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Dream Teams


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My dream team is impossible for now. I just want a simple flier team consisting of S!Camilla, Hinoka, Cherche, and Palla. It would also be nice if they could implement the Triangle Attack for the White Wings.

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Originally I wanted to run Ryoma, Hector, Takumi, +1 because the ability to counter at any range was amazing. Now that Skill Inheritance is a thing though, I would love to run...

Bride!Cordelia (+ATK, -RES)	|| Brave Bow +		|| Draconic Aura, Rally ATK & SPD 	|| Life and Death, Wings of Mercy, Breath of Life
Ryoma (+SPD, -ATK) 		|| Raijinto		|| Astra, Swap 				|| Defiant Attack, Vantage, Hone SPD
Nino (+SPD, -RES) 		|| Gronnblade+		|| Draconic Aura, Drag Back		|| Fury, Desperation, Breath of Life
Azura (+HP, -DEF) 		|| Sapphire Lance+	|| Iceberg, Sing 			|| Fury, Wings of Mercy, Hone ATK

Bride!Cordelia and Nino would nuke with Azura's support while Ryoma would act as a tank. Ryoma would dance between HP thresholds as he tanks because he can be healed by girls due to Breath of Life, more so because Azura can provide an additional action. I keep Astra on him because I am so used to having my Ryoma use Astra, even if the other options are more efficient.

As Bride Cordelia is lethal against the majority of the character cast, I decided not to use Desperation on her and put on Wings of Mercy instead. This is more for defensive arena nonsense than active player play, and Nino covers the Desperation niche in the team.

Thing is, while I have the Ryoma and Nino, I lost my chance for Bride!Cordelia and do not own any Azuras...
* * * * *
Other dream compositions include...

Lyn's Companions: Lyn, Kent, Sain, Wil
Hector's Comrades: Hector, Oswin, Matthew, Leila
Promise of Magvel: Erika, Ephraim, Duessel, Seth
Dawn's Liberation: Micaiah, Nolan, Aran, Laura
Crimea's Chosen: Bastian, Astrid, Nephenee, Volke
Laguz Royals: Dheginsea, TibarnCaineghis, Nailah
Separate Lives: Sirius, Nyna, Zeke, Tatiana 
Ram Village Militia: Alm, Gray, Tobin, Kliff
The Saint and the Sacrifice: Celica, Saber, Conrad, Mae

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Just thought of a fun theme team- the Masked Team!

Legion, 'Marth', Gerome and Percy from Fates.

I know there's a masked character in Echoes though but I haven't finished that yet so i don't want to be spoiled about it haha

Also, the Kids of Justice!

Featuring Percy, and the Awakening Justice Cabal of Owain, Cynthia and Male Morgan

Edited by mcsilas
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