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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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2 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

On the topic of Corrin, is it really fair to call them out for being Naive? I mean, they lived steeled-fortress for the entire lives and were literally never allowed to leave once and thus have no understanding of the outside world. Isn't it natural for them to make foolish mistakes and not know much?

If a person "makes foolish mistakes and doesn't no much", then they shouldn't be in charge of an army. Particularly without any sort of "advisor", like previously inexperienced Lords had. Marth had Malledus and Jagen, Roy had Merlinus, and Ike had Titania. Corrin has their siblings, yes, but they don't have the same "advisory" function. They're more "supportive followers", at most.

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On 3/9/2021 at 9:55 PM, Florete said:

Micaiah/Sothe, on the other hand, is one of my favorites in the series.

On 3/10/2021 at 11:42 AM, Rose482 said:

THANK YOU. I've seen so many people complain about that pair for one reason or another, and it makes me soooo sad. It's one of my favorites as well.

Like, while their time in RD wasn't the most romantic, I still could feel how much they cared/loved one another.

They're not my favourites, but overall I agree. They're probably the best-written (or at least least-badly written) of the series' canon pairings. If only Radiant Dawn had carried on from the NA localization of Path of Radiance instead of pairing Elincia with her bland foster-brother Geoffrey.

I agree that it is obvious how much they cared for/loved each other. Even Ike noticed it.


On 3/10/2021 at 5:14 PM, Axie said:

the best main lord pairing the games actively suggest is ike/soren.

The games suggest nothing about Ike and Soren's dynamic other than a strong friendship. It's just that it's a strong friendship between two people in modern media, so naturally a vocal minority of the fanbase ships them.

It's the FE equivalent of the vocal Deku x Bakugo shipping crowd from My Hero Academia (only that one's even worse because not only is there no evidence for it in the story, but they're not friends; they're former bully-victim and former bully to said victim respectively. Speaking as a former victim of bullying, I think I can safely say that those shippers should seriously re-evaluate what they're saying, because that's just, for lack of a better word, wrong.) 

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35 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

The games suggest nothing about Ike and Soren's dynamic other than a strong friendship. It's just that it's a strong friendship between two people in modern media, so naturally a vocal minority of the fanbase ships them.

There is Japanese supplementary material that does state that they’ve combined their hearts or something like that. I don’t remember the exact wording. So it’s safe to say they at least considered it. A bold move especially with how conservative Japan can be in regards to lgbt. Even so as someone who recently completed PoR, I don’t get why the IkexElincia ship is so popular. I never got that impression when I played through the game. The most I got was that they were good friends not romantic interests. Ike actually comes off as more asexual more often than not tbh. If I’m being honest I found their relationship to be more akin to Luffy and Vivi rather than anything romantic.

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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

There is Japanese supplementary material that does state that they’ve combined their hearts or something like that. I don’t remember the exact wording. So it’s safe to say they at least considered it. A bold move especially with how conservative Japan can be in regards to lgbt. Even so as someone who recently completed PoR, I don’t get why the IkexElincia ship is so popular. I never got that impression when I played through the game. The most I got was that they were good friends not romantic interests. Ike actually comes off as more asexual more often than not tbh

1. I suppose, but that's supplementary material, and I usually don't count supplementary material unless that material is reinforced by something present in the game itself. I even outright said, "The games suggest nothing about Ike and Soren's dynamic other than a strong friendship."

2. A lot of the reason for the Ike x Elincia ship is the well-written chemistry between them in the NA localization, and that particular localization definitely implied romantic development between Ike and Elincia. There's enough romantic implication in the air in that version that even other characters suspect there's something going on between them (or at least joke about it). For just one example in chapter 23 when Ike and Elincia are talking to each other about how they'll soon be back in Crimea:

Ike: For me, too, Crimea is my homeland. We're almost there... Let's go home.

Elincia: It is as you say, my lord Ike....Let's go home.

Ranulf: Oooh, what a romantic setting. Makes it hard to make an appearance! I guess I could just leave you two...

