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4 hours ago, unique said:

so considering when the teaser for the last banner came out, wouldn't the one for the next one be today?

Official JP Twitter has had radio silence about it. Nothing but "Scarlet Sword Navarre" and "Mysterious Tactician Reflet".

It ends the 26th. So I imagine we get news tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

Official JP Twitter has had radio silence about it. Nothing but "Scarlet Sword Navarre" and "Mysterious Tactician Reflet".

It ends the 26th. So I imagine we get news tomorrow.

I surely hope so. All this time I thought the Celica banner was coming next, but really, the western release date for Echoes is so close to the eastern one this time around they might just save it untiil then.

Meanwhile, I'm with the people screaming for more Magvel, Jugdral and Tellius. Personally, I'd like to see more archers in the game (preferrably with cool abilities, basic archers are somewhat boring atk/spd machines), and also spear users and axes spear wyverns and axe knights.

I'm hoping we get to see some of Titania, Duessel, Shinon, Innes, Altena, Travant and/or Arion sometime soon :lol:

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1 hour ago, r4v1sh said:

I surely hope so. All this time I thought the Celica banner was coming next, but really, the western release date for Echoes is so close to the eastern one this time around they might just save it untiil then.

Meanwhile, I'm with the people screaming for more Magvel, Jugdral and Tellius. Personally, I'd like to see more archers in the game (preferrably with cool abilities, basic archers are somewhat boring atk/spd machines), and also spear users and axes spear wyverns and axe knights.

I'm hoping we get to see some of Titania, Duessel, Shinon, Innes, Altena, Travant and/or Arion sometime soon :lol:

I would very much like to see more archers, since I'm hoping to be able to hunt summon colourless :D 

If Tellius comes into it, maybe Geoffrey can be the first mounted archer. Would definitely put my all into summoning him <3

(Yes, I know he's also more likely to have a lance, and I will still put my all into summoning him, but it'd be nice xD )

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4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

If Tellius comes into it, maybe Geoffrey can be the first mounted archer. Would definitely put my all into summoning him <3

Nah, Geoffrey's gotta be a Brave Lance user, I will accept nothing else!

But as for first horse-mounted archer, give me my Astrid please. I would love the game forever. :lol:

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1 minute ago, Extrasolar said:

Nah, Geoffrey's gotta be a Brave Lance user, I will accept nothing else!

But as for first horse-mounted archer, give me my Astrid please. I would love the game forever. :lol:

I'm sort of hoping he won't be, but I will still use him if he is (yup, I know he comes with a brave lance after all lol). 

xD Astrid is okay to me... would prefer Rath or Shin lol 

Part of me wonders if they'll keep up the GHBs and make it Uhai instead, although he's not a Fang so he might not be treated with any importance ^.^''

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I'd rather Midir be the first horse archer, tbh.  I'm weird.

I'm not sure if I want to say Celica or filler so Celica can be for the international release of Echoes.

1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

although he's not a Fang so he might not be treated with any importance

FE7 itself clearly thought him memorable enough to make him one of the Endgame bosses, so you never know.

Of course, it also thought the same of Jerme/Kenneth even though you only ever fight one (thus making the other one a space flea).

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Just now, Glaceon Mage said:

I'd rather Midir be the first horse archer, tbh.  I'm weird.

I'm not sure if I want to say Celica or filler so Celica can be for the international release of Echoes.

FE7 itself clearly thought him memorable enough to make him one of the Endgame bosses, so you never know.

Of course, it also thought the same of Jerme/Kenneth even though you only ever fight one (thus making the other one a space flea).

Oooh, I forgot about Midir :O I was trying to think of other pretty nomads, but got stuck on Sacaens xD Yes, I wouldn't mind him being first, either :D 

Hmm... or Wolf. I'd really like Wolf in this game... 

