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Characters that you once detest but Heroes made you like/love them.


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I will have to start with the fanservice Tharja. Cannot blame her that she's strong too.

Unfortunately I use Olivia but I am still very neutral about him.


Bartre is going from neutral to neutral-bad because 1) Karla, 2) 4 Bartre doesnt help

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Male Robin is far more likeable to me in Heroes.  Not Female Robin though.  And even then, I still have no desire to see their FE13 self.  But I don't outright despise MRobin in Heroes like I do with him in FE13, since he has some of the funniest lines in the game.  

"Where did I wake up THIS time?"  ...He just sounds so done.

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5 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Male Robin is far more likeable to me in Heroes.  Not Female Robin though.  And even then, I still have no desire to see their FE13 self.  But I don't outright despise MRobin in Heroes like I do with him in FE13, since he has some of the funniest lines in the game.  

"Where did I wake up THIS time?"  ...He just sounds so done.

5* level 40 spoiler... with Alphonse

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i do not have a single character in heroes that I previously disliked, since I sent home pretty much everyone I didn't like

i guess the closest would be cecilia and felicia but I don't think I really disliked them before

cecilia i just remembered as that one mage who gets killed by zephiel and then reappears in that awful desert map. heroes kinda made me like her though, her voice is really nice and her artwork's super pretty.

felicia i might've liked but not well enough to keep her the first time i got her

i did get her from the hero battle though and i like her a lot. it's mainly her voice really, her voice actress did a really great job of making her likable without being obnoxious.  she hits that perfect level of sounding awkward without getting annoying. i love it

oh also her title or whatever is MAID MAYHEM which is easily the best one

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I usually don't detest characters in the games. If they don't interest me, then I don't use them. Meaning I get more information on my favourites and like them even more (Brithright changed that a bit, because I could use all characters on the grinding maps).

But I'm starting to love a lot of characters from older games, I've never played (Catria, Jeorge).


On the other hand, I was once quite attached to Matthew. There is his story and the fact, that he was my lockpicker through the game. But I'm going to strangle him, if he shows his face again. Already have him 8 times. 

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I don't know why but Saizo is growing on me. I wouldn't say I like him, rather I think he's okay.

Then there's male Robin who I kinda like now cause he's pretty tanky and my only counter to Takumi.

I suppose that's all I can think of. Most of my opinions on the rest of the characters remained the same. Or worse like Subaki.

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The opposite has mainly happened tbh:

I officially like Corrin more than Robin now because of this game (I was neutral before but now I have a clear preference) . Mainly because in term of usefulness... Corrin has been whereas Robin has not. As well as I hate M!Robin's big eyes, he looks like one of those Big Eye paintings.

I never want to see Stahl or Virion or insert Red Sword user here ever again. Common pulls.

But on the plus side... I love Julia

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Selena (who I disliked more on principle than anything: keep in mind I haven't played Conquest) has had a good impact as having the ability to move units around has been helpful..

Setsuna has also done well so far, and actually has a bit of bulk and strength!

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I didn't dislike her that much (for an awakening character), but she wasn't exactly in my heart. Then I got a 5* Nowi and she basically became the heart of my team. She was so perfect as the tank that she's my maxed character with the most SP on her and she grew on me.

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I was neutral to Chrom before the gauntlet, but now I love him. Serra has also grown on me a lot. I definitely didn't hate either beforehand though.

...Sadly Heroes has just made me dislike Takumi more than I did before. 

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I don't really hate any FE characters, except one, and I still dislike her.

Baby Tiki has grown on me, though.  I'm usually not into loli-type characters, but she's been a good member on my team.  I can also second liking Abel.  I already sorta liked him, despite his lack of much personality as typical of most FE1 characters, but he's great on my Arena team.

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I disliked FE6 Narcian since i put so little attention he feels like a really evil guy instead of the comedic narcisist that he actually potrays, and that elements is something that is highlighted in Heroes which make him really enjoyable

Problem with most character in heroes is that IS essentially took their gimmick and run with it for most character, which usually highlights why i dislike a character so much, or deprive them or what makes me like them(HOLY SHIT what happen to Ephraim and Lachesis). This doesn't work and easilly make me dislike a lot of characters, but this works like a charm for Narcian. I can't wait for more characters like this tbh.

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2 hours ago, Orson said:

I didn't hate her, just never really used her... Setsuna. She's so cool that I ended starting a new Fates Birthright file, and RNG be damned I'll use her to endgame.

In my Birthright... my Setsuna is gifted... that I go to forum and voice people that are anti-Setsuna. Then in Revelation. I refuse to have such a weak Setsuna... that I am literally abusing RNG to get the same Setsuna back. (She's pretty strong)

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I didn't hate them before, just never really used them in their games: Florina, Effie, Sully, Olivia (lel), Donnel (double lel). I started to appreciate Nino, Ephraim, Nowi, Hector, Azura and Takumi even more because of how amazing they are in Heroes.

Heroes made me use Florina more in FE 7, even if I was already near endgame. I'm now using Olivia and Donnel in my restart unlike in my first playthrough of Awakening.

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I didn't hate any characters before this (except Est and I will never stop hating her... it may be a one note tune but my god did that ending just rile me... Heroes will do nothing for that). However, this game has made me really appreciate Kagero, who I only had a vague interest in before, and Julia, who I pretty much meh'd before. I don't really like the amnesiac girl character trope, but I found myself liking her some more ingame :) 

Edit: Oh yes, I forgot Narcian. Again, I didn't hate him, but now I really like him as a character. He's just so fun to use, especially with his quotes. His voice is really good, too :)

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Olivia is probably the best answer to this question for me. I find her probably the least useful dancer in the series in Awakening due to the game's same-turn reinforcements easily being able to gank her poor durability, but in this game she lacks that weakness and enables a lot of new strategies, and I gotta give respect for her being the best of the "free" rotating daily characters you get.

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Hana - Didn't like her in Fates ebcause she was squishy but with only 4 units on eitehr team her glass canon powers are amazeballs.
Hinata - I might have to add that I've hated the swordmaster class since FE:7. But here he's just the biggest wall ever. (technically the second biggest wall)
Cordelia - I used her in Awakening but never thought her amazing. Over here though she wrecks face so much!
Abel - Never used him in Shadow Dragon for some reason. Kain seemed better. Here his Brave Lance makes meat puddy of the opposition.
Sophia - Useless in FE:6 (and no her growths don't actually make her much better then Raigh late game) But oiver here she's a good single big magic hit for those poor folks who can't draw Lilina or Sanaki.

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