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Auction House in Fire Emblem: Heroes


Would you like an auction house in Fire Emblem: Heroes  

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  1. 1. Would you like an auction house in Fire Emblem: Heroes

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    • No
    • Depends on how it is implemented

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In many 'ultimate team' games including FIFA and Madden, there is an action house which allows players to put up any character or player which s/he may not want, allowing others to bid on it using their hard earned in game earned currency. Obviously, depending on the character's effectiveness, there may be price differentials. These games also have the 'summoning' feature and still make a lot off of them because of many players who struggle to make enough in game currency to pay for the characters they want in the auctions. Such a system allows for those who work hard in game to get better players, but still gives a reason to purchase 'orbs' to try and get characters quicker.


Obviously, for Fire Emblem Heroes, I don't know exactly if people would be interested in an Auction House or a way to trade characters. The game already has implemented feathers to be the in game currency, so it wouldn't be hard to simply judge a player's effectiveness in completing set tasks just like in arena mode and give out feathers accordingly.


For those who are F2P, it allows for greater immersion within the game. It allows you to grind, and then hopefully one day get that Summer Corrin (for me) or Ike or Bride Cordelia you've always wanted. Would this system work? I don't foresee Nintendo ever doing something like this but just thought it would be interesting to speculate on a cool idea. Would you like such a system to be brought into the game?


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As a mostly free to player, it would help me fill out the rest of my roster (as I literally watched some summon videos today and people ending up with 7 summer xanders and like 5 summer Corrins) and I also would want Bridelia, as I spent 70 USD on orbs on that one banner trying to get her and only ended up with Bride Caeda as my only 5 star of the banner. Similar thing with the Ylissean summer, I didn't put in as much money but still only got Summer Robin while going for Tiki, and I haven't gotten a 5 star of the Nohrian summer banner yet as I've been Blue sniping, choosing red when no blue because the odds of me getting a red five star is kinda low given all the low red units and how rare saw Lucina, Lyn, Katarina, or Ryoma are, heck I'd even take another Lilina or Eirika to merge with mine, but anyways, yeah an auction house would be nice, if the currency was hero feathers, then I would actually try to place high in the arena/tempest trials instead of just doing it for orbs/the new character

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This isn't going to fly, because I don't speak in pictures.

EDIT: And the text is nigh-unreadable on Night Forest.  It STILL isn't going to fly - I think auction houses in general are a terrible idea due to how demand and supply works, and the last thing I want are accounts solely set up to farm in Heroes.

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  • eclipse locked and unlocked this topic

as a FtP player I feel that an auction house would be ill advised, for one the game would become quite cancerous with people getting +10 heroes way to easily,(either through selling for feathers or buying 5*s) not to mention why buy orbs if you can just get the heroes you want by buying them from other people, I would love to sell my 5* merric that I don't want, for an actually reasonable hero feather sum but I don't think that it would be good for the game as a whole. besides this could easily be taken advantage of by people with more than one device. Rerolling your account for a free almost guaranteed summer corrin to transfer to your other account, I can't see why nintendo wouldn't want to implement that. 

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I feel this would ruin the game. People aren't going to spend money when they can farm accounts. I want this game to last and succeed, not fail because of things like this. Sorry, I just don't see it working. 

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This won't happen, Nintendo wants to make money off this game and putting this in the game would make it so people would not spend any real money.  I hope that trading will happen some day, but the only way I can see that happening is if they limit it to say one trade a week or some thing like that, where Nintendo will still have people paying money for orbs.  

Edited by EricaofRenais
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I don't think this would work at all in this game, for one it would be too easy to abuse alt. accounts to get what you want (and I'm pretty sure bidding allows one to get the unit for dirt cheap if you time it well). As much as I would like to get limited units and a team of 4 5*+10 Eirikas a feature like this is going to kill the game extremely fast and I'm pretty sure no one who plays this game wants that.

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2 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

This won't happen, Nintendo wants to make money off this game and putting this in the game would make it so people would not spend any real money.  I hope that trading will happen some day, but the only way I can see that happening is if they limit it to say one trade a week or some thing like that, where Nintendo will still have people paying money for orbs.  

If they were going to add trading the best I could think is one free trade per week and it would be like wonder trading in pokemon where you throw something in the pot and pull something random out, maybe making it so that trades are always equivalent (give a 5* get a 5*) to make it fair. and if you want to trade any again you can spend like 1 orb to try for another thing, with maybe being able to spend more orbs to get a particular weapon, but I feel that might be going too far.

1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

I don't think this would work at all in this game, for one it would be too easy to abuse alt. accounts to get what you want (and I'm pretty sure bidding allows one to get the unit for dirt cheap if you time it well). As much as I would like to get limited units and a team of 4 5*+10 Eirikas a feature like this is going to kill the game extremely fast and I'm pretty sure no one who plays this game wants that.

Not even like you need to be careful with your timing because if you fail you can just reroll and try again.