So many nomadic archers they could pick. Ahhhh, excitement :D 

Of course, they could surprise us and go Reina xD 

That's true... I always liked him, mostly 'cos I like the idea of the Sacaens. They're my favourite race in FE for some reason ^.^ Maybe Lyn coloured me into liking them since it was my first game and she was my first lord :)

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5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

xD Astrid is okay to me... would prefer Rath or Shin lol 

what the fuck is a Shin?

jk jk lol

Just think a Tellius bow is more likely, since we know we're getting Ike for the summer. I think the Tellius banner will be up next, personally.

4 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

I'd rather Midir be the first horse archer, tbh.  I'm weird.

Yeah, I'm weird enough that I'm still waiting on Dew. He's my favorite Gen 1 character in Genealogy, lol.

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Just now, Extrasolar said:

what the fuck is a Shin?

jk jk lol

Just think a Tellius bow is more likely, since we know we're getting Ike for the summer. I think the Tellius banner will be up next, personally.

Yeah, I'm weird enough that I'm still waiting on Dew. He's my favorite Gen 1 character in Genealogy, lol.

I'm not sure how popular Astrid is to be on the first banner, though, considering there's so many lords in that game... 

But then, they do seem to add them in on a whim. Who expected Reinhardt and Sanaki as the firsts from their respective games? (along with Olwen, but I don't know where she came on the popularity poll and she is, at least, playable). So who knows :) If she is added in, I will cheer for you to get her :D 

Out of all my favourite characters, I think Geoffrey is most likely to appear first, since he is important to several scenes in FE10, at least... So here's hoping. I was hopeful they'd mix up the sibling banners and put him and Lucia on as one of the older sister / younger brother pairings... but hopefully not always fawning over each other like so many of the other siblings ones do... 

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5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Who expected Reinhardt and Sanaki as the firsts from their respective games?

I know I didn't, lol.

5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I'm not sure how popular Astrid is to be on the first banner, though, considering there's so many lords in that game... 

True, Astrid's definitely not too relevant to the Tellius series as a whole, and I'm not quite sure what popularity she came in on the poll. But since getting a horse archer would be neat (right now the'y'e enemy-only, which is lame), I'm hoping it's her alongside Ike, Soren, and fourth person. Geoffrey would be a good choice, since I think they're likely to save Elincia for another banner, as well as Micaiah, just like they saved Celica this go round on the first SoV banner. Plus it would be balanced - One red sword, one green mage, one blue lance and one colorless archer. Diverse pool to pick from.

5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Out of all my favourite characters, I think Geoffrey is most likely to appear first, since he is important to several scenes in FE10, at least... So here's hoping. I was hopeful they'd mix up the sibling banners and put him and Lucia on as one of the older sister / younger brother pairings... but hopefully not always fawning over each other like so many of the other siblings ones do... 

If they did, it would be a little weirdly out of character. Geoffrey and Lucia never had the super close bond that, say, Eirika and Ephraim did. They were more focused on Elincia than each other...which is kind of a shame imo.

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4 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

I know I didn't, lol.

True, Astrid's definitely not too relevant to the Tellius series as a whole, and I'm not quite sure what popularity she came in on the poll. But since getting a horse archer would be neat (right now the'y'e enemy-only, which is lame), I'm hoping it's her alongside Ike, Soren, and fourth person. Geoffrey would be a good choice, since I think they're likely to save Elincia for another banner, as well as Micaiah, just like they saved Celica this go round on the first SoV banner. Plus it would be balanced - One red sword, one green mage, one blue lance and one colorless archer. Diverse pool to pick from.

If they did, it would be a little weirdly out of character. Geoffrey and Lucia never had the super close bond that, say, Eirika and Ephraim did. They were more focused on Elincia than each other...which is kind of a shame imo.

It's been a while since I played RD, but didn't he beg Elincia to save her when she was about to be hanged? 