Ike: Huh? I know that voice...

Considering that what I hear from people who've played direct translations of the original Japanese version of the game is that Ike and Elincia's chemistry in their interactions is that of robots or planks of wood, I can see why people greatly prefer the NA localization in this regard. 

Plus, even outside of the NA localization, as one person pointed out to me a long time ago on this forum, the ending cutscene has Ike and Elincia hold hands as they go out to greet the Crimean citizens. It's not much, but holding hands like that is usually used as a bit of ship tease in stories so it does raise that suggestion.

3. Ike being Asexual is certainly a decent interpretation with some amount of evidence for it, given that he doesn't end up with anyone by the end of Radiant Dawn and the original Japanese version of Path of Radiance apparently gives him a lot less chemistry with the other characters. 

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49 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

It's the FE equivalent of the vocal Deku x Bakugo shipping crowd from My Hero Academia (only that one's even worse because not only is there no evidence for it in the story, but they're not friends; they're former bully-victim and former bully to said victim respectively. Speaking as a former victim of bullying, I think I can safely say that those shippers should seriously re-evaluate what they're saying, because that's just, for lack of a better word, wrong.) 

Deku and Bakugo is not even close to a strong friendship.

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16 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

2. A lot of the reason for the Ike x Elincia ship is the well-written chemistry between them in the NA localization, and that particular localization definitely implied romantic development between Ike and Elincia. There's enough romantic implication in the air in that version that even other characters suspect there's something going on between them (or at least joke about it). For just one example in chapter 23 when Ike and Elincia are talking to each other about how they'll soon be back in Crimea:

Ike: For me, too, Crimea is my homeland. We're almost there... Let's go home.

Elincia: It is as you say, my lord Ike....Let's go home.

Ranulf: Oooh, what a romantic setting. Makes it hard to make an appearance! I guess I could just leave you two...

Ike: Huh? I know that voice...

Considering that what I hear from people who've played direct translations of the original Japanese version of the game is that Ike and Elincia's chemistry in their interactions is that of robots or planks of wood, I can see why people greatly prefer the NA localization in this regard. 

Plus, even outside of the NA localization, as one person pointed out to me a long time ago on this forum, the ending cutscene has Ike and Elincia hold hands as they go out to greet the Crimean citizens. It's not much, but holding hands like that is usually used as a bit of ship tease in stories so it does raise that suggestion.

To be frank those are the only two times the game ever actually pushed it to my recollection. And even that dialogue isn’t that explicitly romantic. Personally I have a better time believing Chrom and Sumia have more romantic chemistry than those two. Again they just come off as good friends cause Ike just comes off as the type of person to not really get romantically involved with anyone. He reminds me a lot of Luffy in that regard.


7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Deku and Bakugo is not even close to a strong friendship.


57 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

It's the FE equivalent of the vocal Deku x Bakugo shipping crowd from My Hero Academia (only that one's even worse because not only is there no evidence for it in the story, but they're not friends; they're former bully-victim and former bully to said victim respectively. Speaking as a former victim of bullying, I think I can safely say that those shippers should seriously re-evaluate what they're saying, because that's just, for lack of a better word, wrong.) 

Considering the recent stuff that’s happening in the manga you might wanna consider this stance especially with a cover page like this


also this amv exists and it’s great.


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52 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Deku and Bakugo is not even close to a strong friendship.

That's literally what I said: "...That one is even worse because […] they're not friends"


49 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

To be frank those are the only two times the game ever actually pushed it to my recollection. And even that dialogue isn’t that explicitly romantic. Personally I have a better time believing Chrom and Sumia have more romantic chemistry than those two. Again they just come off as good friends cause Ike just comes off as the type of person to not really get romantically involved with anyone. He reminds me a lot of Luffy in that regard.

