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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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15 hours ago, Troykv said:

Tell me... outside of Cavaliers and Staff Bots (and I guess Dancers)... Which units would you consider non-worthless?

What does that have to do with myrmidons sucking exactly?

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My unpopular opinions (or, what I think are unpopular. I'm not too sure about some of them, just basing the unpopularity off of a few things I've heard):

I like armored units (well, except in FE4, for obvious reasons).

I don't like most mages. Occasionally, I'll find ones that I like, but regular mages I have a hard time finding a use for. Mounted mages are fine, though. This is probably one of the reasons why I can't stand desert maps...

I don't like transformation characters (laguz, manaketes, beasts, etc.). I have never been fond of the "human with animal features" design.

While I do think Ike was a decent character and a great unit, I thought he was very bland for a large portion of POR.

I hate reclassing. In my opinion, is causes some characters that I would have otherwise used to just be benched, in favor of the characters that are just better. Also, in games with little character development, I think it makes the characters lose any personality that they might have had from their class.

I like the story of FE6. Not sure exactly why (although I think most agree that the villains were great).

I prefer the Light Dark Anima triangle to the Wind Thunder Fire triangle, and I especially dislike the games where magic users can use all three parts of the anima triangle. Again, similar to reclassing, this means that a number of characters will just get benched in favor of others. However, whatever happens, I do prefer there to be a magic triangle.

Anyway, thats all I can think of.

Edited by DolphinDingus
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2 hours ago, L9999 said:

What does that have to do with myrmidons sucking exactly?

Your opinions reminds me to a friend; I'm just curious about your opinion in this subject (he mostly uses Mounted units and mages if they have special utilities... and Dread Fighters in Gaiden/SoV's case).

He also mentioned that Armored Knights are class that only works in the enemy side.

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1 hour ago, Troykv said:

Your opinions reminds me to a friend; I'm just curious about your opinion in this subject (he mostly uses Mounted units and mages if they have special utilities... and Dread Fighters in Gaiden/SoV's case).

He also mentioned that Armored Knights are class that only works in the enemy side.

Well, he isn't exactly wrong. Some units work on enemy side more than player side due to the differences in objectives. So long as the enemies damage or stall your units they did their job. The player by contrast has to kill/seize/whatever.

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fire emblem 4 excecutes mechanics terribly

Everything about Ike is dreadful

Overpowered units like Marcus and Seth are not fun to use

Dart and Darros are some of my favorite units

Camilla should have won against Ike (Mainly cause Ike sucks)

Myrmidons are either bad or really good like Guy and Navarre

Defense and res are the best stats while Luck is the worst stat

Eliwood is the best Fe7 lord (Hector is barely behind)

Genny is the best Echoes character and one of my favorites but the writers botched her character by limiting her to one support

Say'ri is a reall good character that should have had more supports

The best awakening character is Brady

Fe7 is the best game

The series could learn from Shadow Dragons story

Light magic should come back

the worst weapon typeis swords

Knights, cavaliers and archers are the best classes

Lyn isn't good and neither is Lucina, leading to m final opinion

Lucina is the wort character ever introduced to any franchise.

(Also Hicks is the best Fire Emblem character!)


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4 minutes ago, Tuvy2 said:

Genny is the best Echoes character and one of my favorites but the writers botched her character by limiting her to one support


Aside from Leon, she was my favorite on Celica's path. The only reason I didn't choose Deen was because Sonya was her 1 support

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-Arthur is best Fates character, and best husband (I consider him in my top 5 favorite FE characters ever)

-Conquest had the best ending of the 3 paths in Fates

-I love Faye, she's adorable and one of my fave units in Echoes

-Archer is my favorite class, I love using archers

-I didn't like many of the characters in Awakening, I had a hard time getting attached to them

-I don't really like Lyn, and I find her bland design wise. Something about her just doesn't do it for me...

-I wish Laguz would make a come back I really liked the bird tribe;  that being said Manaketes are okay, but transforming into dragons has always been really 'meh' for me.

-I'm not overly fond of any of the lords; I don't have a bias towards any one of them. They're all okay at best.

-I find the supporting cast/characters are always more interesting than the more major characters


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14 minutes ago, Sarfiaholic said:

-Arthur is best Fates character, and best husband (I consider him in my top 5 favorite FE characters ever)

-Conquest had the best ending of the 3 paths in Fates

-I love Faye, she's adorable and one of my fave units in Echoes

-Archer is my favorite class, I love using archers

-I didn't like many of the characters in Awakening, I had a hard time getting attached to them

-I don't really like Lyn, and I find her bland design wise. Something about her just doesn't do it for me...

-I wish Laguz would make a come back I really liked the bird tribe;  that being said Manaketes are okay, but transforming into dragons has always been really 'meh' for me.