Plus Sanaki and Michaiah never had such a close bond... but then she seemed to have been added in as some kind of joke considering she was paired with Klein xD 

It's always a possibility... but then my love for Rhys would want him to be the fourth xD 

I reckon they will do a Greil Mercenaries banner - Ike, Soren, Titania, Mia (picking two guys, two girls from greil mercenaries), and then maybe an Elincia banner (Elincia, Geoffrey, Lucia, Bastian, maybe... possibly Kieran instead of Bastian?), and then maybe a Michaiah banner (Micaiah, Sothe, Nailah - if they've figured out beast laguz, and another male... Volug, Rafiel, possibly... or I might just be being hopeful since I would kill for them quite happily xD Even though I can't imagine Rafiel would be an amazing attacker by any means! Or maybe even Pelleas...)

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

It's always a possibility... but then my love for Rhys would want him to be the fourth xD 

Oh I would love a Rhys! He'd be the only healer I'd obsessively pull colorless for, train and use no matter what, because he's one of my favorite characters from the Tellius series. Give me that adorable Rhys voice acting, please.

Plus, how hilarious would it be to hear Kieran's crazy lines instead of reading them? That sounds amazing! XD

2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Even though I can't imagine Rafiel would be an amazing attacker by any means! Or maybe even Pelleas...)

Getting the herons in general would be cool - give us a few more refresh units to choose from than Olivia and Azura. Plus, I'd love to hear a voice-acted Reyson, with all the sass that implies. Makes me curious how they'd do ancient language, though, with people like Leanne. Guess they'd just make up some gibberish language.

I do want laguz to be added at last, just to see how they'd function and work. (Presumably identically to the manaketes, but without the dreaded weakness to Falchions.) But speaking of which, if we get people like Nasir, Gareth and Kurthnaga, would they be weak to the Falchion too, despite not being manaketes...?

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7 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

It's been a while since I played RD, but didn't he beg Elincia to save her when she was about to be hanged? 

Plus Sanaki and Michaiah never had such a close bond... but then she seemed to have been added in as some kind of joke considering she was paired with Klein xD 

It's always a possibility... but then my love for Rhys would want him to be the fourth xD 

I reckon they will do a Greil Mercenaries banner - Ike, Soren, Titania, Mia (picking two guys, two girls from greil mercenaries), and then maybe an Elincia banner (Elincia, Geoffrey, Lucia, Bastian, maybe... possibly Kieran instead of Bastian?), and then maybe a Michaiah banner (Micaiah, Sothe, Nailah - if they've figured out beast laguz, and another male... Volug, Rafiel, possibly... or I might just be being hopeful since I would kill for them quite happily xD Even though I can't imagine Rafiel would be an amazing attacker by any means! Or maybe even Pelleas...)

I would love some Tellius characters.  Although, if we do get some, I'll probably have to buy Orbs, since I'd only have enough for one Pull.

So I guess we haven't seen any leaks on the next banner, yet.  I've pretty much decided against pulling any more on this Banner, I got a couple 5*, so I'm happy with that.

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Just now, Extrasolar said:

Oh I would love a Rhys! He'd be the only healer I'd obsessively pull colorless for, train and use no matter what, because he's one of my favorite characters from the Tellius series. Give me that adorable Rhys voice acting, please.

Plus, how hilarious would it be to hear Kieran's crazy lines instead of reading them? That sounds amazing! XD

Getting the herons in general would be cool - give us a few more refresh units to choose from than Olivia and Azura. Plus, I'd love to hear a voice-acted Reyson, with all the sass that implies. Makes me curious how they'd do ancient language, though, with people like Leanne. Guess they'd just make up some gibberish language.

I do want laguz to be added at last, just to see how they'd function and work. (Presumably identically to the manaketes, but without the dreaded weakness to Falchions.) But speaking of which, if we get people like Nasir, Gareth and Kurthnaga, would they be weak to the Falchion too, despite not being manaketes...?

Oh Reyson would most certainly be my first choice out of all the herons... and Laguz. I really, really, really want him to be in the game, so hard. 

