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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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I Feel they would be chose later on. They would take more then 6 chapter prologue To chose the path. Here an exemple : the Avatar is Corrin childhood friend in hoshido and is a ninja. Even after their kidnapping the Avatar would sneak into norh To see them therefore birthright would be easier since the hoshidan avatar knew them longer therefore corrin would sit on the hoshidan throne easier thus unlocking their memories way easier thus corrin breaking ties with norh entirely denouncing them way earlier 

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4 hours ago, Rose482 said:

THANK YOU. I've seen so many people complain about that pair for one reason or another, and it makes me soooo sad. It's one of my favorites as well.

Like, while their time in RD wasn't the most romantic, I still could feel how much they cared/loved one another.

Tbh, at the expense of sounding like either a massive dumb**s or creep, while the pairing is not one I'm interested in, I... never really understood what exactly is so awful about it. I mean don't get me wrong, I definitely understand why someone would be weirded out by it, but I never saw what exactly is so offensively bad about it. I mean yeah, Micaiah played a big part in Sothe's upbringing and what have you, but it's not like she was actively grooming him to be her husband, I don't think that thought would even cross Micaiah's mind; that she ended up falling in love with the man Sothe became doesn't have to have anything to do with that kind of implication. And it's not like Sothe's affections for her are simply those of a horny kid lusting after his hot babysitter, his feelings always seemed way too genuine for that to me.  It's not like they began a relationship when Sothe was a kid either. 

Overall, I think people in this fandom need to stop mixing "implications" with "facts", cause at the end of the day, implications are just that, implications, it's not actually an indicative of what is going on in the full picture. And I mean, I can't deny the pairing is something unusual, but "unusual" doesn't have to mean "bad" either (I apologize to anyone if I'm coming across as an idiot or a pretentious douchebag, I don't mean to offend you).

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Here comes another (apparently) unpopular opinion: I don't really understand what exactly is so much better about the female Byleth compared to the male one. I mean, aside from the design and the gender, they're the exact same thing. Don't know why exactly she's so popular, or why some people act like she's the "canon" one and pretend the male one doesn't even exist (speaking of which, why are some people hostile like that towards the male Byleth?). I think I've seen some people claim that she's more "emotive", but I've seen her scenes, and compared to the male one, she's just about a tiny bit more emotive (and I'm pretty sure that it only looks that way because of her softer/rounder features), and the emotions on display are still the exact same ones as the male, so it doesn't really change anything about the character.

So, am I missing something there? Or is my opinion just a completely strange one? Or is this opinion actually more common than I think it is and I'm just very oblivious? (feel free to be completely honest here if you want).

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sigurd/deirdre AND eliwood/ninian are anemic pairings that bring their storylines down (and BlaBla's storyline is already almost in the mariana trench lol) and micaiah/sothe have a much better dynamic for the storyline of their game than both of those two.

the best main lord pairing the games actively suggest is ike/soren. tears?

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50 minutes ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

I thinks it’s cause FCorrin was the canon one

Well, I don't see how that has any bearing on Byleth, but either way, you could say the same about male Robin for Awakening. And tbh, I think even Fates itself paints female Corrin as "canon" only for Conquest and male Corrin as canon for Birthright, so not really anything officially confirmed there (as far as I'm aware).

53 minutes ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

but also because Sothis is a girl and it’s like if Rhea/Seiros picked a boy to carry her mom and if MByleth would be taken over by Sothis it would become weirde.

But Rhea didn't actually "choose" Byleth to carry Sothis' soul. The whole reason she implanted the crest stone in them was because Sitri asked her to so Byleth's life would be saved, and that was going to happen whether Byleth was a girl OR a boy. Also, I don't think we really know what exactly it is that Rhea expected to happen to Byleth and Sothis (the game never seemed to explain it in detail). Maybe she thought they would be "taken over" by her, or  maybe she simply expected Sothis' consciousness to manifest within them and live alongside their own as a companion.

