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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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It's FE11 so don't forget boss abusing lol. In that playthrough Marth exits Chapter 1 at level 11. If you have a half hour to spare on H5 you can do the same with Gordin to give yourself a nice edge in the early maps. As to how Marth defeats Medeus, you need a Falchion crit. And yeah Maxed out HP and near max Def to survive a round against him.

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26 minutes ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

It's FE11 so don't forget boss abusing lol. In that playthrough Marth exits Chapter 1 at level 11. If you have a half hour to spare on H5 you can do the same with Gordin to give yourself a nice edge in the early maps. As to how Marth defeats Medeus, you need a Falchion crit. And yeah Maxed out HP and near max Def to survive a round against him.

I don't think it's actually boss abuse in the traditional sense of "I'm going to intentionally let him heal so I can chip away at him for exp". More that it literally takes that many turns and levels to solo Gomer because you have to retreat back to the fort after every hit to recover. Even on non solo runs fighting the first three bosses until their weapons break is a genuine likelihood (though with more bodies to throw at them that will happen faster than on a solo). And, yeah, Gordin probably could solo the game if you manage his stats right (though infinite Falchion healing in the last chapter was pretty vital for at least saving time going back to those forts in the south east and Marth's convoy access probably helps him a lot more than regular units trying to solo the game would), but the point wasn't that Marth is the best unit in Shadow Dragon. He's clearly not. The point is that his combat actually is decent if you bother to train him. His attacks are accurate, he's not getting doubled often and he can use effective damage weapons, all of which are pretty useful niches for Hard 5. There are going to be better characters to invest all your stat boosters for sure, especially when Marth is going to be going to villages more often than not in most play styles, but if you want to actually use him for combat he can fight. The impression that he's been nerfed to hell on the DS because the weapon triangle now exists isn't really accurate.

Edited by Jotari
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