Kieran's voice actor better be fully over the top. Honestly, the cheesier the better xD

And I am the same with Rhys. He is the most adorable of the most adorable guys ever. I have a slight obsession with him and always use him in his games, regardless of there being better characters. I don't care. I am using Rhys xD 

Hmmm... not sure. I see they can do it a few ways. One would be just make the dragons like manaketes... the other could be to have them be their own seperate class and then make the transforming laguz their own colours - like beast laguz maybe being red (inc Taguel and wolf/foxkin), fliers being blue and dragons being green, maybe? Herons would possibly be colourless, since they can only really dance and heal... so not sure how they could be really implemented. 

And yes, throw in a Nasir. He is another adorable bunch of woobie scales...

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5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Herons would possibly be colourless, since they can only really dance and heal... so not sure how they could be really implemented. 

Yeah, definitely colorless. They'd be dancers, but more mobile due to being flyers (except Rafiel, of course). They could sing, debuff and deal damage with their galdr on enemies, and gives allies extra turns by singing to them.

6 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Kieran's voice actor better be fully over the top. Honestly, the cheesier the better xD

Definitely! XD

I look forward to hear him screaming about rushing into battle for the glory of Crimea, and wondering where that squinty-eyed knave Oscar has run off to this time.

8 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I don't care. I am using Rhys xD 

Same! I don't really run healers on my serious teams, but if I pull a Rhys, that's going to change.

7 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

One would be just make the dragons like manaketes... the other could be to have them be their own seperate class and then make the transforming laguz their own colours - like beast laguz maybe being red (inc Taguel and wolf/foxkin), fliers being blue and dragons being green, maybe?

Yeah, I guess this makes sense. Of course the flying laguz would be weak to bows and Excalibur, and the beast ones would be weak to the stronger fire spells like Bolganone. Dragons being weak to Falchion, I guess I could see it.

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2 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

Yeah, definitely colorless. They'd be dancers, but more mobile due to being flyers (except Rafiel, of course). They could sing, debuff and deal damage with their galdr on enemies, and gives allies extra turns by singing to them.

Definitely! XD

I look forward to hear him screaming about rushing into battle for the glory of Crimea, and wondering where that squinty-eyed knave Oscar has run off to this time.

Same! I don't really run healers on my serious teams, but if I pull a Rhys, that's going to change.

Yeah, I guess this makes sense. Of course the flying laguz would be weak to bows and Excalibur, and the beast ones would be weak to the stronger fire spells like Bolganone. Dragons being weak to Falchion, I guess I could see it.

Maybe it would make sense for beast laguz to be green and dragons red, then? 

Although I suppose they can update the existing spells to incorporate the extra attack bonus. 

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1 hour ago, Extrasolar said:

If they did, it would be a little weirdly out of character. Geoffrey and Lucia never had the super close bond that, say, Eirika and Ephraim did. They were more focused on Elincia than each other...which is kind of a shame imo.

Yeah, Geoffrey and Lucia did always seem to prioritize Elincia and the country over each other, which is perfectly realistic. It's important to think about other people and such when you're in their positions.

I just hope that when Geoffrey and Elincia are in the game, there isn't much shippyness between them. Or between any of the possible pairings in RD, for that matter. It would be uncomfortable for those who didn't like them. Geoffrey will probably have a couple lines where he mentions Elincia, which is fine, but nothing too major, please...

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Just gimme Innes already, I have 210 orbs that want to be used for him, and is getting harder to keep them safe (specially when I want Alm and Klein) !

But yeah, I think Celica and co are going to come first, so...

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, Geoffrey and Lucia did always seem to prioritize Elincia and the country over each other, which is perfectly realistic. It's important to think about other people and such when you're in their positions.

I just hope that when Geoffrey and Elincia are in the game, there isn't much shippyness between them. Or between any of the possible pairings in RD, for that matter. It would be uncomfortable for those who didn't like them. Geoffrey will probably have a couple lines where he mentions Elincia, which is fine, but nothing too major, please...

