a long wait for who's probably the most popular character period (Ike) and some more of the cast. :(

Be patient; these games string content along; they're not going to release all the popular characters at once! Just be thankful that your favourite character is a 100%, absolute lock to be in the game, and a 99% guarantee to be extremely powerful too, given the obvious correlation between popularity and power so far. Not all of us are so lucky!

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1 hour ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

Be patient; these games string content along; they're not going to release all the popular characters at once! Just be thankful that your favourite character is a 100%, absolute lock to be in the game, and a 99% guarantee to be extremely powerful too, given the obvious correlation between popularity and power so far. Not all of us are so lucky!

Yeah, I know. It's just hard to wait and then even after Ike is added, who knows how long it'll take me to be lucky enough to pull him. xP

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Im wondering, with only showing 4 characters, would this mean we are ONLY getting a focus summon of them and not a chapter around them yet? cause they would need more characters from the games before they add some chapters. or is the other units just hidden for now to not show who will be showing up during the chapters?

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