I see. I can certainly see that interpretation. I will just point out one more moment that I thought worth mentioning (the last two lines of their A-support). Remember how Elincia always overly-formally refers to Ike as "my lord Ike", and Ike usually refers to her as "princess" or "princess Elincia" and once simply called her "Elincia" when yelling at Empress Sanaki (leading Elincia to lightly tease him about it afterward). In their A-support, this happens:

Ike: You employed me as a mercenary. I’ll give you your money’s worth! …No. It means more than that… To my last breath, I will do all that I can to ensure your dream…Elincia.
Elincia: Oh, Ike…


55 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Considering the recent stuff that’s happening in the manga you might wanna consider this stance especially with a cover page like this


Okay; I'll rephrase my statement. How's this:

"only that one's even worse because not only is there no evidence for it in the story, but they weren't even friends; they were originally former bully-victim and former bully to said victim respectively. and Bakugo even told Deku to jump off a building in the first episode. Speaking as a former victim of bullying, I think I can safely say that those shippers should seriously re-evaluate what they're saying, because that's just, for lack of a better word, wrong."

Also, as an aside, can I just say that the shonen battle anime trope of making the rival essentially a bully in all but name (and in Bakugo's case a bully in all including name) towards the protagonist and then expect us to later by that they're somehow actually friends now (without said bully ever actually apologizing for their behaviour until well after the audience is expected to buy that they're friends now) is a trope that I've grown extremely annoyed by in my 2 years of finally watching anime. Speaking as a former victim of bullying, I just can't buy it most of the time, and I was extremely relieved when Black Clover did pretty much the opposite by making Yuno a foster-brother and dear friend of Asta from the get-go, to the point where they're friendly and brotherly rivalry where they actually build each other up and support each other while still competing is easily one of my favourite things about the show.

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17 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

Okay; I'll rephrase my statement. How's this:

"only that one's even worse because not only is there no evidence for it in the story, but they weren't even friends; they were originally former bully-victim and former bully to said victim respectively. and Bakugo even told Deku to jump off a building in the first episode. Speaking as a former victim of bullying, I think I can safely say that those shippers should seriously re-evaluate what they're saying, because that's just, for lack of a better word, wrong."

Also, as an aside, can I just say that the shonen battle anime trope of making the rival essentially a bully in all but name (and in Bakugo's case a bully in all including name) towards the protagonist and then expect us to later by that they're somehow actually friends now (without said bully ever actually apologizing for their behaviour until well after the audience is expected to buy that they're friends now) is a trope that I've grown extremely annoyed by in my 2 years of finally watching anime. Speaking as a former victim of bullying, I just can't buy it most of the time, and I was extremely relieved when Black Clover did pretty much the opposite by making Yuno a foster-brother and dear friend of Asta from the get-go, to the point where they're friendly and brotherly rivalry where they actually build each other up and support each other while still competing is easily one of my favourite things about the show.

Speaking as someone who has also been a victim of bullying for a majority of my life, I personally love those sorts of dynamics. That cover page especially is dripping with so much nuance and symbolic meaning it’s crazy and it pretty much encapsulates what I love about those kinds of dynamics. I mean could also go on a rant about how Naruto and Sasuke’s relationship is one of the most compelling and nuanced foil relationships in all of shounen but this is Fire Emblem thread so I’ll leave that where it lies. I’d be willing to just pop off in PMs if you want though. I guess I’m just a more forgiving person but personally I never found abrasive characters like that all that unlikable. I love the strong presence they have in the narrative. And I just generally find that kind of strong personality endearing. It’s that satisfaction in watching them grow and mature into what they are by end of the story is what makes these kinds of characters so captivating to me.

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I suppose this is more a general thing than just FE, but... I really mostly don't like it when localization does things like that. I'd rather take a more faithful script even if it was stale, but ultimately I don't mind if they purple prose it so long the actual substance remains unchanged. Since as it is, localization changes always have the danger of potentially bringing trouble down the line...

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Ike is literally a Shounen protagonist, and like 99% of them he is oblivious to love. I wouldn't be surprised if IS released a mini epilogue of Tellius where Ike married his annoying childhood friend who just says "Please don't die Ike-kun".

