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Christmas Knights Voting Gauntlet


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Sully, most likely. It's a toss up between her and Abel, but given that I like Abel more because he saved my ass when I played H5 and I had a soft spot for him since and Sully is more for her character (although she did get ridiculously blessed on my Awakening Lunatic run, so there is that), I feel I have more of a reason to go Sully.

Funny that as a whole Awakening's characters didn't appeal much to me, except Sully whom I like a lot.


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Why are they all blushing? Are they sick or something?

Well my favorite Christmas Knight is actually Saizo, with runner up Forde. But between these eight, Kent, and then eventually Sully when she bonks the finals against Oscar.

Edited by Gustavos
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I'd probably be on Team Sain. He just has such a fun personality, and he was also one of my best units in FE7 :D (I can't believe Kent and Sain aren't already in Heroes though, as I've always thought of them as two of the more iconic FE7 characters).  

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7 hours ago, Anacybele said:


But Sain would be my second pick should Kieran lose. Because I love Sain almost as much. <3

Hey, we agree on something. Kieran all the way. Kind of surprised Allen and Lance aren't on this.

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2 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

Hey, we agree on something. Kieran all the way. Kind of surprised Allen and Lance aren't on this.

They're not as familiar to people as the others on there, I would say.

And we don't seem to agree on much, do we? But yeah, Kieran's one of my top three favorite characters in the series as shown in my sig. I loved him so much I made a whole backstory for him!

Edited by Anacybele
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Actually, I think there might be enough Christmas cavs for two voting gauntlets. On top of all the ones in the OP, you've got Naoise and Alec, Forde and Kyle, Alan and Lance, and Cain and Alva. Maybe two of Luke, Roderick, and Cecille.

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Kieran, but I'd prefer all the Reds face off against each other before each pair facing against their rival right away.

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I would join Sain, hands down, if this was a thing. He's one of my favorite characters from Blazing Sword for both how useful he is as a unit and his personality.

It would be pretty cool if this became an actual gauntlet in the future haha.

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Kent all the way, of course. He was my first favourite and my huge soft spot for him remains. While he seems a bit boring to some, I love his support conversations. He seems one of the more serious of the knights overall, but there's something so endearing about him. Ahhhhh, just adore him <3

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On 4/6/2017 at 1:05 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

Team Abel, because I did a stupid Green Hair only run of FE3 book 1 a little while ago and he was clutch as hell.

My sig begs to differ. :P:

11 hours ago, The Lord Of Gems said:

Alen has one L.

Look, if you're gonna criticize someone for their spelling, try not to break the Code of Conduct.  In your case, it's a double-post.


Decisions, man!  I adore Cain, but can't pull him to save my life.  But I'm a sucker for cute guys with red or green hair.  THIS IS THE WORST!

. . .ah, screw it, we're going with Sully the Combo Breaker.

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