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A little bit about Shuuda.


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Q: So hello there Mister Shuuda. We will start off with an easy one: Where did the name "Shuuda" come from?

A: Why, that is the brilliant question. But in truth I do not know the answer to it myself anymore. I began using it many years back as my alias on Fire Emblem World... it grew on me, and since then there has been only one name I have ever been known as on a wide range of forums.

Q: Let us get these ones out of the way: How may dates, and sex?

A: Virgin at age eighteen, nor is something that is high on my list of priorities. Yes yes, I know what you are thinking: Gasp! But in a way I take some pride in it. One of societies biggest, most hammered down peer pressures is ineffective against me. Or you know, it could just be because I have never meet a decent woman in my life: most women I know have that whole bitchy stereotype, it is very off putting really.

Q: So are you...

A: A lolicon? Yes. Anything else you might say would be wrong, I assure you of that. What... why are you looking at me like that! I am not trying to hide anything.

Q: Fine fine I believe you, jeez. Moving on: Your interests?

A: Where to start I wonder. Well, I do have a love of the fantasy genre, be it books, games, films, shows and such. Who really knows where my love of this genre sprang from. Perhaps some of them games I played as a young'un, or my contempt with the real world and those in it. Or maybe I was just born with this wonderful, twisted, chaotic imagination that puts all sorts of fantastic images in my mind. My other interests: writing, though that overlaps with my love of fantasy and such. I also enjoy aimlessly walking around, admiring scenery: if I have free time and I am outdoors, it is without a doubt my favourite thing to do. I do see a lot of nice things indeed.

Q: Where do you live?

A: Why in England of course. Cold beaches, fish and chips, roast beef, lamb, Yorkshire puddings, windy hilltops... oh I could ramble on for days on what I love about where I live, it is just so much better than those little crap holes across the water... by which I mean France and America of course. I live in a village that is not far from the coast.

Q: So, what are you doing with yourself these days?

A: Oh, just university and what not, Design for Digital Media. Why I took it, I have no idea. I just went for what sounded interesting, I honestly had no idea I would have been good enough to get the grades.

Q: What do you think of this place? Just wondering since you are a big jerk around here, or are you just misunderstood?

A: What? Serenes? It is okay, for a quick laugh... at the cheap expense of others of course, but then again, are not all laughs at someone's expense? A few people around here a funny in a good way, others are funny to me in a way they would not want to be, it is just that simple. But no, I am not misunderstood, I am just plain rotten.

Q: Why are you talking to yourself in this topic?

A: WHAT, how dare I say that to me! For this, you shall be slaughtered by a rusty, blunt knife. I will impale your hands with pencils, and fill your lungs with boiling hot water. Or I would, but then I would die... and killing you is not worth killing me...

Q: Well, since your hostilities are out in the open, who else you you want to kill?

A: Not really, I prefer to dream about them being killed by their own stupidity.

Q: Any last words?

A: Yes: Carve into your memories! Jeremiah Gottwald lived large and kicked ass! And he scares Chuck Norris shitless!

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Q: So hello there Mister Shuuda. We will start off with an easy one: Where did the name "Shuuda" come from?

A: Why, that is the brilliant question. But in truth I do not know the answer to it myself anymore. I began using it many years back as my alias on Fire Emblem World... it grew on me, and since then there has been only one name I have ever been known as on a wide range of forums.

Q: Let us get these ones out of the way: How may dates, and sex?

A: Virgin at age eighteen, nor is something that is high on my list of priorities. Yes yes, I know what you are thinking: Gasp! But in a way I take some pride in it. One of societies biggest, most hammered down peer pressures is ineffective against me. Or you know, it could just be because I have never meet a decent woman in my life: most women I know have that whole bitchy stereotype, it is very off putting really.

Q: So are you...

A: A lolicon? Yes. Anything else you might say would be wrong, I assure you of that. What... why are you looking at me like that! I am not trying to hide anything.

Q: Fine fine I believe you, jeez. Moving on: Your interests?

A: Where to start I wonder. Well, I do have a love of the fantasy genre, be it books, games, films, shows and such. Who really knows where my love of this genre sprang from. Perhaps some of them games I played as a young'un, or my contempt with the real world and those in it. Or maybe I was just born with this wonderful, twisted, chaotic imagination that puts all sorts of fantastic images in my mind. My other interests: writing, though that overlaps with my love of fantasy and such. I also enjoy aimlessly walking around, admiring scenery: if I have free time and I am outdoors, it is without a doubt my favourite thing to do. I do see a lot of nice things indeed.

Q: Where do you live?

A: Why in England of course. Cold beaches, fish and chips, roast beef, lamb, Yorkshire puddings, windy hilltops... oh I could ramble on for days on what I love about where I live, it is just so much better than those little crap holes across the water... by which I mean France and America of course. I live in a village that is not far from the coast.

Q: So, what are you doing with yourself these days?

A: Oh, just university and what not, Design for Digital Media. Why I took it, I have no idea. I just went for what sounded interesting, I honestly had no idea I would have been good enough to get the grades.

Q: What do you think of this place? Just wondering since you are a big jerk around here, or are you just misunderstood?

A: What? Serenes? It is okay, for a quick laugh... at the cheap expense of others of course, but then again, are not all laughs at someone's expense? A few people around here a funny in a good way, others are funny to me in a way they would not want to be, it is just that simple. But no, I am not misunderstood, I am just plain rotten.

Q: Why are you talking to yourself in this topic?

A: WHAT, how dare I say that to me! For this, you shall be slaughtered by a rusty, blunt knife. I will impale your hands with pencils, and fill your lungs with boiling hot water. Or I would, but then I would die... and killing you is not worth killing me...

Q: Well, since your hostilities are out in the open, who else you you want to kill?

A: Not really, I prefer to dream about them being killed by their own stupidity.

Q: Any last words?

A: Yes: Carve into your memories! Jeremiah Gottwald lived large and kicked ass! And he scares Chuck Norris shitless!

I find this offensive in 6 languages.

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I have a question! Why do you act like a fucken bitch?

No one gives a fuck about what you have to say!

So why don't you save yourself the trouble and go fuck youself, you sad low-life.

I second this :)

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Your hatred is very comical to me. I cannot help but laugh at your overreactions to everything I do.

Edited by Shuuda
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Do you like an anime called 'Kodomo no jikan'?

My apologises, I have never heard of that show... but I shall look it up at some point.

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I like Shuuda. He can be a nice guy. BUT He's an asshole atm.

What about all that story stuff? Since when did you like the guy?

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O my dear god.

Anyone liking this guy...you really don't know anything about this sick bitch.

I'll be honest, his posts give me a good laugh, despite how cold they may be.

I don't have problems with Shuuda, people I know do not like him, but their opinions won't change what I think.

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