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Arena Duel - Season Bonus Heroes


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I'm just confused by Odin and Catria being featured fighters... like, all the others I get, but... why them....?? I don't have a problem with it I'm just confused...

Fortunately I've got a passable 4* Robin, plus Marth and Serra to help babysit Narcian so I've been kind of coasting by with Narcian just hanging out lmao.

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50 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

Well replacing Narcian won't do me any good the entire point of this exercise is to get Odin and Narcian on the same team if I'm doing just one of them it is going to be Narcian as he actually slots pretty nicely into my current team. 

But yeah I hope Odin attack gets better but at the moment it's so bad that I'm not sure he can kill anything in the arena. Odin's main gimmick are that he's not super squishy for Mage therefore defiant attack will actually activate, but he mainly suppose to counter the highly uncommon red mage. Currently my only hope for sloting Odin and Narcian into my team is to abuse the ever loving crap out of Savage Blow as that should put Kagero in killing range as Odin can only replace Sharena meaning I have to live without boosts. 

I suppose there is one other solution I could put Lilina back on the team (Lilina used to take Sharena's spot) and have her replace Marth as Kagero is a good dragon counter (just not as good as Marth) the problem with that though is Hector (in all truth this is the real reason for Marth's place on the team, i have no idea if Narcian can I actually hurt him enough, he needs at least get him halfway so Lilina can finish him off). To recap the this team would be 4* Narcian, 4* Odin, 4* Lilina, 5* Kagero.

In the end no matter of the composition Odin and will add nothing to it as his niche is an incredibly rare in the arena (and I have Kagero which destroys all mages and foot unit general), and Robin and Linde severely out class him. So in the end I may be stuck just running Narcian do to how bad Odin is.

Edit: I could also just lose Kagero and make the Team 5* Marth, 5* Lyn, 4* Narcian, 4* Odin. Marth and Lyn can counter Takumi by working together and since he is no longer a bonus unit I shouldn't see as many multiples of him which is the main place where their tagteam struggles. I actually might end up going with this team now that I think about it as much as I love Kagero she needs set up to do anything.

Kagero over Odin... Switch Narcian with Odin .... only if you see no luck with Narcian. The reason I say Odin is because almost everyone has run at least 1 red infantry... (Note: I met a team of all blue... I had Blue CorrinF(4)/Green Raven(5)/Red Tharja(5) to stop them... it worked)

36 minutes ago, eclipse said:

When the arena season changed, I had a level 39 4* Odin.  Olivia's a mainstay on my team.

I'm enjoying this season greatly.  If Donnel ever becomes a bonus character. . .tee-hee~!

Then all my stamina pot go to him... idk about 4* though

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I gotta say: having Camilla trained me on how to use Narcian. Basically, he's hiding on the map. The key difference is that Camilla did have some contribution every once in a while. It's the same case for Narcian except he has less stats (being a 4* instead of 5*) and less usability since lances aren't as common and he doesn't have Brave Axe. I haven't given him the Emerald Axe just in case.

Pretty sure I'll be able to get a high score come the second or third runs. Now that we know how bonus characters work, it's a lot more doable for me. Replacing Narcian for Camilla didn't knock my average score much (630 score a match roughly). I'm still competent enough for a 3v4 encounter.

You know? If anything, my team hasn't changed. I'll probably be able to earn back the 2K feathers I spent on Narcian--and now I know how he works. Less useful than Camilla but eh. That's to be expected.

Edited by Dual Dragons
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7 hours ago, eclipse said:

When the arena season changed, I had a level 39 4* Odin.  Olivia's a mainstay on my team.

I'm enjoying this season greatly.  If Donnel ever becomes a bonus character. . .tee-hee~!

I'm enjoying this season a lot too, scored my personal best at 4582 yesterday.

I did get filthy lucky with a +Spd Julia pull though

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5 hours ago, Silith13 said:

I love the lack of Takumi suddenly.


I'd say the same, except I had a record streak interrupted by a random team of Camilla & Takumi x3

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26 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

Eh, Takumi's still here. I just faced a Takugeddon (3 Takumi + Lucina :blink:), whereas I finally had a good streak with 5 perfect Advanced victories. Damn.

I wonder, why Odin ? He doesn't even has a 5* version.

