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Do you like The Catcher in the Rye? I found The Catcher in the Rye the only mandated high school literature I enjoyed enough to warrant my purchasing my own copy.

Kiryn, I have never heard of the Maximum Ride series but a scan of a relevant Wikipedia article reveals that it is quite popular.

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The Mists of Avalon was a good book, really long (a bit over 1000) but good

longest book ive ever read (havent read much at all lately)

its like king Arthur story told through the women perspective first his mother then through this step sister (it has magic and stuff so its not a history or anything), i like those medieval books

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The Great Gatsby and A Seperate Peace were two required reading books that I actually enjoyed...

On my own time, I don't read very much unless it's a book that really interests me. The last book I remember reading on my own free will was Eldest by Christopher Paolini. Very good series...

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The only books I've ever willingly read are the 5th to 7th Harry Potter ones. The rest of the books I've read, I had to for English lessons in the past.

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I don't exactly hate reading, but it is not really my thing...

I had to read The Firm by John Grisham for English a couple of weeks ago. I must admit that it is a very good book.

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I haven't read much recently, though that's more because of personal problems than anything, since I haven't done much of anything in quite a while.

I was planning to start on the Discworld series soon, though, if I can actually manage to get myself to read it.

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I completely second discworld books, terry Prattchett is completely awesome.

I also promote (I like surface level stories without much symbolism) The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (the first 3 books were awesome) The Inheritance Quatrain (although the only ones out are Eragon and Eldest).

For sci-fi, Definitely read Ender's Shadow. I have read that book about 18 times and it's still my favorite. Another good one is Vernor Vinge's A deepness in the Sky, or The Gripping hand (which is by someone I can't remember right now)

The bartimaeus trilogy deals with summoning demons and stuff, but that doesn't bother me, and they're a good read.

Also, Artemus Fowl (all 5 are awesome books)

And, finally, His Dark Materials Trilogy (golden compass, subtle knife, amber spyglass) As, (and I dont give a crap about the movie hype) they are completely awesome books.

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I don't exactly hate reading, but it is not really my thing...

I had to read The Firm by John Grisham for English a couple of weeks ago. I must admit that it is a very good book.

The last few chapters of it was great. Everything leading up to the climax was boring and monotonous.

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I also promote (I like surface level stories without much symbolism) The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (the first 3 books were awesome) The Inheritance Quatrain (although the only ones out are Eragon and Eldest).

i hate reading with a passion, but I actually could stand reading Eragon (even though I didn't quite finish it <_< )

If I HAVE to read again, I'll defenitely pick up Eldest

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Love the Hitch-Hiker's Guide. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.

Inheritance I have a bit of a grudge against. The writing itself is fairly good- I could probably write that well- but the plot... the plot is all ripped from Star Wars. I'm not kidding. I won't go into the full explanation rant because I haven't got time, but it is. I'll explain later if necessary.

Artemis Fowl is good; Alex Rider is pretty good too.

Has nobody seriously read Maximum Ride?

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Love the Hitch-Hiker's Guide.

Inheritance I have a bit of a grudge against. The writing itself is fairly good- I could probably write that well- but the plot... the plot is all ripped from Star Wars. I'm not kidding. I won't go into the full explanation rant because I haven't got time, but it is. I'll explain later if necessary.

Hated Hitch-Hikers.

I've heard that complaint before, but as I haven't seen the original 3 Star Wars, I don't know.

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I've read Alex Rider (and own all of the books), but they annoy me because they sound like they were seriously written straight for hollywood, with all the spy stuff and explosions.

I dunno, they're still cool.

Seriously I haven't read Maximum ride. What's it about?

As fas as the fact that THGTTG was ripped off of Star Wars, I have trouble buying it. The fact that it was originally a radio comedy show and came out less than a year after Star Wars is proof either way I guess, but it never seemed to me in any way (and I have read it several times) to be remotely related to Star Wars.

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