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She clearly expected a takeover she even admits it in Silver Snow.She says this quote: I had to see my mother again but instead....she merely gave you her powers. Seem pretty straightforward to me and in Crimson Flow she says this: so this is the choice you’ve made. you’re just another failure: considering that The other vessels we know is Byleth mom this leads to me believe I am right on the dot. Sitri beg like any parents would do to save their children’s lives. Rhea could do both an act of kindness and selfishness in one swoop with this.hell before the Timeskip to CF or SS she plans to have Byleth sit on Sothis throne for the take over to happen before the flame emperor attacked

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1 hour ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

Here comes another (apparently) unpopular opinion: I don't really understand what exactly is so much better about the female Byleth compared to the male one. I mean, aside from the design and the gender, they're the exact same thing. Don't know why exactly she's so popular, or why some people act like she's the "canon" one and pretend the male one doesn't even exist (speaking of which, why are some people hostile like that towards the male Byleth?). I think I've seen some people claim that she's more "emotive", but I've seen her scenes, and compared to the male one, she's just about a tiny bit more emotive (and I'm pretty sure that it only looks that way because of her softer/rounder features), and the emotions on display are still the exact same ones as the male, so it doesn't really change anything about the character.

For me its always been because male Byleth is so boring. Both Byleth's are, but the female one dressing like a hooker at least gives her appearance something noteworthy. Female Byleth being a shorty and seeing many of her students grow taller than her is also a fairly nice touch. 

There's also the thing that the female version is considered cuter by many people. Not just a boring stiff but a 'cute kuudere''. On its own that would be a petty reason to like one over the other but the Byleth's barely have any traits so at that point ''cuteness'' becomes one of the few things they might have going for them.

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6 hours ago, Rose482 said:

THANK YOU. I've seen so many people complain about that pair for one reason or another, and it makes me soooo sad. It's one of my favorites as well.

Like, while their time in RD wasn't the most romantic, I still could feel how much they cared/loved one another.

You're welcome! I like it in particular because their interactions don't have to be read as romantic, but they can be. That just works better for me and a lot of my preferred ships in the series are like that.

2 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

Here comes another (apparently) unpopular opinion: I don't really understand what exactly is so much better about the female Byleth compared to the male one. I mean, aside from the design and the gender, they're the exact same thing. Don't know why exactly she's so popular, or why some people act like she's the "canon" one and pretend the male one doesn't even exist (speaking of which, why are some people hostile like that towards the male Byleth?). I think I've seen some people claim that she's more "emotive", but I've seen her scenes, and compared to the male one, she's just about a tiny bit more emotive (and I'm pretty sure that it only looks that way because of her softer/rounder features), and the emotions on display are still the exact same ones as the male, so it doesn't really change anything about the character.

So, am I missing something there? Or is my opinion just a completely strange one? Or is this opinion actually more common than I think it is and I'm just very oblivious? (feel free to be completely honest here if you want).

Maybe you're hearing a vocal minority because I've never or rarely heard these things. This is personal, but what really sours me on the male avatars is how so many people when talking about them, even just in general, will use male pronouns. Plenty of people do use gender-neutral terms and that's great, but as a female player it really bugs me to still see half or more referring to Byleth and others as "he" while virtually no one uses "she," and it makes me more antagonistic toward the male avatars as a result. That and the marketing always being so heavily skewed in the male avatar's favor, as well.

1 hour ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

I thinks it’s cause FCorrin was the canon one but also because Sothis is a girl and it’s like if Rhea/Seiros picked a boy to carry her mom and if MByleth would be taken over by Sothis it would become weirde.

F Corrin was never canon. Fates' marketing was heavily skewed in male Corrin's favor and they still tend to use male Corrin in artwork (such as from Cipher) of all the series' lords.

1 hour ago, Axie said:

the best main lord pairing the games actively suggest is ike/soren. tears?

Tears of joy.

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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

For me its always been because male Byleth is so boring. Both Byleth's are, but the female one dressing like a hooker at least gives her appearance something noteworthy. Female Byleth being a shorty and seeing many of her students grow taller than her is also a fairly nice touch. 

