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Tempted to make an art thread but...


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Title says it all, but apparently I still have a crippling case of non-existent confidence with a sidedish of very extreme perfectionism which is giving me second thoughts...

Edited by Frosty
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Yeah, people here like to critique...

You could just say in the OP, something like: "I know I'm not an expert, I need to work on *insert what you're not good at here*. You may give advice but please also say what I did right." That's what I did in mine.

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Do it. If people are giving you undue / unasked for / unfair criticism you tell me and I'll fite them. If you wanna express yourself, if you wanna share stuff, I say do it! I know it's easier said than done, but maybe we can help the whole confidence issue. Most of the people I've seen in the art threads have been.... well, not the WORST I've seen in terms of criticism (my own highly mediocre stuff has gotten nothing but compliments despite being not that great lol), so from what I've seen this seems like a fairly safe environment to do this compared to say dA or Tumblr. 

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Whilst people shouldn't be unpleasant, trying to any sort of negative piece of criticism is only going to stifle your growth as an artist. I've seen several art topics on here where the OP has outright attacked anyone who dared say their work wasn't good or gave any advice, and I feel that they've been the ones who have remained most static in their work.

Besides, nobody's quite as TALENTED as myself, so you shouldn't feel too bad.


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the last I've experienced from the art section is that they know how to give criticism but not how to give constructive criticism

I hope it's changed since then, but yeah I feel like the most important thing about being able to improve as an artist is to be able to learn to accept that you have flaws that could stand to be fixed and that you need to be made aware of these flaws in order to go about fixing them and becoming better and better.

I feel like you could always start a thread as a test and see how you can handle it, if it doesn't work you can just say "oh well" and move on but if it does work out for you well then you've gained. I feel like there isn't much to lose by just yoloing and starting the thread and seeing how it goes.

The only other thing I'd recommend is don't ask people to sugarcoat your work for you. They can give compliments where it's due (at least, I hope people on this forum would know how to do that), that's the honest thing to do. But giving compliments where they don't belong doesn't do much to help out an artist. I think if I were to specify anything in my title post is to request that people only post if they know what advice to give for improvement. Criticism alone has the possibility of going nowhere if the artist has no clue where to run with the critiques.

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20 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Do it. If people are giving you undue / unasked for / unfair criticism you tell me and I'll fite them. If you wanna express yourself, if you wanna share stuff, I say do it! I know it's easier said than done, but maybe we can help the whole confidence issue. Most of the people I've seen in the art threads have been.... well, not the WORST I've seen in terms of criticism (my own highly mediocre stuff has gotten nothing but compliments despite being not that great lol), so from what I've seen this seems like a fairly safe environment to do this compared to say dA or Tumblr. 

I'm safe at my devART for now; the only thing I worry there are the hackers... who for some reason managed to get into my account and it already happened twice before. The second incident was a cliffhanger that was thankfully resolved.

Tumblr though is losing its charm to me... I've been getting the bad end of unjust criticism and mainly because I don't draw certain... type of things that I'd rather not mention... *cough*Rabid Fans*cough*

7 minutes ago, Freohr Datia said:

the last I've experienced from the art section is that they know how to give criticism but not how to give constructive criticism

I hope it's changed since then, but yeah I feel like the most important thing about being able to improve as an artist is to be able to learn to accept that you have flaws that could stand to be fixed and that you need to be made aware of these flaws in order to go about fixing them and becoming better and better.

I feel like you could always start a thread as a test and see how you can handle it, if it doesn't work you can just say "oh well" and move on but if it does work out for you well then you've gained. I feel like there isn't much to lose by just yoloing and starting the thread and seeing how it goes.

The only other thing I'd recommend is don't ask people to sugarcoat your work for you. They can give compliments where it's due (at least, I hope people on this forum would know how to do that), that's the honest thing to do. But giving compliments where they don't belong doesn't do much to help out an artist. I think if I were to specify anything in my title post is to request that people only post if they know what advice to give for improvement. Criticism alone has the possibility of going nowhere if the artist has no clue where to run with the critiques.

I shall see if it works out for me, I'm still worried though whenever my hypercritical perfectionism kicks in.

It's like having this negative voice in my head saying "Bah... if I ain't perfect then it's automatic trash!" hence the hesitation...

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2 hours ago, Shin said:

Whilst people shouldn't be unpleasant, trying to any sort of negative piece of criticism is only going to stifle your growth as an artist. I've seen several art topics on here where the OP has outright attacked anyone who dared say their work wasn't good or gave any advice, and I feel that they've been the ones who have remained most static in their work.



I feel guilty of this...and I'm not proud. 2015ish I was an absolute spoiled whiny baby in the spriting forum...

2 hours ago, Frosty said:


It's like having this negative voice in my head saying "Bah... if I ain't perfect then it's automatic trash!" hence the hesitation...

I completely understand where you're coming from. Believe me, if you're close friends with an art prodigy, you have a lot of times where you feel inadequate. My friend will still say she's bad at this and that and I'm over here wishing I had her talent and thinking she has no right to say she's bad at something when her art literally looks like professional concept art. But with hard work and time, I am improving. That alone gives me what I need to keep drawing and getting better. Slowly but surely...


2 hours ago, BANRYU said:

so from what I've seen this seems like a fairly safe environment to do this compared to say dA or Tumblr. 

Idk about Tumblr, but never once have I gotten bad critique on dA...

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2 hours ago, Frosty said:

I'm safe at my devART for now; the only thing I worry there are the hackers... who for some reason managed to get into my account and it already happened twice before. The second incident was a cliffhanger that was thankfully resolved.

