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Voting Gauntlet Discussion Thread


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Spent 205 Feathers on Ephraim vs Chrom. Then, for a brief shining moment, I was rank one for Ephraim's Army. Now I'm rank 1,111 or so. I'll consider using up to 250 feathers more to try to keep a high rank, but I really want to push for the final round against Lucina. Do I want feathers now or the chance at Ephraim winning the Gauntlet? Decisions decisions... (At least Ephraim knows how to put on a good show, being narrow to victory against Leo and Chrom. The girls are just one-sided slaughters.)

But yeah, looking at the Lucina scores, if it does come down to Ephraim versus Lucina, I am pretty sure Lucina will win out due to her sheer popularity, FE:H availability, and "winning team" bias. It helps that Lucina can either be one's daughter or wife in Awakening (which is more recent and sold a lot) versus Ephraim's older title of Sacred Stones (save for the 3DS Ambassador Program and maybe Virtual Console). The miracle that may occur is that Ephraim's Army came prepared with plenty of Flag reserves and the surrendering soldiers of Chrom and Eirika rally to his cause, but with the amount of people on Lucina's team, somehow I doubt the flag reserve will be enough.

A part of me wonders if for future gauntlets there will be a system to adjust for "army size," so that less popular characters have a better chance at winning. Right now it seems to be run on pure numbers since flags are limited. Of course, considering FE:Heroes is a casual game and not really a competitive one, I doubt this will happen.
* * * * *
Speculation on who wins aside, I do enjoy the Gauntlet. It gives an opportunity for more feathers and allows players to mess around with heroes they do not own. I always wanted Lyn, Linde, and Takumi, and using them when they appear is extremely satisfying.

I wonder how often the Gauntlets will be run. I know Splatoon had its Splatfests, but I didn't follow it regularly to determine if there was a schedule. I would bet on a gauntlet event once a month, but I'm not sure if that prediction would be accurate.

Lastly, is there any known "reward" or "prize" for the ultimate winner of the Gauntlet, or is it just for individual round rewards as well as the cumulative ones?

Edited by Sire
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9 minutes ago, Sire said:

I wonder how often the Gauntlets will be run. I know Splatoon had its Splatfests, but I didn't follow it regularly to determine if there was a schedule. I would bet on a gauntlet event once a month, but I'm not sure if that prediction would be accurate.

This is what I thought, too, considering the 5 flags daily we got has "Only for March 2017" labeled on it.

Edited by pianime94
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Maybe the gauntlet will be run once a month what with the flags being marked for march?

I mean, I doubt we will get another one this month, and two month between seems a little too far apart. So I'm guessing 12 gauntlets a year.

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1 minute ago, Eleanore said:

Maybe the gauntlet will be run once a month what with the flags being marked for march?

I mean, I doubt we will get another one this month, and two month between seems a little too far apart. So I'm guessing 12 gauntlets a year.

I would be down for that, even though that seems like a lot for some reason. As long as they have enough to change it up so it doesn't really use the same characters over again, at first.

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6 hours ago, IMCasual said:

Well it easy to see why, Ike seem to be quite popular even though his game is not. Now just imagine Ike with the backing of the biggest seller in the series's history and that Lucina for you.

By that logic, every Awakening character should be that popular then, and Lyn should be less popular. Yet that isn't the case.

Regardless, I will NEVER support her.

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Why'd I bother picking Eirika. All I'm doing is fucking myself out of 500 extra feathers by the end of the round.

I've gone from interested to "fuck it" in a matter of a single round. I'll be fighting for Lucina in the final round so I can get more feathers.

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Wait you can change which army to support after the round or does it only applies to those that lost? Because I went for #TeamLucina first and thought I would go for someone else during the second round but I can't and so I'm still held hostage at #TeamLucina crushing poor Erika. Well tbh I picked Lucina for the sole reason she's my favorite out of them but I'm now sitting with 600 flags keep thinking if I should spend them now or wait for the finals considering I can't change my pick.