Edited by thecrimsonflash
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4 hours ago, BarefootWaifu said:

In many 'ultimate team' games including FIFA and Madden, there is an action house which allows players to put up any character or player which s/he may not want, allowing others to bid on it using their hard earned in game earned currency. Obviously, depending on the character's effectiveness, there may be price differentials. These games also have the 'summoning' feature and still make a lot off of them because of many players who struggle to make enough in game currency to pay for the characters they want in the auctions. Such a system allows for those who work hard in game to get better players, but still gives a reason to purchase 'orbs' to try and get characters quicker.


Obviously, for Fire Emblem Heroes, I don't know exactly if people would be interested in an Auction House or a way to trade characters. The game already has implemented feathers to be the in game currency, so it wouldn't be hard to simply judge a player's effectiveness in completing set tasks just like in arena mode and give out feathers accordingly.


For those who are F2P, it allows for greater immersion within the game. It allows you to grind, and then hopefully one day get that Summer Corrin (for me) or Ike or Bride Cordelia you've always wanted. Would this system work? I don't foresee Nintendo ever doing something like this but just thought it would be interesting to speculate on a cool idea. Would you like such a system to be brought into the game?


Hm…an interesting concept, and it would certainly let me get rid of both my stupid Seasonal Xanders I didn't want but had forced upon me anyways. In the end, though, I think this isn't quite what would work for Heroes, as they seem to like being relatively stingy with Feathers unless you spend lots of time in the Arena, and even then you only really make bank if you win every fight you try and do LOTS of fighting. I would rather have a plain old Unit trade system. "But we'd get lots of people trying to get 5S Sanaki for their 3S Wendy or other crap!" Well, maybe I legitimately do not want my Sanaki and want to give Wendy a try and make some little kid's day to boot. "But what about farming accounts?" You're going to run into that in any Summoner type game either way - I have two Heroes accounts that are each connected to one of my two NNIDs, mostly so I have complete control over two of the three Units I get each Voting Gauntlet because I keep my friends list low, and that's not considering other Summoner games, like Brave Frontier, where I have at least five separate accounts because I was trying for one specific Unit. In the end, I am hoping for some way to make someone else happy with my stupid Spring Xander or Summer Xander, preferably in exchange for a Cordelia, but I don't think this would be the right way to go about it.

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The Auction idea isn't bad outside of the fact it's players selling their Heroes, which is a gigantic issue.

If there was an Auction House wherein the game itself randomly generated Heroes (sans GHBs, TTs, and Seasonals) and then sold those, it could work. It might take a bite into summoning, but it could work. You'd have ferocious and expensive competition for optimal natures and skills, with players less serious able to aim for less than ideal versions of the characters they want.

The major problems here are how to make enough Heroes without making too many, and to make sure that anyone who checks in whenever could reasonably play the Auctions. If all the fresh Auction Heroes are added in one batch at one standardized time every day, and the auctions have a short duration, then there goes any chance of getting anyone if you don't check in within 5 minutes of the batch being released. If the auctions go on for a long time, the anytime player would still be shoved out of Auctions, because by the time they check in, the bids may have hit astronomical levels. Releasing a small handful of Heroes many times a day, perhaps as often as 10-15 minutes, would possibly be the best solution. But that still wouldn't address the issue of possibly releasing too many Heroes at once and making summoning irrelevant.

Using Feathers for Auctions is fine, but I'd add an "premium" tier of Auctions that cost Orbs, since Auctions bypass summoning and thus Orbs would be useless in them, unless they added Orb to Feathers conversion.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Maybe they could make it more difficult for alt accounts to trade by introducing a paywall for both buyer and seller. Players with one account will only face one paywall, whereas players with two or more accounts and wish to trade between them will face two paywalls.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

Maybe they could make it more difficult for alt accounts to trade by introducing a paywall for both buyer and seller. Players with one account will only face one paywall, whereas players with two or more accounts and wish to trade between them will face two paywalls.

Maybe 20K Feathers from both parties.  That's the amount needed for a 5*.  It could still be done on an Alt account, but you wouldn't be able to do it quickly, since that would take weeks of dedicated play, and it would still drain the main account of Feathers quickly if you tried to spam it.  I'd have to see how it worked in practice, though.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Maybe 20K Feathers from both parties.  That's the amount needed for a 5*.  It could still be done on an Alt account, but you wouldn't be able to do it quickly, since that would take weeks of dedicated play, and it would still drain the main account of Feathers quickly if you tried to spam it.  I'd have to see how it worked in practice, though.

I am thinking of using a paywall with real money to buy and sell characters. A player with multiple accounts can still easily earn in game stuff while person in real life cannot easily earn twice the money.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I am thinking of using a paywall with real money to buy and sell characters. A player with multiple accounts can still easily earn in game stuff while person in real life cannot easily earn twice the money.

I think it would be better to limit it by in-game means.  Speaking personally, I can much more quickly make $100 than I can 20K Feathers.

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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I think it would be better to limit it by in-game means.  Speaking personally, I can much more quickly make $100 than I can 20K Feathers.

I guess we can put in both Feathers and Orbs requirements. 20,000 Feathers and 5 Orbs together sounds better than either of them alone. Maybe we can throw in some Badges and Great Badges requirements too.