There's also the thing that the female version is considered cuter by many people. Not just a boring stiff but a 'cute kuudere''. On its own that would be a petty reason to like one over the other but the Byleth's barely have any traits so at that point ''cuteness'' becomes one of the few things they might have going for them.

Well yeah I guess, but I'd still rather say a character looks interesting for the right reasons, not just "her outfit is weird but at least it's eye-catching". Even so, I personally always preferred male Byleth's design more, if only cause it actually makes him look like a mercenary and gives him a more professional air. Then again, the way a character looks has never really been a "selling point" to me, so maybe that has something to do with it. Can't fault anyone for liking either Byleth anyway.

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6 hours ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

She clearly expected a takeover she even admits it in Silver Snow.She says this quote: I had to see my mother again but instead....she merely gave you her powers. Seem pretty straightforward to me 

I guess, but she really only says that she wanted to see her mother again, and that can be interpreted in many ways imo, it doesn't necessarily have to mean that she wanted Sothis to possess Byleth (but it can be a possibility). I personally never read it like that tbh until I saw people on the internet saying that. 

6 hours ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

and in Crimson Flow she says this: so this is the choice you’ve made. you’re just another failure: considering that The other vessels we know is Byleth mom this leads to me believe I am right on the dot. 

Yeah, but at that point she clearly lost her marbles and was speaking out of rage at Byleth for betraying her; especially since she doesn't act that way or calls them a "failure" in the other routes despite the fact that Sothis still didn't manifest within them; people normally tend to speak out of line when they're extremely angry, and considering she was pretty much exploding there, she was probably letting her anger speak for her (at least, that's the way I saw it).

6 hours ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

Sitri beg like any parents would do to save their children’s lives. Rhea could do both an act of kindness and selfishness in one swoop with this.hell before the Timeskip to CF or SS she plans to have Byleth sit on Sothis throne for the take over to happen before the flame emperor attacked

 My point in my original post was that that would've happened whether Byleth had been a boy or a girl, by which I mean that I don't think Rhea would've done so without consent (and probably hadn't even considered the idea) until Sitri asked it of her. There's really no way of knowing exactly what Rhea was thinking at that moment anyway as it was never actually shown to us. Also, again, I don't think we were ever told what exactly Rhea expected to happen to Byleth at the Holy Tomb. I mean, it's clear she expected Sothis' spirit to manifest in some way or another in them, but what that way was, we don't know (hell, it's even hinted that Rhea herself might've not known exactly what was going to happen given how she mostly seemed to be running on speculation because of how she believed she "heard her mother's voice" there once, and how at one point she says one thing, and then at another says a different one).

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4 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

Here comes another (apparently) unpopular opinion: I don't really understand what exactly is so much better about the female Byleth compared to the male one. I mean, aside from the design and the gender, they're the exact same thing. Don't know why exactly she's so popular, or why some people act like she's the "canon" one and pretend the male one doesn't even exist (speaking of which, why are some people hostile like that towards the male Byleth?). I think I've seen some people claim that she's more "emotive", but I've seen her scenes, and compared to the male one, she's just about a tiny bit more emotive (and I'm pretty sure that it only looks that way because of her softer/rounder features), and the emotions on display are still the exact same ones as the male, so it doesn't really change anything about the character.

I like to think of female Byleth as the canon one because she can romance all the lords. I think she’s a lot more popular because female in revealing clothing, even though she’s supposed to be an avatar.

2 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

And tbh, I think even Fates itself paints female Corrin as "canon" only for Conquest and male Corrin as canon for Birthright, so not really anything officially confirmed there (as far as I'm aware).

Wait... why?

2 hours ago, Florete said:

This is personal, but what really sours me on the male avatars is how so many people when talking about them, even just in general, will use male pronouns. Plenty of people do use gender-neutral terms and that's great, but as a female player it really bugs me to still see half or more referring to Byleth and others as "he" while virtually no one uses "she," and it makes me more antagonistic toward the male avatars as a result.

Where do you think that comes from? I’ve always read people using pronouns for any of the avatars in general as them just using the ones they played with. I mean, that can still make you antagonistic toward them, I’m just trying to understand.

