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Future grand hero battle ideas?


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So we know Bosses will appear as grand heroes... but did you notice No one has drawn navaree yet? (dispite being shown in the direct trailer?) and we got a female robin?

I was thinking. aside from bosses. what Normal playable units would appear as grand hero battles in future chapters? Im thinking someone like joshua or innes from sacred stones could be a grand hero, or even Soren and (potentialy) Ikes father Griel.

What are your ideas for grand hero battles? (you dont have to only say bosses)

Edited by Thany
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I've got three off the top of my head, and they all start with 'L': Linus, Lloyd, and Lyon. Would they just be adding to the pile of red swordsman and tome users? Well, yes, (except for Linus, who could go the Raven route and maybe pack a Tomahawk), but I don't particularly care. The Grand Hero Battle seems to be a nice way to give us definite, free alternatives to some of the rare and useful units, and in some cases units who weren't even playable in the main story of their own games. I would love to have a green axe user with even half-decent speed, for example, or a red tome user other than friggin' Henry and Raigh.

Either of the Reed brothers could have a tiny recreation of Linus' map from Blazing Sword (this is personal bias on my part, because I found it much more fun than Lloyd's), and Lyon could use the annoying volcano stage with a bunch of mages and grey units for maximum dickery. Each of the grand hero battles so far have been pretty harsh and required you to endure an initial barrage of mixed damage, but after that you can usually go to work and wreck their extremely front-loaded team. The Lyon battle would likely need healing support to withstand a more staggered, multi-turn barrage to reach your goal, so I don't know if it's in the same spirit as the previous battles, but I'm already tired of the, "Get one of your units ready for a gangbang," approach to strategy from F!Robin and especially Narcian.

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32 minutes ago, Omegaprism said:

I've got three off the top of my head, and they all start with 'L': Linus, Lloyd, and Lyon. Would they just be adding to the pile of red swordsman and tome users? Well, yes, (except for Linus, who could go the Raven route and maybe pack a Tomahawk), but I don't particularly care. The Grand Hero Battle seems to be a nice way to give us definite, free alternatives to some of the rare and useful units, and in some cases units who weren't even playable in the main story of their own games. I would love to have a green axe user with even half-decent speed, for example, or a red tome user other than friggin' Henry and Raigh.

Either of the Reed brothers could have a tiny recreation of Linus' map from Blazing Sword (this is personal bias on my part, because I found it much more fun than Lloyd's), and Lyon could use the annoying volcano stage with a bunch of mages and grey units for maximum dickery. Each of the grand hero battles so far have been pretty harsh and required you to endure an initial barrage of mixed damage, but after that you can usually go to work and wreck their extremely front-loaded team. The Lyon battle would likely need healing support to withstand a more staggered, multi-turn barrage to reach your goal, so I don't know if it's in the same spirit as the previous battles, but I'm already tired of the, "Get one of your units ready for a gangbang," approach to strategy from F!Robin and especially Narcian.

Lyon would definitely be my top choice at the moment.

Either him or the Black Knight.

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19 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

Xander would be nice. But at the same time, I don't think Intelligent Systems is that generous to give us a mounted ranged sword user ^^

Actually, Siegfried's Heroes incarnation already “merely” can counter at range.

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20 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Actually, Siegfried's Heroes incarnation already “merely” can counter at range.

Sorry, I meant, Xander looks amazing, so I'm doubtful IS would give him out for free (via a Grand Hero Battle).

Then again, I can't imagine any other way to add him to the game, unless he's added as a Focus Hero instead.

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Just now, VincentASM said:

Sorry, I meant, Xander looks amazing, so I'm doubtful IS would give him out for free (via a Grand Hero Battle).

Then again, I can't imagine any other way to add him to the game, unless he's added as a Focus Hero instead.

A 6⋆ Grand Grand Grand Grand Hero Battle®©™, where every single enemy is 5⋆ lvl 40+10?

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1. Grima - Give Grima Svallin Shield and be a Blue Dragon to wipe aside pesky Falchion users. Also, the map better be on the back of a flying dragon with Id (Purpose) playing in the background!

2. Black Knight - Take Radiant Dawn's version of his encounter: the team leader 1v1s the Black Knight while the other three handle generics to the south. When the generics are down or the Black Knight is defeated, the way to the other side opens. (If you are a healer or can't damage the Black Knight, you can always run for your life since I think he'll be an Armored unit with a mere 1 Move.)

3. Lyon - Give him monsters (say 2 Wights, an Arch Mogall, and a Draco Zombie), play Land of Promise, and fight on a map based off of his showdown chapter!

4. Nergal - Nergal and his morphs, Dragon's Gate, enough said. Sonia may appear with Nergal or appear with the Black Fang.

5. Sonia - The Black Fang group (Brenden Reed, Lloyd, Linus). I see Lloyd and Linus being recruitable through Focus while I am not sure how Brenden will be handled.

6. Walhart - Fight the Conqueror at his throne, which is the only terrain piece in Heroes that offers bonuses! (+3 DEF & RES, Heal 5 per Turn. Disclaimer: Throne does not exist in Heroes and this is merely a fan idea.)

7. Selena (Sacred Stones) - Give her a 3 Range Tome on that river map of hers so she snipes incoming heroes while her soldiers slow them down.

8. Fargus - Pirates Ahoy!

9. Anthos - He seems like the type of character to be recruited through a Grand Hero Battle. No idea about his map mechanics though.

10. Leila - Make it happen, IS! The Dread Isle map may work well.

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