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Do you think Nintendo will release more to the story soon?

Big Smoke

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19 hours ago, Big Smoke said:

Haha. Shameless promotion, and it works. Without it we wouldn't even have fire emblem here in the west.


It's weird to think that smash bros has contributed to the revival and expansion of so many series. Fire emblem being brought western, Kid Icarus seeing resurgence, etc.

Weird, yeah, but it's nice tho. I've rather enjoyed every Fire Emblem I played, Kid Icarus Uprising was quite fun once I adjusted the controls to my liking, Sin and Punishment (got an assist trophy) is a fun shooter (and some day I will find the sequel), I liked Xenoblade Chronicles (though I still need to finish it some day)... There are quite a few games I would've never gotten into if they hadn't gotten some kind of Smash representation.
Now if only they could do this with F-Zero... And I kinda wanna see Ice Climber get revived, just to see what they'd do with that.

5 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

I agree that the story seems incomplete. Maybe because we haven't had a dragon/god/dragon-god turn up and take over the antagonist role yet.

On the other hand, I don't expect an extension to the main story - just frequent Paralogues to introduce new units. I'm betting there'll be a Paralogue focusing on all the protagonists of PoR and RD when the time comes.

Nah, they'll add to the main story too. They can't just end on "We repelled an invasion! WOOHOO!" They have to go at least a little further... And have Veronica's role as villain taken over by a dragon-god, haha.

Also they need to add at least a World of Radiance (or whatever they end up calling the Tellius world), a World of Sacred (or World of Stones... Neither of those really sound good to me, but I'm not sure what else they could go with there), a World of Genealogy (with Gen 1 characters), and maybe a World of Revelation (since the Corrins and Azura were nowhere to be seen in the Conquest and Birthright worlds), a Back to Radiance (for RD characters, like Micaiah and RD Ike), a Back to Genealogy (for Gen 2 characters), and possibly a World of Thracia (unless that gets rolled into Back to Genealogy) and Back to Awakening Again (if they add Awakening Gen 2).

Though I wouldn't be surprised if they space out story chapters with Paralogues too. They'll probably have one with all the top 10 from the Choose Your Heroes contest in a Paralogue soon. And probably a PoR/RD Paralogue once Tellius characters start being added, yeah.
And also they'll probably add a world for Gaiden at some point, on top of a Paralogue to promote Echoes. And probably a paralogue to promote Fire Emblem Warriors and FE Switch when those are closer to release.

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I'll be waiting for "Back to Awakening Again" (for Gen 2 characters) to be localized as "Back to the Future!"

...Okay, okay, it's not original and probably not clever as I thought. Still, I wonder if they may add some sort of "Future-Past" thing with Awakening's Gen 2 or if they will simply be a part of the normal Awakening world like the Chrom and Lucina arcs.

If the kids get their own arc, I wonder who will be the "finale boss" since Chrom and Lucina are already used. A part of me would bet on the Awakening Trio (Indigo, Owain, and Severa), unless they go the Villain route and use Old Hubba, Aversa, Validar or someone else instead.

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1 hour ago, Sire said:


I'll be waiting for "Back to Awakening Again" (for Gen 2 characters) to be localized as "Back to the Future!"

...Okay, okay, it's not original and probably not clever as I thought. Still, I wonder if they may add some sort of "Future-Past" thing with Awakening's Gen 2 or if they will simply be a part of the normal Awakening world like the Chrom and Lucina arcs.

If the kids get their own arc, I wonder who will be the "finale boss" since Chrom and Lucina are already used. A part of me would bet on the Awakening Trio (Indigo, Owain, and Severa), unless they go the Villain route and use Old Hubba, Aversa, Validar or someone else instead.

Ah, it makes sense to use the Future Past for the Awakening Gen 2 characters. Dunno how I forgot about that.