-I'm not overly fond of any of the lords; I don't have a bias towards any one of them. They're all okay at best.

-I find the supporting cast/characters are always more interesting than the more major characters


I agree with almost all of that:

  • Arthur, as a character, is really sweet and I always enjoy his supports. As a unit, meh.
  • I also thought Conquest's ending was the best. I'm sorry, but Hoshido would not win against Nohr. It just wouldn't happen.
  • Faye... I don't hate her or dislike her, I just don't like her that much. She's adorable, she's just one-note.
  • I also love archers, I never do a playthrough without at least one
  • I don't relate on Awakening, although I completely understand. There are lots of characters in Awakening that have very nice backstories, but you have to find the right supports. Maribelle, Henry, and especially Gregor and Libra are fleshed out primarily in supports. Libra and Gregor may be some of the best FE characters, personality and story-wise, in a long time. I just can't get over how great Gregor's supports are... but I'm getting off-track :\
  • I actually don't like Lyn that much either. When I first started FE7, the only thing I knew of Lyn was that she was a really cool assist trophy in Smash Bros. Brawl. Her personality is kind of generic FE protagonist. Her design is okay.
  • The Laguz coming back would be fantastic, more shapeshifters. I want more Taguel, though (if by Laguz, you just mean Tellius creatures, I apologize), Panne is personally my favorite transformation character. I also really like Mordecai in Tellius, though.
  • I like Chrom, Hector, Ike, and Micaiah. The others... meh.
  • I have almost never played a game, read a book, or watched a movie/TV show of any kind where I liked the protagonist more than the side characters. The only exceptions to that are Bojack Horseman, Rick Sanchez, and Mabel Pines. Almost Steven Universe, but Pearl and Peridot exist, so... In FE, the only lord/main character that has ever come close to beating my favorite side characters in-game is Ike. And even then, he can't compete with Titania, Ilyana, Oscar, and Soren.
Edited by Florina's #1 Fan
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- I hate hit rate in Fire Emblem, and while Heroes is a slimmed down version of an Fire Emblem game, it shows there is potential in a full Fire Emblem game with no hit rate. 

- FE 4 is kind of a slog game play wise.

- Being good at Fire Emblem is something very few people can claim, and even then, I'm not sure there is a definitive way to be 'good' at Fire Emblem.

- Shadows of Valentia was the most fun I've had with Fire Emblem ever. Only Fire Emblem where I immediately went back and finished the game a second time.

- With the above being said, Shadows of Valentia being remade first over Binding Blade just stumps me with its incompetence on a business level. No other Fire Emblem game should have even been considered for a remake before Binding Blade, or at least until it got a port on English. The only reason I can think of is that they wished to test the waters on whether the fan base would want a remake or not, but that seems like a lot of work to figure that kind of information.

Edited by TehDarkside
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The amount of Jugdral and Tellius bias in the community sickens me. We get it, you like the games, but do you have to shove it in other people's faces and let it cloud your perspective on other games?

I don't consider TRS or the other two games to be related to FE, at all. Get that Playstation filth out of my face

It's unreal how many people can't spell Alfonse's name properly.

I would love a game that focuses solely on the Laguz. No Ike, no Greil Mercenaries, etc. Just the Hawks, Ravens, Herons, Beasts, etc. You can flesh out the Serenes massacre and Nailah's tribe, it'd be great.

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Ronan is an interesting and a fun unit. Personally, I like his design and that he has impressive growths save for strength.

For those who say that he's pretty much asking to be a mage or that devs did a rush job of putting him in archer class, I honestly can't agree with either. If you actually think about it, he can serve as a good mage killer and can be relevant until mid game which by then you get better units like Selfina.

I pity the poor boy. Oh well, atleast he has his mother...


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From the games I played:

Tellius: I actually don't think I have any unpopular opinions here unless... is Micaiah still the anti-christ for the fandom? Because I like her a lot.

Awakening: Wallhart did nothing for me as a villain.

Fates: - Birthright's gameplay was more enjoyable for me than Conquest.

- I think Hoshido's cast has more good characters than Nohr's.

Echoes: Berkut was awful as a villain. Delthea is a good character and deserved better than the ending she got.

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7 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Tellius: I actually don't think I have any unpopular opinions here unless... is Micaiah still the anti-christ for the fandom? Because I like her a lot.

From what I heard Corrin ensured that more people started to appreciate Micaiah and the more grey morality they were going for with her. 

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5 minutes ago, familyplayer said:

Wait, what's wrong with her ending?