Maybe it's to encourage people to lay off of 5* units?

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13 hours ago, Ryuke said:

Kagero over Odin... Switch Narcian with Odin .... only if you see no luck with Narcian. The reason I say Odin is because almost everyone has run at least 1 red infantry... (Note: I met a team of all blue... I had Blue CorrinF(4)/Green Raven(5)/Red Tharja(5) to stop them... it worked)

Then all my stamina pot go to him... idk about 4* though

Okay I get it what where saying Odin could be a back up if Narcian get screwed, as it stands though I actually don't need any blue units I can reliably kill all red units (unless Xander is as OP as he is in the campaign when he's released) with Marth and Kagero, Sharena entire existence up to this point was for bonus points and to be a rally bot but I actually was going to replace her to begin with because she's not useful as she has to waste her turn to buff and often gets doubled by sword units of all things at 4*. I'm replacing her with my 4* Olivia who I forgot can buff attack and never thought a pair of Kagero for whatever inexplicable reason it would have really helped me last season can't believe I didn't think of using her because she fixes a large number of Kagero's weaknesses (which is that she has to put herself in danger to kill people as she has no enemy phase).

Narcian does actually fit a very important niche for me as my current teams main counters are Lance wielding Horse/Flying/Armors units. Kagero has zero problems killing the Horseback magic units thanks to Warding Blow  and since there are no blue horseback units available to players Marth also gets them. It's just the Lance welders that give me issues.  The biggest problem with Odin is he hasn't a chance in heck against Lance wielding flying units the attack is already low he won't do any damage.  I just can't really imagine the situation were Odin would ever be more valuable than Narcian his levels been bad at all he is not the best unit but he should fill is Niche which is the only thing I need him to do as long as he kills at least stalls Cordelia, Able, and Effie i'm happy. If he's able to kill I might consider actually upgrading him just because this is a niche I desperately need, a killer non foot Lances. Of course once I do that I'll probably finally pull a Merric which is what I really want. 

I am training both though and I'm going to attempt to chain through the arena this team first, 5* Marth, 4* Narcian, 4* Olivia, 5* Kagero.  

Then I'll try this team 5* Marth, 5* Lyn, 4* Odin, 4* Narcian, I mean it when I say Kagero is pretty much worthless without a booster and short of me discovering that 4* Alfonse is not crap I don't see what other combinations I could do. This team should be able to kill most things, Linde, Takumi and Robin are still annoying with this team hopefully Odin can help... but I can handle them, the only thing this team can't handle is 3+ Takumi's it can handle two max and I still might get a death. Lances shouldn't be a problem if Narcian can kill even if it takes a tagteam with Odin, if he can't this entire team is bust and I'm stuck with doing team one. But I will be running though team one first so so I'll know ahead of time whether or not it's possible. 

Honestly this is not all directed at you just my stream of thought as I've been trying to figure out what I want my new team to be... 

Edited by Locke087
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Odin is comparable to Nino. Neither are amazing unless you're bringing buffs and Odin also wants to take a hit first, though luckily he can especially if one of your buffers is giving defense--no red sword should be able to kill him from full, so he can bait them into powering him up as it were. Nino has more utility since she can buff and drawback is super useful, but Odin has more damage in the end and being able to bait can be useful.

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1 hour ago, lysander said:

Odin is comparable to Nino. Neither are amazing unless you're bringing buffs and Odin also wants to take a hit first, though luckily he can especially if one of your buffers is giving defense--no red sword should be able to kill him from full, so he can bait them into powering him up as it were. Nino has more utility since she can buff and drawback is super useful, but Odin has more damage in the end and being able to bait can be useful.

Actually Nino quite good especially at 5* (even at 4* she's pretty good) most Tier Lists put her at A rank while is Odin is at C. This for a couple reasons A. Nino has really good utility, Odin has literally zero all his moves are all self boosting. B. Nino has a far higher attack (read 10 points on average higher, even with defiant attack he can't match her base attack, that's a problem, my Healers do more damage than he does) and speed stat she has a lower defense stat but what would you need that for that's not her job. 

Difference im trying to point out here is Nino needs boosts to be a God, Odin needs a boosts to do anything at all... They both have a similar weapon yes but the problem is that  Odin's attack stat is just too low to be competitive in the arena in my experience. 

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