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To me where I learned to write the masculine pronouns won always over female even if there were 7 girls and 1 boy in a classroom of children. It’s generally how it’s work in my country in plural since the avatar has 2 gender M or F. So M is the generalized term for me.

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Not only but female teacher is way more appealing in media so don’t ask me. A teacher is meant to teach so to me I don’t care if their an innie or outtie. Also Japan aka anime or hentai because otherwise I no fucking idea 

Edited by NaotoUzumaki
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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Where do you think that comes from? I’ve always read people using pronouns for any of the avatars in general as them just using the ones they played with. I mean, that can still make you antagonistic toward them, I’m just trying to understand.

Yeah, that's likely it. I don't think anyone is intentionally being non-inclusive, but the result is the same. And it's hardly exclusive to FE, plenty of game franchises do this. Ubisoft laughably said they expected Kassandra to be more popular than Alexios in Assassin's Creed Odyssey despite the latter being all over the marketing and alone on the cover of the game.

When you're someone like me and you see this all the time it just gets so tiresome.

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2 hours ago, Florete said:

Yeah, that's likely it. I don't think anyone is intentionally being non-inclusive, but the result is the same. And it's hardly exclusive to FE, plenty of game franchises do this. Ubisoft laughably said they expected Kassandra to be more popular than Alexios in Assassin's Creed Odyssey despite the latter being all over the marketing and alone on the cover of the game.

When you're someone like me and you see this all the time it just gets so tiresome.

It is but it’s not they’ll listen to us when the gaming industry is anti consumer currently 

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6 hours ago, Sooks said:

I like to think of female Byleth as the canon one because she can romance all the lords. I think she’s a lot more popular because female in revealing clothing, even though she’s supposed to be an avatar.

Don't really see how that would make her more "canon" really, since romance isn't really the point of the story (and the lords can also marry other people besides Byleth), but well, I've never played FE for the romance anyway, and everyone's got their own perspective of things in the end. 

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Wait... why?

Mostly going from the marketing perspective. Like for example, how the games' cases' covers each have a Corrin in them (Birthright has the male one while Conquest features the female one). But then again, that's also just my personal interpretation.

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12 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

Here comes another (apparently) unpopular opinion: I don't really understand what exactly is so much better about the female Byleth compared to the male one. I mean, aside from the design and the gender, they're the exact same thing. Don't know why exactly she's so popular, or why some people act like she's the "canon" one and pretend the male one doesn't even exist (speaking of which, why are some people hostile like that towards the male Byleth?). I think I've seen some people claim that she's more "emotive", but I've seen her scenes, and compared to the male one, she's just about a tiny bit more emotive (and I'm pretty sure that it only looks that way because of her softer/rounder features), and the emotions on display are still the exact same ones as the male, so it doesn't really change anything about the character.

So, am I missing something there? Or is my opinion just a completely strange one? Or is this opinion actually more common than I think it is and I'm just very oblivious? (feel free to be completely honest here if you want).

Have things shifted to female Byleth? Around release the vocal part of the fanbase detested female Byleth, citing the sillyness of her fishnet legs and awkwardness of her blank expression compared to male Byleth. Of course, stress vocal part, in the accompanying poll I made in a thread addressing that topic in the early days they were roughly even.


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10 hours ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

Not only but female teacher is way more appealing in media so don’t ask me. A teacher is meant to teach so to me I don’t care if their an innie or outtie. Also Japan aka anime or hentai because otherwise I no fucking idea 

Harry Potter.

....force of habit. I don’t really have a preference of gender for teachers in media. But if you want good male ones, there you go.

9 hours ago, Florete said:

Yeah, that's likely it. I don't think anyone is intentionally being non-inclusive, but the result is the same. And it's hardly exclusive to FE, plenty of game franchises do this. Ubisoft laughably said they expected Kassandra to be more popular than Alexios in Assassin's Creed Odyssey despite the latter being all over the marketing and alone on the cover of the game.

And then they made Kassandra canon, I think.

9 hours ago, Florete said:

When you're someone like me and you see this all the time it just gets so tiresome.

Fair enough.