As for the final boss, maybe use a recolored Robin as Grima for the Future Past boss? They'd have to give Grima different skills and possibly stats to differentiate her (I'm hoping they'll go with F!Robin for Grima) from Robin, but that wouldn't be too difficult, I don't think. In fact, I'll give it a shot right now:

Grima could be considered a dragon (so the Falchions are effective against her, like Chrom's Exalted Falchion was in Awakening; this also makes Julia's Naga tome deal effective damage, but that's okay) with Red Breath (though, instead of having Grima transform into a dragon, just have Grima's dragon-head show up behind her before combat starts, like the final boss fight of Awakening) and Fire Breath / Fire Breath+ / Dark Breath / Expiration (Grima's weapon from the Awakening boss fight: 16 MT | Range: 1 | Cooldown -1 [was going to give Built-In Distant Counter because Expiration had 5 range in Awakening, but that would probably be too good, so instead I made it so Buckler/Pavise activate more often when you get this weapon]), Buckler/Pavise (Grima had this on higher difficulties in Awakening, so I feel like it would be good to have it here... If nothing else, having a defensive activation skill makes Grima very different from both Robins), DEF +1/2/3 (meant to represent Dragonskin, except it really isn't like that at all, but it's the best I could come up with. Makes Falchions slightly easier to handle, at least), and Threaten SPD (couldn't figure out a good way to simulate Awakening's Anathema skill that Grima has on all difficulties, this is the best I could come up with). Stat-wise, Grima would have high HP (highest stat), ATK and DEF (not quite Armor DEF, but still high), with decent RES (average), but her SPD would be awful (like, Armor awful). Probably would be too good, huh?

And the boss chapter could just be Grima and 3 or 4 soldiers, two of which would just stay next to Grima (who ideally wouldn't move unless you ended a turn with someone in her range or the range of one of her stay-next-to-Grima soldiers): one of these soldiers would have Spur and Rally SPD, the other would have Spur and Rally RES, to cover Grima's weaker stats. Also boss Grima would have Distant Counter and Threaten SPD for skills.

Or they could just reuse Lucina, perhaps with Adult Tiki and 2 or 3 Awakening kids. That would also work.

Or Old Hubba. I always thought that guy was secretly the ultimate evil.

Also, bit off-topic, but do you think they'll add the Awakening Trio with whoever they add from Gen 2? I'm not sure, since their Fates selves are in... But then, we have two different Tikis, so I dunno...

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Hmm, a Grima character... I'll think I'll take a shot at it too, making a Male and Female version of the Fell Dragon. (This is totally getting copied over to my Create-A-Hero Thread)


Title: Fell Dragon
Name: M!Grima
Orb Affinity: Blue Dragon
Starting Star Rank: 5 Star Only

Appearance: A darker version of M!Robin with an evil aura. He "summons" Grima to battle (similar to how Julia's Naga spell works).

HP: Excellent (5)
ATT: Average (3)
SPD: Terrible (1)
DEF: Average (3)
RES: Average (3)

MOV: 2, Infantry

5* Weapon: Expiration (MT 16, Range 1 || After this unit attacks, foes within 2 spaces of target suffer Atk/Spd -5 through their next actions)

Assist Skill: ---

Special Skill: Draconic Gaze (Grants +30% to Atk || Charge Cost: 4)
5* Special Skill: Draconic Aura (Grants +30% to Atk || Charge Cost: 3)

Skill A: Svalinn Shield (Neutralizes “effective against” bonuses)
Skill B: ---
Skill C: Savage Blow 1-3
(If unit initiates attack, foes within 2 spaces of target take [3-7] damage after combat)


I decided to make M!Grima a Blue character since a "Dark Dragon" exists as a Blue by the name of F!Corrin. I also made him a Blue to showcase his superiority and power against the helpless fools who dare to stand up against him (Chrom & Lucina).

As for stats, Grima was technically "average" or "completely maxed out," but for Heroes I decided to make him have a large amount of HP but be really slow. M!Grima represents the large, hulking monstrosity of the Fell Dragon and is meant to be tough to take out.

Grima's signature weapon, Expiration, is essentially an "upgraded version" of F!Corrin's Dark Breath in this particular adaption. It also synergies with M!Grima's tanky nature as well as somewhat symbolizing his Anathema skill from Awakening.

Draconic Aura was used represent Grima's massive power and to showcase Rightful God (Dragonic Gaze -> Draconic Aura = -1 Charge Time). I did not use Ignis as it would have poor Synergy with M!Grima and to differentiate between "normal Robin" and "Grima Robin." I could have used Pavise, but I had a more interesting idea...

