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Best Boon/Bane for (M)Robin


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Hi there, first post here but looking for some opinions. I apologize if this was somewhere already, as I know there are a number of these threads around, but I didn't quite find one for (M)Robin.

I just got a 4* (M)Robin with +Def/-Res, and I was wondering if it was worth promoting to 5*. I know a lot varies on my current roster, but ignoring those factors I was just wondering if this is a good boon/bane.

Read a lot elsewhere that +Spd/-Res is arguably the best (as it cancels being doubled by Takumi), but also read that +Def allows him to tank quite a bit more (like being doubled by Takumi...lol)

Since (M)Robin is ranked quite high on the tier list and no longer available as a 5* pull, he was a unit I wanted to promote to 5*, but seeing as 3* and 4* are quite a bit more common I was wondering if you guys thought it might be worth waiting until I pull a (M)Robin with the best boon/bane. Thanks!

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+Def is still fine, as he'll have better tanking and Defence is used for Bonfire. +Attack is also good as a boon (I can certainly attest to that one), and most Takumi's can't double unless you've got -Speed. 

While I'd recommend waiting to see if you get one with a +Att or +Spd with -Res, training this one up isn't a bad call.

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It depends what you're using him for. I think for a lot of people, Robin's primarily niche is a Takumi counter, in which case +SPD is probably optimal as it allows you to avoid being doubled by any Takumi. However, as long as Takumi isn't +SPD, he shouldn't be able to double a Robin with neutral speed, in which case +DEF helps offset the damage. I honestly don't think +ATK is as good as people make it out to be because as far as I know (though if I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me) it doesn't give him any ORKOs he woudn't have with neutral. Whether he's neutral or + attack, it'll still take two hits for him to kill Takumi. Also +DEF has the added bonus of increasing Bonfire's damage a small amount.

tldr: +SPD is probably optimal, but +DEF is fine

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Two hits from +Spd Takumi only amounts to 10 damage against +Def Robin--not threatening at all. The more pressing concern is +Spd Kagero who's able to ORKO neutral Robin (as well as -HP or -Def variants without +Spd).

+Def/-Res Robin would live an attack from +Spd Kagero with only 4HP remaining, and luckily able to defeat her upon retaliation.

Edited by Directive Mayhem
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I have discussed this question myself for a while now, and with my 5 M!Robins I definitely want to decide before I merge them together at 5stars. My current one is +HP/-Res and I am satisfied, but I have been wondering what might be better. Since my primary use is him as a tanky mage/Takumi killer +HP ain't bad tbh, especially since I have no +Def to show for. My three (yes, all three of them) with +HP/-Att are definitely out of the question, as for the last one: +Att/-Res is the one I'm debating over, as well as the possibility of future pulls (since he is rather easy to get as 3 star, apparently).

My guess is that anything that hasn't got -Att/-Spd/-Def is useable, but I can imagine a favorable situation for most of them, which makes it hard for me to pinpoint the "best"

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4 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I have discussed this question myself for a while now, and with my 5 M!Robins I definitely want to decide before I merge them together at 5stars. My current one is +HP/-Res and I am satisfied, but I have been wondering what might be better. Since my primary use is him as a tanky mage/Takumi killer +HP ain't bad tbh, especially since I have no +Def to show for. My three (yes, all three of them) with +HP/-Att are definitely out of the question, as for the last one: +Att/-Res is the one I'm debating over, as well as the possibility of future pulls (since he is rather easy to get as 3 star, apparently).

My guess is that anything that hasn't got -Att/-Spd/-Def is useable, but I can imagine a favorable situation for most of them, which makes it hard for me to pinpoint the "best"

I'd recommend looking up stats of common Arena matchups (like Takumi) and seeing if +ATK changes any 2RKOs into ORKOs. Afaik his matchup against Takumi is unchanged as it takes two hits regardless of whether or not he's +ATK, but maybe there are other matchups that would swing in your favor? If not, then I'd go with +HP just for the added survivability. 

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