14 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

2. A lot of the reason for the Ike x Elincia ship is the well-written chemistry between them in the NA localization, and that particular localization definitely implied romantic development between Ike and Elincia. There's enough romantic implication in the air in that version that even other characters suspect there's something going on between them (or at least joke about it). For just one example in chapter 23 when Ike and Elincia are talking to each other about how they'll soon be back in Crimea:

Ike: For me, too, Crimea is my homeland. We're almost there... Let's go home.

Elincia: It is as you say, my lord Ike....Let's go home.

Ranulf: Oooh, what a romantic setting. Makes it hard to make an appearance! I guess I could just leave you two...

Ike: Huh? I know that voice...

Plus, even outside of the NA localization, as one person pointed out to me a long time ago on this forum, the ending cutscene has Ike and Elincia hold hands as they go out to greet the Crimean citizens. It's not much, but holding hands like that is usually used as a bit of ship tease in stories so it does raise that suggestion.

This. As long as they have good dynamics, people will like it. And with good dynamics I mean a relationship in which it is not just superficial attraction or love at first sight, but a relationship forged through meaningful interactions.

Now the unpopular opinion: Sigurd and Deirdre is unironically one of the best pairings in the franchise, not because it is well written (it is not), but because it doesn't last. It ends in tragedy and reinforces the whole "star-crossed lovers" thing they have.

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On 3/12/2021 at 3:09 AM, vanguard333 said:

It's the FE equivalent of the vocal Deku x Bakugo shipping crowd from My Hero Academia (only that one's even worse because not only is there no evidence for it in the story, but they're not friends; they're former bully-victim and former bully to said victim respectively. Speaking as a former victim of bullying, I think I can safely say that those shippers should seriously re-evaluate what they're saying, because that's just, for lack of a better word, wrong.) 

Yeah that comparison really isn't working thanks to the reasons you just said. The dynamic between Deku and Bakugo is too different from Ike and Soren. I think Bakugo x Kirishima is the better comparison since they actually have a solid bond and are a very common ship. And as you said Deku ending up with the person saying he should jump off the school roof would just be wrong. I'd like to note that unlike Ike Deku also at several points indicates(or fails to hide) that he has a pretty strong interest in girls.

Probably the best comparison would be Gon x Killua shippers because like with Ike and Soren one of those is incredibly, if not a little slavishly devoted to the other. And like with Ike and Soren its theoretically possible but nowhere near as much as the shippers like to say it is. 


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1 minute ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Yeah that comparison really isn't working thanks to the reasons you just said. The dynamic between Deku and Bakugo is too different from Ike and Soren. I think Bakugo x Kirishima is the better comparison since they actually have a solid bond and are a very common ship. And as you said Deku ending up with the person saying he should jump off the school roof would just be wrong. I'd like to note that unlike Ike Deku also at several points indicates(or fails to hide) that he has a pretty strong interest in girls.

Probably the best comparison would be Gon x Killua shippers because like with Ike and Soren one of those is incredibly, if not a little slavishly devoted to the other. And like with Ike and Soren its theoretically possible but nowhere near as much as the shippers like to say it is. 

Thanks. Yeah; Bakugo and Kirishima shippers would've been a better example; I went with the Deku and Bakugo example simply because of how vocal their shippers are. I really didn't think through what I had said and I really should have.

Who are Gon and Killua (what story are they from)?


On 3/12/2021 at 12:50 PM, Maof06 said:

Ike is literally a Shounen protagonist, and like 99% of them he is oblivious to love. I wouldn't be surprised if IS released a mini epilogue of Tellius where Ike married his annoying childhood friend who just says "Please don't die Ike-kun".

This. As long as they have good dynamics, people will like it. And with good dynamics I mean a relationship in which it is not just superficial attraction or love at first sight, but a relationship forged through meaningful interactions.

It's true that Ike pretty much is a shonen protagonist, and him being oblivious to love would make a lot of sense. Is the mini-epilogue thing a reference to anything in particular?

