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Quantity or Quality?


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Would you rather have more 5* with lousy IV Set or  A Team of 5* With Perfect IV Set?

As a F2P player such as myself, I am playing numerous account at the same time and slowly determine which account to main. But because of the upcoming Skill Inheritance Feature, I am at a loss. I hope everyone could give me some enlightenment.

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Depends the 'more'.

At this moment... I am leaning more towards the more 5* with lousy IV set. This is because Level 40 heroes battle isnt about getting a bunch of S rank tier heroes and its an instant win. It's more like ... did you train enough units to handle the situation easier?


I dont know how the skill inheritance will work. You can literally make Ephraim (or some high attacking unit) ... with enable counterattack/speed and literally... he's next to broken.

Edit: Thing about Gacha is... tier list always change.

Edited by Ryuke
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On my main I prefer Quantity.  On my second account I definitely prefer quality since I'm trying to get a horse team together.  Just need Eldigan so I can have Reinhardt, Leo, and Eldigan xD

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Quality.  It's fairly easy to get a bunch of 4*s who are good at covering the holes that your main team might have down the line.

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Quality. Just pure Quality.

I got plenty of characters sitting around wanting to be merged 5* rank at some point, and I mostly only use characters that have "perfect IVs." If I get a 5* character with a usable IV, I'll level them up if they can be of use in the Arena, otherwise I leave them to be merging fodder. Got a favorite character but does not have a good nature? Level them up to 20 and wait for the feather supply for the eventual merging.

I'm thinking ultra long-term here, so I do not want to be "wasting feathers" and "wasting time" training units that will not be that good. I also just have one account instead of multiple, which further raises the stakes.

The downside with going pure Quality is being thrown into situations where party composition matters far more than character quality (see Ursula's Hero Battle for example). However, as I tend to keep my units nowadays since Skill Inheritance is on the horizon, I have a fair amount of choices with my roster of 72 heroes.

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Quality.  You can only have 4 on your team at any given time anyway, and if you've got a few good units, you can make a team work.

I know the converse, more than half of my 5* have crappy IVs, and it hurts in the Arena.

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3 hours ago, Ewwgene said:

Would you rather have more 5* with lousy IV Set or  A Team of 5* With Perfect IV Set?

As a F2P player such as myself, I am playing numerous account at the same time and slowly determine which account to main. But because of the upcoming Skill Inheritance Feature, I am at a loss. I hope everyone could give me some enlightenment.

I only have six five stars, but I have a virtually perfect team right now. I can't think of anyone I can switch in or out that would improve it.

Honestly? Idk. At times, I want more heroes, but I don't want to give up what I have.

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I'd go quantity, but only because I'm a collector and don't care as much for competitive. Most of my five stars have cruddy ivs (minus speed Julia, minus attack Kagero), but I make it work enough. I might change my mind when skill inheritance and vantage Takumis make the arena unwinnable for me ^.^''

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Neither.  I take what I get, and I make it work.  I'm thankful for every last 5* I've pulled, whether it be -Atk Young Tiki or -Spd Lucina.

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

Neither.  I take what I get, and I make it work.  I'm thankful for every last 5* I've pulled, whether it be -Atk Young Tiki or -Spd Lucina.

Same philosophy here. While I might have many 5* now I'm just interested having one hero of each. If I somehow get another copy of the same hero then I'll check and compare IVs and save the with better IVs and merge the two.

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