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Hello, all you happy people.


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I'm a fairly new member of the Fire Emblem fandom, and I've only played the Tellius games (9 and 10), but they're some of my favorite games ever, and I'm hoping to play #7 in the near future.

I'm a migrant of sorts from the *shudder* Sonic the Hedgehog fandom. I figured that since Fire Emblem was nowhere near as popular as Sonic, there would be less annoyances here. I've written a very long Sonic fanfic, but it's mostly in the past.

Despite the fact that I'm a guy, I always have been a bit of a pairings lover...

Ike/Mia - I started championing this pairing after seeing the info conversation "Challenging" in FE10. The convo suggested that their dueling was a regular thing, and that it was something they both enjoyed. In all of my runs through FE10's Endgame, I've taken Mia (she's usually ended up awesome anyway) and given her Alondite.

Haar/Nephenee - Not sure why. I always like supporting the two.

Alright, I'm done.

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you are now my bestest of the best friends ever

Hello, I'm Chiki the Divine Dragon Princess, Chaos Incarnate!

Welcome to the forest, where we hope you won't burn anything down because you'll kill all the little bunnies and friendly wildlife that lives here.


can i call you January?

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Ahh ahh ahh ahhhh

I was a migrant from the Sonc fandom as well. I fled to Hamtaro and then to Fire Emblem where I now fervently enjoy the games. I have a Sonic fanfiction that's horribly long and in the past as well! And it was one of my first fanfictions ever ever, holy pixie sticks it was horrible.

Anyways, I'm Bizz, a level 9 Wordcaster with an A-rank in Word magic. I'm a young aspiring (but rather slow-paced as people know from chapter three delay) writer, and I love to read as well. Art is also fun, as I've known since I was a very small Bizzling. I also adore food and swordmasters. Mia is one of the bestestest Fire Emblem characters ever along with Zihark (albeit I've officially dubbed him the 'Lord of Dying' a few weeks ago), Stefan, Heather, Legault, Fa, and some others I've probably forgotten at the moment


Enjoy your stay hereee, Janus!

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