I agree; what matters is that the two characters have an interesting relationship forged through meaningful interactions. I like Ike and Elincia in the NA localization of Path of Radiance because of the meaningful interactions between them, and using a reference to shonen anime since we were talking about that, I like Naruto and Hinata because, though they didn't have many interactions, they were very meaningful. To be clear though; I don't ship characters, I just watch the story play out.

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42 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

They're the main characters from Hunter x Hunter who are rarely seen apart and who wear their adoration of each other on their sleeve. 

Ah. Thanks. I've never seen Hunter x Hunter. All I know about it is that apparently it keeps going on hiatus or something like that.

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On 3/12/2021 at 12:14 AM, Acacia Sgt said:

I suppose this is more a general thing than just FE, but... I really mostly don't like it when localization does things like that. I'd rather take a more faithful script even if it was stale, but ultimately I don't mind if they purple prose it so long the actual substance remains unchanged. Since as it is, localization changes always have the danger of potentially bringing trouble down the line...

Localization in it of itself is a very delicate thing to say the least. And personally I’m all for translators taking creative liberties when necessary because some things just don’t translate very well from one language to the other. All I ask is that the changes remain faithful to the original intent of the work. Something treehouse in particular has had trouble with if Fates and 3H are any indication.

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1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

Localization in it of itself is a very delicate thing to say the least. And personally I’m all for translators taking creative liberties when necessary because some things just don’t translate very well from one language to the other. All I ask is that the changes remain faithful to the original intent of the work. Something treehouse in particular has had trouble with if Fates and 3H are any indication.

I haven't heard about much controversy about the western version of Three Houses not being faithful. The worst thing about it that I heard was a mistranslated about accidentally having Cornelia say Edelgard is dancing to her tune, while the Japanese version has her voice surprises that its they who have been dancing to Edelgard's tune instead. 

Fates is a bit of an odd one because the original intend in some cases was, if not completely wrong then at least something that was utterly untranslatable. From what I've heard most controversy around Soleil was based on Soleil's conception stemming from a Japanese trope called a ''type B'' girl where briefly pursuing romantic relations with other woman is just a phase they'll grow out of when they ''grow up''. If that's true then that's a case of the translators having to do everything in their power to salvage the situation and avoid disaster because such a thing would naturally be unacceptable in the west. I suspect the many lines about ''technical adults'' and certain second gen pairings being platonic also stem from the translators being downright required to take some drastic measures due to lolicon and shotacon not nearly being such common tropes in the west. 

Perhaps its personal bias speaking but I think the development process isn't truly ready until the localisation is complete. The Hades from Kid Icarus that everyone knows and loves is a different one from the Japanese version where he's a more standard villain. Sakurai gave the localisation team free reign on Hades and thus the true Hades was born even if he emerged later in the development process. Many of the most famous Metal Gear terms such as ''codex'' also aren't entirely Kojima's inventions but emerged in the localisation process. 

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30 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Fates is a bit of an odd one because the original intend in some cases was, if not completely wrong then at least something that was utterly untranslatable. From what I've heard most controversy around Soleil was based on Soleil's conception stemming from a Japanese trope called a ''type B'' girl where briefly pursuing romantic relations with other woman is just a phase they'll grow out of when they ''grow up''. If that's true then that's a case of the translators having to do everything in their power to salvage the situation and avoid disaster because such a thing would naturally be unacceptable in the west. I suspect the many lines about ''technical adults'' and certain second gen pairings being platonic also stem from the translators being downright required to take some drastic measures due to lolicon and shotacon not nearly being such common tropes in the west. 

I’m not even talking about controversial stuff like that cause changing stuff like that is at the very least understandable. No I’m talking more about smaller more baffling localization changes like Corrin’s name for instance which originally was Kamui. Which combined with their child’s name created Kamui Kana. A very clear reference to a lightning dragon of the same name in Ainu myth. If they were gonna change Corrin’s name at all at the very least they should’ve changed to another dragon-esque reference western audiences are more likely to understand like Fafnir or something. Changing their name to Corrin while keeping kana’s name just doesn’t make any sense. You already lost the reference so why only keep half of it. 