They didn't do any ships between any current characters (Ninian and Eliwood being a big one that could have been done - or Florina and Hector as another very popular pairing) so I see no reason to think they would show anything between Geoffrey and Elincia. I'm guessing he will mention her a lot, though. I like to think he will mention his knights a fair bit, too. It'd be nice to have mentions of Lucia, but probs hoping for too much ^.^

Even as a fairly ardent Geoffrey x Elinica shipper, I don't want to see them forcing pairings on people unless they are actually canon in the game (except one particular canon pairing that can go die in a hole forever more). Then again, I think Alm only mentions Celica once, and that's one canon pairing xD 

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6 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

They didn't do any ships between any current characters (Ninian and Eliwood being a big one that could have been done - or Florina and Hector as another very popular pairing) so I see no reason to think they would show anything between Geoffrey and Elincia. I'm guessing he will mention her a lot, though. I like to think he will mention his knights a fair bit, too. It'd be nice to have mentions of Lucia, but probs hoping for too much ^.^

Even as a fairly ardent Geoffrey x Elinica shipper, I don't want to see them forcing pairings on people unless they are actually canon in the game (except one particular canon pairing that can go die in a hole forever more). Then again, I think Alm only mentions Celica once, and that's one canon pairing xD 

Yeah, but the GBA games gave characters multiple options. RD didn't, sadly, which is one thing I disliked about it (especially since a few characters had multiple reasonable options, like Elincia could've had both Ike and Geoffrey, Mist could've had Boyd and Rolf, and so on). But if Alm only mentions Celica once, that's interesting. And now that I think about it, Marth and Caeda don't even mention each other once. The only shipping that does get a good bit of attention is Abel and Est, and that's only on Abel's part.

I didn't like most RD pairings and I became a big Ike x Elincia shipper, so yeah, don't like my toes being stepped on like that...

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but the GBA games gave characters multiple options. RD didn't, sadly, which is one thing I disliked about it (especially since a few characters had multiple reasonable options, like Elincia could've had both Ike and Geoffrey, Mist could've had Boyd and Rolf, and so on). But if Alm only mentions Celica once, that's interesting.

I didn't like most RD pairings and I became a big Ike x Elincia shipper, so yeah, don't like my toes being stepped on like that...

Yeah but we counter with lovestruck Abel who mentions his wife a gazillion times xD Whereas I don't think she mentions him once -.- 

RD really, really disappointed me with supports and endings. I don't even particularly like Ike but 'he disappeared' just struck me as a really lame, cop out ending. I hate those endings at the best of times, and half the people in it 'disappeared'. I just discount the endings entirely and write what I want to write about it. The supports were just... why? I still makes me sad to see them. I want actual conversations - I want to get to know Volug and see more of Geoffrey (two convos in PoR and then that... thanks IS. At least he has a bigger role in the story), see more of Rhys and Mia... and Rhys and Titania (otp!)... I want to get to know everyone! 

Instead we get some base conversations, which is nice... but you don't really get to see many of the characters interact except with the main lords. It's sad :( It's probably why RD and SD are two of my least played of the newer games, since I felt no reason to go back after completing it (once for SD, twice for RD - to get Pelleas and Sephiran).

I guess this is part of the reason I'm looking forward to some of my favourite RD only charries in Heroes so we can actually see and hear more about them. 

Would be funny if Volug only spoke in old language xD 

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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

RD really, really disappointed me with supports and endings. I don't even particularly like Ike but 'he disappeared' just struck me as a really lame, cop out ending. I hate those endings at the best of times, and half the people in it 'disappeared'. I just discount the endings entirely and write what I want to write about it. The supports were just... why? I still makes me sad to see them. I want actual conversations - I want to get to know Volug and see more of Geoffrey (two convos in PoR and then that... thanks IS. At least he has a bigger role in the story), see more of Rhys and Mia... and Rhys and Titania (otp!)... I want to get to know everyone!

What if...

Ike disappeared from Tellius, because he got summoned to Zenith?

