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3 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

But if you hit a certain points versus Stamina Potion ratio, that just means you played more consistent runs, which is an even bigger feat.

Perhaps so. I also don't want to burn myself out though as playing through the day with the natural regen is already sufficient for me. I'm willing to grind if I have to, but I see no reason to subject myself to it if there's no need. 

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35k here. I took a bit longer to get into the synergy of it, and I don't do perfect runs. I do nearly perfect runs, mostly, and then switch out my first team for a second, more fitting team to take out Veronica. Works for me ^.^

I'm saving my potions for nearer the end, if I need them. Planning to go for the fifteen orbs now, which I wasn't even considering at the start :)

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The rewards drying up at higher levels is painful. I'd been ready to get something at 32,500 because it was another 2.5k, but nope, by this point it's just every 5k, until 50k where it drops further to every 10k.

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6 minutes ago, Othin said:

The rewards drying up at higher levels is painful. I'd been ready to get something at 32,500 because it was another 2.5k, but nope, by this point it's just every 5k, until 50k where it drops further to every 10k.

I will admit, this is a bit of a sad time for me. I'm already thinking fondly back to getting a prize every other battle... ahhh, those were the days xD 

Oh well, not long to go until the seal! 

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Man, when the Hero Merit first started rolling in I figured I'd have my first five characters at 2k by the end of the event, but now I'm realizing that's seeming like it'll turn out to be an underestimate. Olivia is already capped as expected because she was already almost there due to being my only dancer, but looking at my main team, Anna will probably hit the cap tomorrow with Marth, m!Robin, and Priscilla only a day or two behind. Apparently half the event is enough time to accumulate ~1500 HM, and aside from Tharja, the characters lined up to replace my current main team when it caps are already at 500 or more as well.

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YEEES!!! Finally got 50k, now I can rest easy about that seal! 

It sure was tough today with the bunch of Henrys and Raighs the TT were throwing at me. Now to finish the painful grind for 100k


Edited by Alexmender
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9 minutes ago, Othin said:

Man, when the Hero Merit first started rolling in I figured I'd have my first five characters at 2k by the end of the event, but now I'm realizing that's seeming like it'll turn out to be an underestimate. Olivia is already capped as expected because she was already almost there due to being my only dancer, but looking at my main team, Anna will probably hit the cap tomorrow with Marth, m!Robin, and Priscilla only a day or two behind. Apparently half the event is enough time to accumulate ~1500 HM, and aside from Tharja, the characters lined up to replace my current main team when it caps are already at 500 or more as well.

I wish I could use some of my non-main units to get the free HM for them, but it's a lot more effort and less consistent for my score. It's just too bad my Tharja and friends are already maxed out even before the event, so only my healer's been getting HM really.

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3 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

how are so many people getting by without a healer?

Some people run a pseudo-healer. Renewal + reciprocal aid or breath of life. Or they don't need a healer because desperation blade tomes are OP. 

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6 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

how are so many people getting by without a healer?

I seem to have good luck drawing 4* Faes which allows me to put Renewal 3 on 3 of my units.  In a three turn round, they heal 20 HP, which is also enough to cover up damage from Fury.  Renewal 1/2 should also be fine because at the start of each round you heal 10 HP.

Running a bunch of ranged units also helps.

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39 minutes ago, Othin said:

The rewards drying up at higher levels is painful. I'd been ready to get something at 32,500 because it was another 2.5k, but nope, by this point it's just every 5k, until 50k where it drops further to every 10k.

After 50,000 points, the rewards are just a bonus for playing, kind of like Trial Maps. The real final reward is Quickened Pulse at 50,000.


10 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

how are so many people getting by without a healer?

Desperation means you don't take damage on player phase.

Falchion, Renewal, and Breath of Life mixed in with Ardent Sacrifice and Reciprocal Aid can provide enough healing support on certain team compositions.