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Currently rank 6 in team Ephraim right now with 104,720 points.

I'm mostly doing this because the salty Chrom fans on other sites are starting to hurl insults, and I'm not going to let them get the last laugh.

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Showing the actual scores as the round progresses is the biggest mistake. Hell, even showing the actual scores at the end of each round is a mistake. This would be a lot more fun/fair with regards to bandwaggoning if we couldn't see the scores until the very end of the gauntlet.

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1 minute ago, Korath88 said:

Currently rank 6 in team Ephraim right now with 104,720 points.

I'm mostly doing this because the salty Chrom fans on other sites are starting to hurl insults, and I'm not going to let them get the last laugh.

Which other sites? I'm curious about how other sites are seeing this voting.

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20 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Changing teams is only for those who lost, yeah. You are sticking with her to the end!

Thanks I was a confused there for a sec.

18 minutes ago, Raven said:

Just enjoy your free 1.5k feathers.

Haha touché

BTW I got 5 orbs this morning was that from we managed to score more than 3 billion in score right? Although it seems I haven't got 3 orbs so it means you get one reward of those 3 alternatives right? I guess I can't expect to get free 10 orbs till the finals rolls around.

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Just now, FoliFF said:

BTW I got 5 orbs this morning was that from we managed to score more than 3 billion in score right?

No there was a problem with the arena and they sent out the orbs as some sort of apology/appreciation while they work on the issue.

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1 minute ago, Raven said:

Showing the actual scores as the round progresses is the biggest mistake. Hell, even showing the actual scores at the end of each round is a mistake. This would be a lot more fun/fair with regards to bandwaggoning if we couldn't see the scores until the very end of the gauntlet.

I agree. The only possible way team Ephraim can win is if chrom and eirika join us for finals, and why would chrom join us if he can get carried by his daughter?

Just now, FoliFF said:

Thanks I was a confused there for a sec.

Haha touché

BTW I got 5 orbs this morning was that from we managed to score more than 3 billion in score right? Although it seems I haven't got 3 orbs so it means you get one reward of those 3 alternatives right? I guess I can't expect to get free 10 orbs till the finals rolls around.

That's for the arena screw ups. We're still getting 20 orbs

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Just now, Water Mage said:

Which other sites? I'm curious about how other sites are seeing this voting.

There's a few on Reddit right now. One of them has already made about 20 posts in the past few hours just to insult Ephraim. 

I'm all for friendly trash talk, but insulting others is going too far.

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1 minute ago, Korath88 said:

There's a few on Reddit right now. One of them has already made about 20 posts in the past few hours just to insult Ephraim. 

I'm all for friendly trash talk, but insulting others is going too far.

Those guys are jerks. They should remember that this is a game and that this is just to have fun.

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29 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Lol^ as long as Ephraim is ahead, I'm keeping my flags.


Likewise. I'm sitting on 1000 flags, currently, for Ephraim. I'm hoping we will pick up a lot of Erika's supporters. Not that I want to assume we'll beat Chrom, because I don't.

Ephraim: 512,721,192

Chrom: 480,302,816

Edited by Cossack>Cavalier
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2 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

There's a few on Reddit right now. One of them has already made about 20 posts in the past few hours just to insult Ephraim. 

I'm all for friendly trash talk, but insulting others is going too far.

Seriously? How people can be that quick-tempered? Well, of course, it is the Internet for you, but still... it's just a game, no need to trash talk a character that much because he won... Being competitive is fine, as long as it is sane, not like that.

Anyway, Ephraim has the upper hand right now (Ephraim: 512 721 192 vs Chrom: 480.302.816) but it's pretty close. I expect Chrom score to rise quickly 'cause flags soon, and Ephraim's as well as retaliation, but it's too soon to make any assumptions, I guess. I'll wait and see before I use any of my flags.

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