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7 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Yeah but we counter with lovestruck Abel who mentions his wife a gazillion times xD Whereas I don't think she mentions him once -.- 

RD really, really disappointed me with supports and endings. I don't even particularly like Ike but 'he disappeared' just struck me as a really lame, cop out ending. I hate those endings at the best of times, and half the people in it 'disappeared'. I just discount the endings entirely and write what I want to write about it. The supports were just... why? I still makes me sad to see them. I want actual conversations - I want to get to know Volug and see more of Geoffrey (two convos in PoR and then that... thanks IS. At least he has a bigger role in the story), see more of Rhys and Mia... and Rhys and Titania (otp!)... I want to get to know everyone! 

Instead we get some base conversations, which is nice... but you don't really get to see many of the characters interact except with the main lords. It's sad :( It's probably why RD and SD are two of my least played of the newer games, since I felt no reason to go back after completing it (once for SD, twice for RD - to get Pelleas and Sephiran).

I guess this is part of the reason I'm looking forward to some of my favourite RD only charries in Heroes so we can actually see and hear more about them. 

Would be funny if Volug only spoke in old language xD 

Probably because Est up and abandons him simply because he decided to betray Marth to SAVE her and Abel just endlessly searches for her. She was immature and stupid and I don't get why Abel fell for her at all.

Oh man, that is probably the only thing I legitimately dislike/hate about Ike. That ending was so dumb and out of character and didn't even have any explanation. There was literally NO reason given for why Ike left. It does open the possibility that we could see Ike cameo in other FE games other than through Amiibo, but still. I would have rather him stayed and kept running the mercs like he actually WANTED.

I liked having both base convos AND support convos in PoR. I wish this would come back. It established the characters better and made them more likeable.

OMG I like Rhys x Titania too! And Rhys x Mia, but I like Rhys x Titania a bit more. I feel like Mia would've had the best chemistry with Boyd. Both are competitive, love battling, etc. But they never even interact.

And yeah, I didn't like the Dawn Brigade because they ended up being flat and boring due to not as much screen time and lack of real support conversations. I hope to learn a bit more about them if they appear in Heroes myself.

EDIT: @Rezzy Very funny. :P

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New canon. That's where all the 'disappearing' units go, lmao!


I would have liked more support conversations in PoR, but yup, I liked the idea of both base and support convos. But yeah, to me, he had built up his company, he had saved the land, he had done everything to keep his country safe... but then he just went. I can understand him not getting with Elincia as he really doesn't like the idea of being noble, but eh, he kinda becomes that anyway. 

Titania and Rhys together is just adorable. The most adorable, bar none xD 

I think Mia and Boyd would end up trying to outdo each other a lot xD 

...How about Keiran and Mia? Now that would have been a disaster waiting to happen! I don't think Rhys' heart could have taken it, cleaning up the mess after!

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7 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I would have liked more support conversations in PoR, but yup, I liked the idea of both base and support convos. But yeah, to me, he had built up his company, he had saved the land, he had done everything to keep his country safe... but then he just went. I can understand him not getting with Elincia as he really doesn't like the idea of being noble, but eh, he kinda becomes that anyway. 

Titania and Rhys together is just adorable. The most adorable, bar none xD 

I think Mia and Boyd would end up trying to outdo each other a lot xD 

...How about Keiran and Mia? Now that would have been a disaster waiting to happen! I don't think Rhys' heart could have taken it, cleaning up the mess after!

I can understand why Ike wouldn't get with Elincia as well, but I also feel like it would've been reasonable for him to decide that he loves her more than he hates nobles and their lifestyle. You know, how someone would do something they normally wouldn't because it's for a person they love/care about. But that's just the way I see it. And yeah, I feel like even after renouncing his title, Ike is thought of by a lot of people on the same level anyway. Geoffrey even still refers to him as Sir Ike and I think some others do too.

Yes, yes indeed. <3

That's why I like their potential chemistry. lol

No way, Kieran and Marcia all the way man (I do list them in my sig after all. lol). I even headcanon that Kieran was a reason Marcia decided to join the Royal Knights. Hee hee.

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