Her sealing up her magic powers for good. While she never seemed enthusiastic about developing her abilities, she seemed completely fine with having them and even being proud of them. Having her give them up for a normal married life, settles in into the unfortunate trend of many female SOV characters giving up their fighting life to settle down with a man (while male characters sometimes have this too, their endings tend to be more diverse and refer to acomplishments outside of marriage).

Just now, Etrurian emperor said:

From what I heard Corrin ensured that more people started to appreciate Micaiah and the more grey morality they were going for with her. 

That's good to hear then. Guess that's at least one positive thing we got from the whole affair.

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4 hours ago, darkblade2814 said:

they should not have nervfed the Pair up System and Reclass in Fates, with was good as it was in Awakening.

Out of curiosity, what exactly did you like in Awakening's system that you didn't like in Fates' system? I personally found that my only real issues were the expensive cost of Eternal Seals and the complete castration of Dual Guard.

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4 hours ago, darkblade2814 said:

they should not have nervfed the Pair up System and Reclass in Fates, with was good as it was in Awakening.

It was broken in Awakening. Fire Emblem should be more about strategy than chance, and when the percentage for Dual Guard and Dual Attack was so high, it made it really easy to just throw S rank pair-ups into the fray because they were essentially indestructible. I married my Avatar to Chrom, and when I sent her into battle, she was never hurt because Chrom blocked every other hit and she evaded the hits he didn't block. Fates' system made much more sense, it balanced things so that you wouldn't get a set of stat boosts and a unit on the same space as you that would fight for you and completely absorb damage for you simultaneously, instead, the guard bar made you think about how to best use your damage block, as well as think about unit positioning.

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22 hours ago, Nanima said:

Her sealing up her magic powers for good. While she never seemed enthusiastic about developing her abilities, she seemed completely fine with having them and even being proud of them. Having her give them up for a normal married life, settles in into the unfortunate trend of many female SOV characters giving up their fighting life to settle down

*Cough* Mathilda *cough*


Seriously, though, I hated Sonya's ending, as she was one of my favorites. Her ending was obnoxiously cryptic, and they made it sound like she became a witch herself, which I didn't even know you could do since Duma's gone now. It doesn't make sense for more than just that, though, how could she become a witch on her way to cure witches? She's not stupid, her father was Jedah and her sisters became witches, she should know how to avoid such a fate.

It seemed totally out of her character, too. She hated her father for turning her sister into witches, so I understand why she pursued a cure, but she definitely did not deserve what happened to her, and I don't get how it could happen because Sonya is very rational and level-headed, it isn't like she would play around with Medusa or something, she understands the consequences of that. She wasn't thirsty for power, she merely was interested in fixing the condition her sisters were in.


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5 hours ago, darkblade2814 said:

they should not have nerfed the Pair up System and Reclass in Fates, with was good as it was in Awakening.

What made Awakening Pair Up/Reclassing good for you?  All either of those things did in practice was add a "wanna break the game?" button.  There was basically no disadvantage to using them.  

I'm just extremely confused why anyone would think they didn't need a nerf.

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39 minutes ago, Florina's #1 Fan said:

It was broken in Awakening. Fire Emblem should be more about strategy than chance, and when the percentage for Dual Guard and Dual Attack was so high, it made it really easy to just throw S rank pair-ups into the fray because they were essentially indestructible. I married my Avatar to Chrom, and when I sent her into battle, she was never hurt because Chrom blocked every other hit and she evaded the hits he didn't block. Fates' system made much more sense, it balanced things so that you wouldn't get a set of stat boosts and a unit on the same space as you that would fight for you and completely absorb damage for you simultaneously, instead, the guard bar made you think about how to best use your damage block, as well as think about unit positioning.


29 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

What made Awakening Pair Up/Reclassing good for you?  All either of those things did in practice was add a "wanna break the game?" button.  There was basically no disadvantage to using them.  

I'm just extremely confused why anyone would think they didn't need a nerf.

 THAT was way I liked it, the first time we could cap all the status of your characters, for me it's like the Lewin!Ced, the fun kind of broken, it is kind of fun seeing a the coments of the characters when they level up with most of their status are capped, like Priam's.

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After reading the first two pages of this thread, I suppose an unpopular opinion would be that I like Est characters? I just thoroughly enjoy the payoff of hard training more than I do the ease of training characters with good bases. Nino was especially fun because it was very hard to catch her up in such a short amount of time, but when she did catch up, there was no one who could beat her, she was like a nuke. I also really liked using Est in FE15 and Ross in FE8. From a tactical perspective, it makes no sense to use these units, but it makes things harder, and there is awesome payoff in their stats, because even though you spent experience on lower-level units instead of raising others, the Est archetype makes up for that by having incredible stats once trained, meaning they can destroy things on their own, taking on enemies that your other units, even if they did get the exp. you spent on the Est, would not be able to ORKO.

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