And this isn’t even getting into the more egregious and somewhat disrespectful changes like changing Valla’s name from Touma and removing the very clear reference in to Loulan in the castle’s name. It shouldn’t be a secret that Fates takes a lot of inspiration from Buddhism in its themes, ideas, and motifs(The hilt of the Yato is literally just a Vajra) but the localization just straight up removes most of it in favor of more western ideas which would be fine if Fates didn’t heavily lean into a lot of those references/symbolism for its storytelling. It’s just kind of disrespectful if you ask me. 

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51 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I haven't heard about much controversy about the western version of Three Houses not being faithful. The worst thing about it that I heard was a mistranslated about accidentally having Cornelia say Edelgard is dancing to her tune, while the Japanese version has her voice surprises that its they who have been dancing to Edelgard's tune instead.  

I haven't heard much controversy either, but one thing I know about is that Byleth and Edelgard's paired ending explicitly states they got married in the original Japanese but the localization mistranslated it in a way that makes it ambiguous and unclear for some odd reason.

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29 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

I haven't heard much controversy either, but one thing I know about is that Byleth and Edelgard's paired ending explicitly states they got married in the original Japanese but the localization mistranslated it in a way that makes it ambiguous and unclear for some odd reason.

Yeah I've heard it had mis-translation issues but not on the same set of "literally removed a characters support and replaced all the dialogue with "...." because funny." levels like Fates.

Also re-naming characters...for some reason. 

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15 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

I haven't heard much controversy either, but one thing I know about is that Byleth and Edelgard's paired ending explicitly states they got married in the original Japanese but the localization mistranslated it in a way that makes it ambiguous and unclear for some odd reason.

Might that be because Edelgard can S Support female Byleth? Do any of the other gay S support options in the game explicitly mention marriage?

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On 3/19/2021 at 3:46 PM, vanguard333 said:

Is the mini-epilogue thing a reference to anything in particular?

Bleach's ending. Fuck it, I'm still salty about it. It was just a reference to how Shonen protagonists are usually married in the epilogue, even though they have not had romantic interactions during the series.

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42 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Bleach's ending. Fuck it, I'm still salty about it. It was just a reference to how Shonen protagonists are usually married in the epilogue, even though they have not had romantic interactions during the series.

I see. I haven't seen any of Bleach; it's not my cup of tea. I do know what you mean though about the "they're married in the epilogue" thing, as that's what Kishimoto did for all the couples in Naruto because he felt he wasn't good at writing romance. That said, he did at least provide enough romantic interactions to make most of the couples plausible, and The Last: Naruto the Movie (the only canon Naruto movie, which shows how Naruto and Hinata got together) was good. 


7 hours ago, Jotari said:

Might that be because Edelgard can S Support female Byleth? Do any of the other gay S support options in the game explicitly mention marriage?

That's a good question, and I honestly don't know the answer. It's still weird that it went from explicit in the original Japanese to ambiguous in the localization.

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3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

That's a good question, and I honestly don't know the answer. It's still weird that it went from explicit in the original Japanese to ambiguous in the localization.

When I ask questions like that I'm expecting other people to do the research for me. -_- Fine, fine, I'll get up of my metaphorical ass and check...Nope, it's not homophobia. Yuri, Linehardt and Dorothea's same sex S supports specifically reference marriage (though not Crimson Flower Linhardt). So must have just been a weird thing that just happens when translating.

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14 hours ago, Jotari said:

When I ask questions like that I'm expecting other people to do the research for me. -_- Fine, fine, I'll get up of my metaphorical ass and check...Nope, it's not homophobia. Yuri, Linehardt and Dorothea's same sex S supports specifically reference marriage (though not Crimson Flower Linhardt). So must have just been a weird thing that just happens when translating.

There's been weirder translation errors and since the other marriage romances are the same so I also don't think it's homophobia.

STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl released with every single use of the word "Basement" mistranslated to "Attic" for the English release.



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