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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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57 minutes ago, Othin said:

I expected replacing Sharena with Reinhardt on my arena team to increase scores because of his higher-point skills, but it actually seems to have decreased it.

Reinhardt: Dire Thunder (400), Draw Back (150), Blazing Thunder (300), Death Blow 2 (100), Vantage 3 (200), Goad Cavalry (200)

Sharena: Fensalir (400), Draw Back (150), Bonfire (200), Speed +3 (120), Vantage 2 (100), Spur Atk 3 (200)

Does anyone know why?

How many matches did you make? It's sometimes happening that you get a bad roll or maybe it could help, how much points you are losing. Im pretty sure i gained more points for using expensive skills. Then im not sure if skills that are not fully skilled influcence the outcome of points, because im only using full skilled units. About cavalry units and mages getting more bonus cause low BST would be new for me. I know rating doesn't really affect anymore, but it's the first time i heard something like that. Tomorrow im gonna test, if its something true about it.

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1 hour ago, Exoplayer said:

How many matches did you make? It's sometimes happening that you get a bad roll or maybe it could help, how much points you are losing. Im pretty sure i gained more points for using expensive skills. Then im not sure if skills that are not fully skilled influcence the outcome of points, because im only using full skilled units. About cavalry units and mages getting more bonus cause low BST would be new for me. I know rating doesn't really affect anymore, but it's the first time i heard something like that. Tomorrow im gonna test, if its something true about it.

Her BST is higher tho no ?


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I actually experiement this a bit. Sometime i equip arther with bonfire i got better match up all of the sudden . Super wierd.... 

and about the confusion it might be something to do with total number of sp u spend in ur char aswell. Sometime ppl say that the character they spend more sp with get them better match up. I am not 100 percent sure tho . 

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Now that you are saying that, recently i put Sharena Hone Atk 3, because i was unsatisfied with Fortify Def and Threaten Spd and got some matchup with 2 points more. But still i think it's doubtful, because i spent only on Ogma already more than 3k sp, which is in my opinion a high benchmark. I have the theory that, inherited skills weight a bit better than default skills, still i didn't test it. 

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4 hours ago, Othin said:

That's the thing, I expected that to cancel things out so only skills would be relevant. Sharena has rating 177 while Reinhardt has 149, but removing their skills makes Sharena 158 and Reinhardt 144. If it's true that mounted units get the equivalent of +10 rating and ranged units get +5, that should make it about even between them on that count, making no apparent reason for Sharena to score more.

What are you using to test your rating? The arena picks an opponent within a 10-point spread with the bonus hero bonus (for example, my armor team is 704-714) so perhaps you just got matched at opposite ends of the range?.

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After my first horrible, horrible experience with the Arena this week, I managed to do two full runs and improved my score on the second.

Now I'm sitting at 4,622 points, using Ryoma, Ephraim, Nino, and 4* Anna. Provided my ranking updated itself immediately, I'm currently slated for a promotion to Tier 16. Current ranking is 28,264. Thing is, I expect to fall out of that range. I haven't done a Deathless yet, and with the Voting Gauntlet going on and the Arena quests, I'm sure plenty are spamming the Arena for the time being.

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Update for 5006 (Tier 15):

  • 1am PDT 5/9: 21
  • 4:50 pm PDT 5/10: 177
  • 4:50 pm PDT 5/11: 215
  • 4:40 pm PDT 5/12: 238
  • 3:05 pm PDT 5/13: 253
  • 5:40 pm PDT 5/14: 275

A little late today, I got a bit sidetracked. Def score is now 582.

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I finally got a defense win! Granted I didn't have a bonus character...but 500 feathers is better than no feathers. It also bodes well for next season's defense team:
5* Xander, 5* Azura, 5* Hector, and 5* M. Robin. My score hasn't changed from 4702, but I'm hoping to get one more run in as I try to finish off the flag quests. So far I can still promote to tier 16.... I've got my fingers crossed!

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It looks like I'll finish with a score of 4814, rank 3635 for the week.  I kinda don't like the tier system, since I don't really like being competitive, but I guess I'll have to.

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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

It looks like I'll finish with a score of 4814, rank 3635 for the week.  I kinda don't like the tier system, since I don't really like being competitive, but I guess I'll have to.

The rank system it replaced was just as competitive. Was that one fine with you?