4 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

Don't really see how that would make her more "canon" really, since romance isn't really the point of the story (and the lords can also marry other people besides Byleth), but well, I've never played FE for the romance anyway, and everyone's got their own perspective of things in the end.

I just like to think of her as such, I don’t really know which would be canon. I just like Byleth x lord.

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I don't think "Canon" means what you all think it means. I don't want to get into a gigantic argument over authorial intent so i'll try to keep this brief.

People can and do have different interpretations and personal choices in a work of art, different interpretations of the meaning of something as well as what choices makes more sense for a story. Their own vision.

But "Canon" can only be the interpretations and choices that you cannot have any agency over. What is completely set in stone, and it is also important to remember: In a series where entries can share continuity, canon can and often will be self-contained.

Marth and Caeda being lovers is canon, it does not matter what choice the player makes these two will always be each other's romantic interest first and foremost.

All of Shadow Dragon's cast surviving the events of that game is canon to New Mystery of the Emblem, as well as Arran being the one recruited by Marth's army in the game's events rather than Samson. But neither of those are canon to Shadow Dragon and Shadow Dragon in specific.

Ced being the child of Lewyn is canon to Thracia 776, but it is not canon to Genealogy of the Holy War. Same with Nanna being Leif's love interest, or Leif's rebellion to take back Munster being successful.

Ninian being Eliwood's lover is not canon. Be it for Blazing Blade or Binding Blade.

Of course, in discussion that doesn't mean that stuff the player has choice ever should be completely disregarded because "it's not canon", because the fact these choices can happen in the first place can still be used to examine a character under specific contexts. Neither male Byleth nor female Byleth are canon, but you can still take the differences in dialogue certain characters have when talking with Byleth depending on their gender and talk about it in discussions and analysis of course, as the fact there is differences in the first place and what these differences are can tell more about the characters involved.

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On 3/10/2021 at 1:40 PM, NaotoUzumaki said:

I thinks it’s cause FCorrin was the canon one but also because Sothis is a girl and it’s like if Rhea/Seiros picked a boy to carry her mom and if MByleth would be taken over by Sothis it would become weirde.

The Female Corrin is usually associated with Nohr, while the Male is associated with Hoshido according to the marketing. Female Corrin getting more attention is just because she is more popular, which isn't really a Fire Emblem problem, I've noticed in Pokemon that the female Player characters get more attention than their Male counterparts, like Dawn from Diamond and Pearl getting more attention than Lucas with the remake coming up. 

On the topic of Corrin, is it really fair to call them out for being Naive? I mean, they lived steeled-fortress for the entire lives and were literally never allowed to leave once and thus have no understanding of the outside world. Isn't it natural for them to make foolish mistakes and not know much?

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28 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

On the topic of Corrin, is it really fair to call them out for being Naive? I mean, they lived steeled-fortress for the entire lives and were literally never allowed to leave once and thus have no understanding of the outside world. Isn't it natural for them to make foolish mistakes and not know much?

I don't really think them being naive is the problem. Its that they never grow out of it and that the rest of the cast deliberately coddle Corrin so he doesn't learn from his mistakes. Best highlighted by the aftermath of Anthony's betrayal where the Royals assure Corrin that he never needs to stop being overly trusting and that they'll happily fix the big mess it will cause.

Its consequence free Naivety. Corrin's naivety is very rarely held against him and he's shielded from the consequences of it. Unlike Ike no one gives him a stern talking to when his naivety risks important alliances for instance, the traps Corrin easily walks into always gets foiled at the last moment and any trouble it causes is forgiven and met with assurances that Corrin. doesn't need to change. 

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13 hours ago, Jotari said:

Have things shifted to female Byleth? Around release the vocal part of the fanbase detested female Byleth, citing the sillyness of her fishnet legs and awkwardness of her blank expression compared to male Byleth. Of course, stress vocal part, in the accompanying poll I made in a thread addressing that topic in the early days they were roughly even.


Honestly the biggest thing that bothers me is gender-neutral.

Why do they wear a big coat if it has arm holes so they don't wear the sleeves, why? doesn't that defeat the point of wearing a coat?

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