Hyper offense gets by on the principle that a dead enemy can't hurt you and a living enemy can't hurt you if you never give it a chance to attack.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

After 50,000 points, the rewards are just a bonus for playing, kind of like Trial Maps. The real final reward is Quickened Pulse at 50,000.


Desperation means you don't take damage on player phase.

Falchion, Renewal, and Breath of Life mixed in with Ardent Sacrifice and Reciprocal Aid can provide enough healing support on certain team compositions.

Hyper offense gets by on the principle that a dead enemy can't hurt you and a living enemy can't hurt you if you never give it a chance to attack.

Never belittle free orbs!

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Where I come from, mowing a lawn earns you enough money to buy 30 orbs.

And where I'm from I'm not allowed to buy orbs on Nox and I don't have an IoS or Android Iphone.

Aside form the armour quests I've gotten all the orbs attainable so far. This event will mark the next amount missed, sadface.

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My score is sitting at 47,744 (rank 2,514) right now, so Quickened Pulse is nearly within my grasp. The A Team I've been using is Eirika, Tharja, Ninian and Klein with my fallback team being Nino, Ephraim, Ryoma and Bride!Lyn. I've certainly been enjoying my teleportation shenanigans with Wings of Mercy and Escape Route on Klein and Ninian respectively though not so much fun the time or two that I've gotten ambushed by surprise WoM. Also, I think my Klein (and Tharja to a lesser extent) might be drowning in all the SP that they have gotten (3657 for Klein, 2307 for Tharja). Could someone send help? Though seriously, they both now have more SP than I know what to do with but that's a good problem to have I suppose. Those two and Eirika also all maxed out their merits, but that could've gone without being said (Ninian was already maxed going in).

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14 minutes ago, Silith13 said:

Aside form the armour quests I've gotten all the orbs attainable so far. This event will mark the next amount missed, sadface.

But everyone should have enough armors now. We have 3 Zephiels and 1 Draug. It should at least allow you to try the quest, even if its annoying as they are all reds. 

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Got to 4/15 last month with Zephiel and 3 Draugs. This month the tempest trials will devour any chance of getting that one orb. The amount of stamina I would need to spend there is probably more then the amount I would need for +10K in the tempest trials for 3 orbz.

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45 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

how are so many people getting by without a healer?

Couple of other people have answered this, but basically: kill enemies before they can kill you. 

Once Nino and/or Tharja are in Desperation range, they can proceed to eliminate basically any enemy before the enemy gets a chance to attack. 

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2 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Which would require spending money. Not all of us are whales.

1 hour of mowing a lawn → 30 orbs is no different than 1 hour of mowing a lawn → $20 → 30 orbs. Money is just something that people have agreed on a value for so that you don't have to directly trade goods and services. Buying a car with money is a hell of a lot easier than buying a car with watermelons, but if all you can produce are watermelons, you can trade that for money and trade money for a car. Either way, you've payed for your car with watermelons.

If it bothers you, have them pay you in Google Play gift cards (or whatever the iOS equivalent is).

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Quickened Pulse is now mine and I've plopped it onto Nino for the moment because she's deserved it. With that though, my competitive spirit has died down so I'll be messing around with new team comps with the expectation that I'll still get all of the rewards that I'm aiming for. Probably about time to start considering my next promoted unit. This will be fun since I finally have all the starters out of the way.

Does anyone know if people have been keeping tabs on ranking thresholds?

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21 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

1 hour of mowing a lawn → 30 orbs is no different than 1 hour of mowing a lawn → $20 → 30 orbs. Money is just something that people have agreed on a value for so that you don't have to directly trade goods and services. Buying a car with money is a hell of a lot easier than buying a car with watermelons, but if all you can produce are watermelons, you can trade that for money and trade money for a car. Either way, you've payed for your car with watermelons.

If it bothers you, have them pay you in Google Play gift cards (or whatever the iOS equivalent is).

Or I could use that money on not a mobile game. Like a real game.

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