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Which units do send home right away for feathers?

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1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I don't usually send any characters home right away. I try to keep two or three (sometimes more copies) depending on the skills or IVs. Like I have more Ests than I probably need because I've been playing with different strategies. I keep Sully because swordbreaker is useful. I've kept every Lon'qu because Vantage. I think I'm mostly paranoid that I'll send home a character and regret it later. 

But I really need to clean out my barracks. XD Since it's going to be a while before I pull again, I'm going to work out some strategies for characters, do all the SI I can and see who I need to send home after that. The feathers might not necessarily be worth it, but they add up after a bit. 

Oh Saint Elimine, by your grace I shall make my own comment as well! oh, and try not to trip again. you're gonna make me chuckle too much :3

I sent home quite a few units back before SI was implemented. The one I regretted the most was sending a 5* Camilla home. I could've just give that Brave Axe+ to someone!

As of now, I keep all units except when there is nothing good that I can inherit from the unit, and that he / she is of lower rarity. Anything that's downright bad and not one of my favorite unit is going to be sent home. :)

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I sent back units before SI came along (rip Gunter and Lisa, your skills will be missed) but I probably won't do it now unless I run out of barracks space (and I'll always keep at least 1 of every character for collection purposes).

As for characters that I have but don't really need for SI or units:

Clarine (already have 5* Elise and Swift-Winds balm isn't as useful as Kindled-Fire Balm)
Gordin (Attack +3 isn't as useful as Death Blow, Life or Death, or Fury)
Virion (Speed Seal and Astra are pretty meh)
Beruka (Glimmer, Defiant Def and Lunge are pretty meh)
Barte (Does anyone run Brash Assault on anything?)
Raven (Defiant Speed and Sol, pass)
Est (Defiant skill again)

Edit: Don't have these characters but I wouldn't need them.
Maria (Miracle is meh)
Chrom (Aether takes too long to charge, already have Marth for Falcion)
Ogma (Defiant skill again)



Edited by NekoKnight
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I'm at the point where I'm sending no one home but probably should.

It's a combination of "but raising this unit up to level 40 would give another easy load of HM!)" and "but what if i need their skills! and the worst of "I need their skills, but I have to promote them first"

as such 3/4ths of my box is going unused and I'm getting rid of no one as I approach 200 and have to contemplate wasting feathers, orbs or skills.

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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Full armor uses Swap to stay together for buffs. A single armor uses Pivot to keep up with the infantry units.

Infantry and cavalry use either Draw Back or Reposition depending on whether they can tank (Reposition, moves squishier ally behind you) or cannot tank (Draw Back, keeps tankier ally in front of you).

Fliers almost always prefer Reposition. Mixed with other movement types, it allows you to throw units over untraversible terrain. In a team of all fliers, it has no terrain limitations besides walls and lets you boost allied units forward to snipe or pull them back for a hit and run.


When running purely Goad and Ward, you can also use an Armor Flower in more open locations:

X   X

This lets you Swap to any position on any turn and puts enough space between units to make it easier to force enemy ranged units to attack only one unit.

The Armor Square obviously works better at a choke or in tighter terrain, though.

Honestly, I'm not sure what I was using xD I think I was using the one that makes you have to be by each other, since they only seemed to get the buffs then (are those the skills that come naturally with Gwendy and Sheena). I know Hector had the two space buff thing naturally, though. Zephiel didn't actually have anything, but he was useful as a swordie since I'd out-draug'd myself. Too many Draugs... too many...

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5 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

Barte (Does anyone run Brash Assault on anything?)

Only Lyn does, IIRC. Her sword has innate Desperation 2, and Brash Assault gives her a guaranteed double against melees.

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i used to just send everyone I didn't like or didn't think I could use home

but now that inheriting skills is a thing i keep a few

but there are also plenty of skills I don't really want

i've sent home 5 gunters that i've gotten in my attempts to get soren

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15 minutes ago, chirp said:

Sending home a unit is a torture, I only do it for units at 3* or less after hours of soul searching. And the feeling of guilt never truly disappears.

They are so happy to be summoned. They must be so sad to leave :(

Better than being ground up into skill fodder, maybe? xD

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Just now, Cute Chao said:

They are so happy to be summoned. They must be so sad to leave :(

Better than being ground up into skill fodder, maybe? xD

With inheritance, the units do not really die, their spirit still lives in my army.

And they are not ground, how inconsiderate ! No, they are gently infused and respectfully united with their new recipient.

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Just now, chirp said:

With inheritance, the units do not really die, their spirit still lives in my army.

And they are not ground, how inconsiderate ! No, they are gently infused and respectfully united with their new recipient.

Oh really?

...Maybe my idea with the woodchipper was a bit ott then... Whoops!

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8 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

I sent back units before SI came along (rip Gunter and Lisa, your skills will be missed) but I probably won't do it now unless I run out of barracks space (and I'll always keep at least 1 of every character for collection purposes).

As for characters that I have but don't really need for SI or units:

Clarine (already have 5* Elise and Swift-Winds balm isn't as useful as Kindled-Fire Balm)
Gordin (Attack +3 isn't as useful as Death Blow, Life or Death, or Fury)
Virion (Speed Seal and Astra are pretty meh)
Beruka (Glimmer, Defiant Def and Lunge are pretty meh)
Barte (Does anyone run Brash Assault on anything?)
Raven (Defiant Speed and Sol, pass)
Est (Defiant skill again)

Edit: Don't have these characters but I wouldn't need them.
Maria (Miracle is meh)
Chrom (Aether takes too long to charge, already have Marth for Falcion)
Ogma (Defiant skill again)

Ogma, Gordin and Raven can make good Brave Weapon fodder at least. Virion's most useful fodder is probably Silver Bow (I think Gordin wants that if i recall correctly). Beruka's Killer Axe is useful for those who like shorter proc skills like Bonfire, etc.

I haven't sent anyone home, but I think I'm going to start soon since I only have less than 10 spaces left in my barracks. I'm too much of a collector and now with Skill Inheritance, it's harder for me to get rid of units just in case I pull someone that needs something in the future. At the very last, I'm starting to use units for Skill Inheritance to make space for newer units in the future.

Edited by mcsilas
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18 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Better than being ground up into skill fodder, maybe? xD

They teach what they know and return home, peacefully and bloodlessly.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

They teach what they know and return home, peacefully and bloodlessly.

Yup, that's what I actually figure xD Otherwise none of my favourites would ever be used up for si!

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

Yup, that's what I actually figure xD Otherwise none of my favourites would ever be used up for si!

If only Karel came home. The Scarlet Sword needs his scarlet sword, damnit!

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45 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Ogma, Gordin and Raven can make good Brave Weapon fodder at least. Virion's most useful fodder is probably Silver Bow (I think Gordin wants that if i recall correctly). Beruka's Killer Axe is useful for those who like shorter proc skills like Bonfire, etc.

Weapon skills are certainly an option but considering that they are locked to 5* characters, you have to REALLY want that weapon to spend 20,000+ feathers upgrading your skill fodder, I did this to put Blarblade on Ursula, but 9 times out of 10,  I wouldn't consider that a reasonable investment.

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And I would return home again if another one fell on me. Don't need Threaten Speed with all the Navarres from the quests or Close Combat or Vengeance. He's probably my least wanted 5* :/ 

Edited by komasa
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Before Skill Inheritance was a thing, I was usually sent home Subaki and Hinata as I did not care much for them.

Nowadays though, I tend to keep everybody. When my Barracks starts to overflow, then I'll start thinking about sending home some people, but otherwise everyone has a purpose. (Currently sitting at 134 / 200 Heroes,)

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