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Creating allies


Creating units  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like to the idea of creating allies as much as you want in FE?

    • yes
    • no
    • only in a special mode (similar to Phoenix Mode)

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It's an idea I came up in an other thread.

In each base you have the possibility to create one ally (like an avatar). You can choose the class, but it's only allowed to create one unit of each class once at max. You pay the stats in form of money. The costs for the stats rise overproportional to the number of given stats. (like forging in Tellius). The issue is that these created units have no plot and supports in the game.

It's a mechanic I saw in XCOM for the first time, and I have to say I really like it. It moderates the consequences of losing units.

It could work as replacement for Phoenix Mode in the latest parts.

Edited by Magillanica Lou Mayvin
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I think it would be cool. Some people do "all avatar" runs anyway, so it would be even better if you could make the team yourself. I think it would work best if there were a separate mode where all recruited non-story characters were replaced with them. If you would normally get 3 characters in a chapter, you would instead get 3 generics that you could fully customize.

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There's certainly merit in the idea. Though I would suggest creating some sort of limiter so that the units created won't be too overpowered. My personal idea would be to choose between categories. For example hiring a "Volunteer" would cost much less money in exchange for hiring a unit with low bases and terrible growths that's essentially just cannon fodder, while hiring a "Mercenary" would cost significantly more money in exchange for a unit with good bases and growth.

Of course each class would need to have their own base stats and growth so that abominations such as armor knights with high speed and low defense won't be created (though that might be fun in itself).

Additionally, there could also be an option to choose the personality for each created character. Not to give them dialogue in the story or support conversations but rather to simply determine what they say during battle, critical hits, and when leveling up. If not, it could simply determine their expressions on their portraits, just to give them a bit of extra character.

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I think it would be cool. Some people do "all avatar" runs anyway, so it would be even better if you could make the team yourself. I think it would work best if there were a separate mode where all recruited non-story characters were replaced with them. If you would normally get 3 characters in a chapter, you would instead get 3 generics that you could fully customize.

Sounds interesting. However the customized allies shouldn't surpass the stats of the recruitments to make this game easier.


Though I would suggest creating some sort of limiter so that the units created won't be too overpowered. My personal idea would be to choose between categories. For example hiring a "Volunteer" would cost much less money in exchange for hiring a unit with low bases and terrible growths that's essentially just cannon fodder, while hiring a "Mercenary" would cost significantly more money in exchange for a unit with good bases and growth.

Of course each class would need to have their own base stats and growth so that abominations such as armor knights with high speed and low defense won't be created (though that might be fun in itself).

My original idea was that the customized unit has the average stats regarding to its level and class. You have to pay a fixed amount for it. If you want to rise its stats, if you have to pay extra money (as I mentioned in my OP).

The base level of the customized ally rises by one after each chapter. That means they won't be underleveled.

Also I like the idea of creating different types like "canonfodder" units. Since they have worse stats, accordingly they are cheaper.


Additionally, there could also be an option to choose the personality for each created character. Not to give them dialogue in the story or support conversations but rather to simply determine what they say during battle, critical hits, and when leveling up. If not, it could simply determine their expressions on their portraits, just to give them a bit of extra character.

Yeah, I'd second this.



Directly make Fire Emblem Maker is more interesting.

That's what I want the entire time.

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I'd totally be down for an official "Fire Emblem Maker" type thing, but if there was a feature like this in a game that already had its own characters and plot and the like, I wouldn't see myself using it all that much. I'd prefer to use the characters who actually have personality, and dialogue, and supports, and such. I'm the type of person who prefers to use units I like that might not be as good, over units that might be superior but I don't particularly care for, so using characters with no supports or personality is just something I wouldn't do.

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No, the appeal of Fire Emblem, beyond its gameplay, is character and character interactions on the battlefield. 

If you want to play a strategy game with a bunch of customizable Randys, play Final Fantasy Tactics or Xcom or something. Something where the focus isn't on the characters. 

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It would need to be some kind of specialized spinoff in my mind (people keep saying FE Maker and yeah haha I think that'd work), but yeah, I like the idea. Something like Xcom where you make ALL of your units throughout the course of the game could be interesting, where the first character is like a personalized 'lord' or whatever while the rest are picked from the pool of classes or something... I'm imagining a system like the Dragon Vein Points in Fates, where instead of making buildings accruing 1 (or maybe more) of the equivalent currency lets you 'recruit'/make a new unit, where you have a set amount of points to put into base stats and you can adjust the growth rates, etc.

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With regards to attempts to do a Fire Emblem multiplayer I feel this really is the only approach that would allow a fair match up as current multiplayer(which thankfully is secondary) focuses almost entirely on OP broken death machines which feels counter productive to well the series as a whole. 

Having a chosen custom made leader, main squad(Einherjar + trained Generics, temporarily scaled down campaign units)assorted generics (with say point investments towards more levels/skills)

It would be especially useful with regards to generics if they could get assigned traits to make each of them standout better from the rest.

That said the FE maker idea sounds quite interesting especially if monsters return :) The series has had lots of fun mechanics, units, weapons, skills and the like from across the franchise If there was a sandbox where we could mess around with all of that it would be amazing!

(The accuracy modifications based on elevation would be quite nice to see again)

Replicate, Warp, Canto, Lunge Shove Swap Pass Steal Disarm Nihil, Parity, Acrobat, ___ Taker/Galeforce and other on kill skills, Proc Skills, Initiation skills, retaliation skills, aura skills there is so much potential across the games(Just the units and the skills need to be better balanced)

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That’s a really interesting idea that could be a lot of fun, especially if we were given access to more skin colors, hair styles, body types, etc… However, I think it takes away from the interactions the characters have between each other. If there were to be an FE game/mode where this was an option, I think it’d be fun to have the pre-set character personalities/dialogue, but you could customize them to fit your needs.

So for example, you need your starting Jagan. You can choose the appearance, class, boon/bane, gender, maybe something else, but the personality and dialogue is already determined in the game with maybe a few variations here and there. And even then, while this sounds like a lot of fun, having to design a full cast of characters would be a lot of hard work for you and the game designers. And then think about the fights about what is and isn’t “canon.” *shudders*

I ended up voting for a separate mode. I think if you beat the game once and want to mess around with an army of Avatars, that’s fine.

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On 2/28/2017 at 11:22 PM, Slumber said:

No, the appeal of Fire Emblem, beyond its gameplay, is character and character interactions on the battlefield. 

If you want to play a strategy game with a bunch of customizable Randys, play Final Fantasy Tactics or Xcom or something. Something where the focus isn't on the characters. 

This is pretty much my feelings on the matter. Give me a pregenerated cast with diverse personalities, please. This is also why I've never been a fan of reclassing, as I feel part of a unit's personality is contained within their starting class.

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54 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

This is pretty much my feelings on the matter. Give me a pregenerated cast with diverse personalities, please. This is also why I've never been a fan of reclassing, as I feel part of a unit's personality is contained within their starting class.

This is why I would never argue for this sort of thing as a main game aspect. That said I would love it as a secondary mode as it would have far more flexibility and this replay value. I would thus argue that this would be a nice feature to have more as a open source source code sort of thing like what some sandbox games have.

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I approve of this for being an option you can choose for being on/off at the file creation. That way, it would be less likely to impact the game design, just as long as it's built around the predetermined characters. But I do wonder about the class limit, only because I like character creation, and I feel that for the sake of such a personal thing, limiting classes would limit more creations, even if it does better balance out the game. Maybe unlock the multiple units in one class thing at the endgame? I dunno; there's a bunch of stuff to balance/"optionalize" here.

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