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Fire Emblem: Battle of Revolution - Is this real or is this real?


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8 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

I think they're off on the early 90s art direction. Too much shading, too much volume on the petals. No ridiculous articles of clothing like Alm's green gloves or Marth's tiara. There's more official artwork for this prank than the very first game.

So...Battle of Revolution Sub-forum when? Pogchamp.

What are you talking about?


Page 106

Those green gloves are the backbone of Deliverance fashion.  Almost as much as Maison's blinding-red armor and the phallic armor adorned only by the most esteemed warriors of Valentia.  I'm sure there's a "Pillars of Modern Combat" joke to be made here, but I've about filled my quota of jokes for this post.

15 minutes ago, unique said:

it's literally the only game release date i know, solely because it's 420

I find this particularly hilarious because you list Blazing Sword as your favorite FE.

For some reason, FE's anniversary date always escapes me except for when the day actually approaches.  Every April I'm like, "oh yeah, FE released on the day of Hitler's birthday and that one weed holiday".  That's a confusing jumble of things to have in your mind that elicits some contradicting emotions.

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3 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

Japanese April Fools has only been a recent thing.

Irem has staged April Fools jokes on their site since 2000 lol.  

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4 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

I mean, just 'cuz it's 4/20 blazin' doesn't mean it's a prank since that's when Echoes is released in Japan (unless Echoes is an elaborate prank, and they're just waiting to kick us all in the collective groin... shall I get some tinfoil hats?).

It's also the series anniversary as a whole lol.

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3 hours ago, PeaceRibbon said:

Can we all take a moment to appreciate that the "game's" title Google Translates to Fire Emblem Innovation Terror?

This just keeps getting better.

Or Innovation Turmoil.

EIther way, I think it perfectly sums up what April Fools is all about these days.

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