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

The rank system it replaced was just as competitive. Was that one fine with you?

Each week reset, and there were no lasting penalties if you did poorly any given week.

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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Each week reset, and there were no lasting penalties if you did poorly any given week.

That's fair.

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Tier 15 score of 4812 (no surrenders; 688, 688, 688, 684, 686, 690, 688):

  • May 10 7:00 PM PT - #1827
  • May 11 9:30 AM PT - #2400
  • May 11 3:00 PM PT - #2461
  • May 12 3:00 PM PT - #3051
  • May 13 2:00 PM PT - #3496
  • May 15 2:00 AM PT - #3933


Tier 15 score of 481 (no surrenders; 694, 688, 686, 684 694, 686, 684):

  • May 15 2:00 AM PT - #3499


Got a very slight improvement while just grinding out the quests for flag drops. Was kind of skeptical of any chance for improvement and was mostly just not caring, but I guess a couple 684s can't hinder 69x too much. Could've rerolled to bump it a little, but I didn't really see the point. Used the same team.

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First deathless run ! Got a score of 4796. Ranked 6008 (Tier 15).


Team :

  • M!Robin 5* [+Spd / -Def] (Blarraven+ | Bonfire | Swap | TA3 | QR2 | Spur Def 3 | None)
  • Alm +1 5* [+Spd / -Def] (Falchion | Draconic Aura | Ardent Sacrifice | Darting Blow 3 | Renewal 2 | None | Speed+1)
  • Hana 5* [Neutral] (Brave Sword+ | Escutscheon | Rally Atk | L&D3 | Vantage 2 | Spur Spd 2 | Atk+1)
  • Michalis 5* [Neutral] (Hauteclere | Bonfire | Reposition | Fury 3 | QR2 | Threaten Def 3 | HP+3)

Pretty good runs. And encounter a full Dragon team once.

Edited by Ledrert
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So, after fishing for opponents with a higher reward, I managed to get a score of 4794, which currently ranks me at 6,296 in tier 15. This should allow me to move up to tier 17.

My team was Hector, Ike, Reinhard and M!Corrin. Corrin's only role was reposition support and raising my rating, so it should be fine if I replace him with Alphonse next week (since I'll give Alphonse reposition). The real challenge is staying in tier 17 next week, since my current score will only barely allow me to advance. Guess I'll have to hope not evryone has a 5-star bonus character prepared for next week or something.


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Pretty sure to be moving up to Tier 11 tomorrow. Here's to the last time I'll be able to get high-ish scores lol

Tier 9: Score: 4690 l Rank: 517 l Defence:  554

Team was 5* Jeorge, (Lv 33)4*Clarine, 5* Eldigan and 5* Reinhardt. 

Hopefully within a couple seasons I can start fighting to stay up on the Tier 14 ~ 16 range.

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Can all the tripple Nowi teams please bugger off. My one character that can sort of handle one of them cannot handle two let alone 3.


EDit: Are the enemies you face based just on rarity and not on skill inherritance? Because I face full inherited teams with my fresh 5* units. If so I could do better with a full 4* team with no losses then my current team which risks losing and even if I win it's over half the time with at least a single casulty.

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My Score: 4854 Tier 14

Rank: 344 at 3:40 pm UTC+2

Defense: 590

Well that's the best score i ever got, so im not complaining. Are Tier 15 people btw got better rewards than me? Would be somewhat demovating, because i already reach the highest reward as Tier 14 with 3 orbs and 1700 feathers. 

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32 minutes ago, Exoplayer said:

Are Tier 15 people btw got better rewards than me? Would be somewhat demovating, because i already reach the highest reward as Tier 14 with 3 orbs and 1700 feathers. 

yes. +100 feathers

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59 minutes ago, Exoplayer said:

My Score: 4854 Tier 14

Rank: 344 at 3:40 pm UTC+2

Defense: 590

Well that's the best score i ever got, so im not complaining. Are Tier 15 people btw got better rewards than me? Would be somewhat demovating, because i already reach the highest reward as Tier 14 with 3 orbs and 1700 feathers. 

Actually, Tier 15 has the same max rewards as 14 as this tier lacks a +3 tier rank up. However, because of this, it's much easier to reach the 1.7k feathers threshold in tier 15.

For comparison, the cutoff for tier 15 is rank 6k+ while tier 14's cutoff is 2k+

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