What better way to highlight that Grima is a god than to give him the almighty Svalinn Shield? This represents Grima's Dragonskin from Awakening, and personally I also say it counts as his Pavise as well. Grima does not care about Falchion users or even Naga herself. (Sure, this somewhat contrasts with the games, but I think it would be nice to have a Dragon who is actually immune to the Falchion. Say this Grima is one that is at "full power" or something.)

Lastly, I finish off M!Grima's skill set with Savage Blow, to represent the large range he had for Expiration in Awakening.

* * * * *

Title: Fell Dragon
Name: F!Grima
Orb Affinity: Red Dragon
Starting Star Rank: 5 Star Only

Appearance: A darker version of F!Robin with an evil aura. She "summons" Grima to battle (similar to how Julia's Naga spell works).

HP: Average (3)
ATT: Average (3)
SPD: Average (3)
DEF: Average (3)
RES: Average (3)

MOV: 2, Infantry

5* Weapon: Extinction (MT 14, Range 2 || Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this user is attacked.)

Assist Skill: ---

Special Skill: Pavise (Reduces damage inflicted by attacks from adjacent foes by 50% || Charge Cost: 3)

Skill A: ---
Skill B: Renewal 1-3 
(At the start of every [fourth-second] turn, restore 10 HP)
Skill C: Threaten Spd 1-3 (Inflicts Spd -[3-5] on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions at the start of each turn)


F!Grima is a Red Dragon to follow with the current "Dark Magic = Red" categorization. She also have all "balanced stats" to represent that "max capped" nature of Grima.

F!Grima's weapon, Extinction, is different from M!Grima's due to the fact she attacks from range and can counter against melee units. M!Grima focus solely on melee and debuffing his foes. This is also different compared to current Dragons who are solely 1-ranged fighters.

F!Grima keeps Pavise, but loses out on Dragonskin and Rightful God. Instead, "the power here shall renew her" and F!Grima can heal 10HP every second turn when fully upgraded. Once again, Ignis is not used so Grima and Robin are not too similar to each other.

Finally, Anathema is represented here by Threaten SPD.

I personally would probably end up running M!Grima to F!Grima, but both characters have their different niches. M!Grima is a slow juggernaut that can take almost anything and deal massive amounts of damage while F!Grima is a little more rounded in her abilities and can attack from range.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand, I do believe the Awakening Trio will eventually make an appearance. We have two different Tikis (Young and Adult), and there are plenty of other characters who have differing versions of themselves (PoR Sothe vs RD Sothe, Hector in Blazing Sword vs Binding Blade, Marth in Shadow Dragon vs New Mystery, etc.). Tiki was released first because it is obvious that they are different. "Clones" are likely to take lower priority compared to brand new heroes or event characters (Christmas Robin, "Choose Your Legends" Winners, and so on).

As for the next story installment, I can see a "proper expansion" exploring the world of Sacred Stones and Genealogy (with characters from those games being added) or another "Paralogue," perhaps featuring characters from Tellius. I'm personally hoping for an expansion so I can get my hands on some Sacred Stones characters as well as figure out how the Heroes storyline is progressing, but I'll take a Paralogue because it'll likely have Ike and Micaiah (maybe even Elincia) available.

I can see "expansion, paralogue, expansion, paralogue, etc." being the norm for new content, with normal and Grand Hero Battles slowly giving players heroes to mess around with. I wonder what the "5th" icon is for on the Battle Menu and what Voting Gauntlets are.

Edited by Sire
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@SireThat makes sense, on the Awakening Trio. Owain obviously, since he uses a different weapon type from Odin, but Inigo and Severa'll probably get in with different weapons and skillsets too.
And thanks for reminding me of that thread.

And Story Chapters > Paralogue > Story > Paralogue does seem to be a logical method of rolling out new chapters. Hopefully that's what they go with (also hoping we get a Magvel chapter today...). Guess we'll know real soon (you sooner than I, most likely, I need to get some sleep).

And I'm also wondering what that icon on the lower right is supposed to be... And if we'll get new recruitable 1- and 2-Star hero maps.

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