Tumblr though is losing its charm to me... I've been getting the bad end of unjust criticism and mainly because I don't draw certain... type of things that I'd rather not mention... *cough*Rabid Fans*cough*

Ugh yeah. Tumblr fans being all demanding and entitled are the freakin' worst haha. I've sort of lucked out by not having to deal with anyone like that in my experience on Tumblr but I know they exist and I've seen the effects and I definitely sympathize. Just hopin' I can help make you feel welcome here y'know

20 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Idk about Tumblr, but never once have I gotten bad critique on dA...

Thinking on it more I suppose you guys are right dA isn't TOO bad. I've seen SOME people who are kind of whiny and entitled but at least the really negative, hurtful comments tend to not happen as much haha

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While some critics can be unnecessarily harsh at times, you need to understand that you'll never improve without being able to take criticism. It takes a damn long time to be able to draw something that looks "flawless"---and many professionals don't even always do that, hell, artists like Sachiko Wada, who is a wonderful artist with very strong skills and whom I place strictly in the "better than me" department, sometimes makes mistakes (Leif's foot in Awakening DLC, anyone?). People shouldn't be mean about it, but they also shouldn't be forced to dress it up. 

It's also a good skill to learn how to filter out useless, often subjective, comments from actually useful criticism. Hell, it doesn't have to necessarily have to be the skill or your art--take design for example. A criticism of "Hey Lumi, why is this character so buff they are a bum and sit around and do nothing, they are a fucking potato, they don't even lift, it doesn't suit them" is a valid concern raised on a design, while "Hey Lumi, your ridiculously hulk-strengthed female character who's designed specifically to be exaggeratedly buff to show off her strength is drawn unrealistically buff even though male characters are always drawn unrealistically buff to show their strength and it's consistent with the style" is something you can just ignore.

yes im still salty

But yeah in my years of posting art online, I've gotten a lot of feedback and gotten fairly used to it. Sometimes people are assholes. It will suck. Ignore those fuckers. Sometimes people are a bit blunter in wording things because that's who they are but the stuff they're saying is actually really valuable, so you should still try to get some value in those. It feels very good to have your art praised, but people telling what's wrong with your shit is how you improve. 

Edited by Thor Odinson
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On 3/19/2017 at 4:32 AM, BANRYU said:

Ugh yeah. Tumblr fans being all demanding and entitled are the freakin' worst haha. I've sort of lucked out by not having to deal with anyone like that in my experience on Tumblr but I know they exist and I've seen the effects and I definitely sympathize. Just hopin' I can help make you feel welcome here y'know

Thinking on it more I suppose you guys are right dA isn't TOO bad. I've seen SOME people who are kind of whiny and entitled but at least the really negative, hurtful comments tend to not happen as much haha

You haven't seen that one point where I ended up eating a hailstorm of hate in Tumblr... It almost brought over the edge of my mind hence why I can be very harsh to myself when screwing up... even if not intentional.

When I mean harsh... I can be my own worst critic on a day with crappy mood.

On 3/19/2017 at 6:15 AM, Thor Odinson said:

But yeah in my years of posting art online, I've gotten a lot of feedback and gotten fairly used to it. Sometimes people are assholes. It will suck. Ignore those fuckers. Sometimes people are a bit blunter in wording things because that's who they are but the stuff they're saying is actually really valuable, so you should still try to get some value in those. It feels very good to have your art praised, but people telling what's wrong with your shit is how you improve. 

I'll take note of that one... I can actually handle a bit of criticism whenever my mood's is in an okay/good status these days.

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i didnt read the thread and this was like a week ago so idk if u made a thread yet but for OTHER WEBSITES (WOW THIS WEBSITE IS SO NICE! DONT WORRY ABOUT HATE (: ) im here 2 say just write sumthing to assert ur dominance like... ONLY ACCEPTING CRITIQUE FROM CLOSE FRIENDS and then when sum1 who thinks theyre all that critiques u u can just be like lol? pls read the bold sweatie x and thye might cry and shout into their blog their dissatisfaction with your behavior which u will probably never see if u dont respond to their response to you or visit their profile. now if you DONT want to be a bitch just put NOT LOOKING FOR CRITIQUE RIGHT NOW in huge letters, at the top, then under it crytype an entire paragraph about how youre just here to draw and to relax and that you have anxiety people will feel bad for you and probably shut up unless theyre those weirdos that talk w/ perfect grammar, favorite MLP artwork, and then have a gallery full of traced art, but how you deal with those people is that you dont because theyre blockheads and nothing gets thru to them. theyre rare though you only get them if you post art of zero suit samus or draw characters pregnant. sure you might get people trying to explain to you why you SHOULD want critique, but just lie to them and say "i have a friend group i get critique from" or something (it also might not be a lie tho).    

as for this website (its different on forums since theyre monitored imo) im sure a simple "im not looking for critique at the moment" will work, just be sure to put it in big letters because most people dont read

i PERSONALLY have never gotten critique that was mean? i mean one time someone said "dam dem bow legs" and it took a while for my friends and i to figure out what it meant and we never did actually, but my friend really wanted to know so he asked him and hes like "they to bendy" 

moral of the story: they weren't too bendy and the critique i got was because i didnt draw what someone else wanted. not cuz what i did was wrong! and you gotta remember that most of the time when you say, "dont give me critique!" this is the type of critique youll receive just because thats the type of people who ignore messages like that. (here was the drawing btw. i had to reupload it so the comments r gone tho :/) what im curious about is why he didnt criticize how i drew that ugly ASS dress and colored it. its sooo fucknignkgng ugly . or you know the folds i drew on her chest because they dont make sense. but whatever its okay


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