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16 hours ago, XRay said:

Maybe they could make it more difficult for alt accounts to trade by introducing a paywall for both buyer and seller. Players with one account will only face one paywall, whereas players with two or more accounts and wish to trade between them will face two paywalls.

The problem with this idea is that there's no real way for them to check and make sure the two accounts belong to the same player as NNIDs can only be linked to one Heroes account and you can only have one account active per app per device. The closest thing they can do to this is check to see if two devices being used for the game are linked to the same Apple ID or Google Play ID(assuming Google Play does that kind of thing), and even then that's unreliable - I have like six alternate emails that I could easily hook up separate Apple IDs to and then link my three iPods to three different Apple IDs to get around it.

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1 minute ago, SoulWeaver said:

The problem with this idea is that there's no real way for them to check and make sure the two accounts belong to the same player as NNIDs can only be linked to one Heroes account and you can only have one account active per app per device. The closest thing they can do to this is check to see if two devices being used for the game are linked to the same Apple ID or Google Play ID(assuming Google Play does that kind of thing), and even then that's unreliable - I have like six alternate emails that I could easily hook up separate Apple IDs to and then link my three iPods to three different Apple IDs to get around it.

You do not need to check their information to put up a pay wall. The pay wall is nothing more than a transaction fee that both the buyer and seller must pay for the transaction to go through. It does not matter whether the buyer and seller are one person or two people.

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20 minutes ago, XRay said:

You do not need to check their information to put up a pay wall. The pay wall is nothing more than a transaction fee that both the buyer and seller must pay for the transaction to go through. It does not matter whether the buyer and seller are one person or two people.

Oh, ok. I just realized I read your first one wrong, my bad.

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I would say no. The only time I see Auctions implemented well in games is in a MMO, and even then there are issues due to just the nature of online games. I would be afraid it would do some damage to this game adding in something like that. So unless it is implemented really well, and I don't know how that would be, I would say no.

And I don't think feathers would work as the currency. It's hard enough already to get the feathers you need, adding an auction house that uses it as a currency would only make it unbalanced. Suddenly getting tons of feathers would really throw off the the way this game is built.

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Not with feathers, please not with feathers.

We already can only get around 3k feathers on a normal, uneventful week, where we need 2k to get a 3* unit to 4* and 20k to get a 4* to 5*. 

Please, I like @thecrimsonflash's idea of just wonder trading units away. I like Wonder Trading pokemon (for what  40 Yungoos are worth) because then I don't feel like the units I'm pulling are going to waste.

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The way I would like to see trading implemented is simply a banner trade. Basically you can trade a focus unit in a banner for another focus unit in that banner. I don't think it would be necessary to limit it to summons from current banner, so if you had a spar 5 star Minerva from months ago you could trade her for a Jaffar right now. This way if you end up with 10 Mathildas and only want Delthea you can actually get the unit you want(I don't know why this game likes to throw Mathilda at me, but I ended up with 2 5 stars and now I have 3 4stars from trying to get Summer Corrin).


I don't much care for the wonder trade idea. In Pokemon it works out since you can easily breed up rare pokes. I know when I am trying for a particular mon I tend to have a bunch extra that tend to just get dumped in wonder trade. That is why some rarer mons end up there. Maybe I am underestimating but I don't see random wonder trading really taking off with this type of game. Or at least I have severe doubts I would use it.

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2 hours ago, Tolvir said:

I would say no. The only time I see Auctions implemented well in games is in a MMO, and even then there are issues due to just the nature of online games. I would be afraid it would do some damage to this game adding in something like that. So unless it is implemented really well, and I don't know how that would be, I would say no.

And I don't think feathers would work as the currency. It's hard enough already to get the feathers you need, adding an auction house that uses it as a currency would only make it unbalanced. Suddenly getting tons of feathers would really throw off the the way this game is built.


2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Not with feathers, please not with feathers.

We already can only get around 3k feathers on a normal, uneventful week, where we need 2k to get a 3* unit to 4* and 20k to get a 4* to 5*. 

Please, I like @thecrimsonflash's idea of just wonder trading units away. I like Wonder Trading pokemon (for what  40 Yungoos are worth) because then I don't feel like the units I'm pulling are going to waste.

They could make another new currency that can only be obtained with a lot of farming, but it would be not much different from using Feathers. You will still need to spend X amount of time and effort to get a certain amount of X currency.

The point of using Feathers is that it is time consuming and it takes a lot of effort to farm, meaning that a player with multiple accounts and playing them all equally will not be able easily spam accounts and take advantage of the free Orbs the game gives you.

If the auction involves only a character in exchange of Feathers and not another character, both the buyer and seller still needs to pay a transaction fee for trading and the seller would not get all of the Feathers.

Wonder trade does not really do much except passing skill fodder around.

Edited by XRay
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13 minutes ago, XRay said:

Wonder trade does not really do much except passing skill fodder around.

this is why it would restrict you to only getting a hero of the same star ranking that you gave, this way you could trade a 5* that you don't care for, like spring Xander I feel someone mentioned for a 5* merric and limiting it to only once a week (or maybe once every couple of days would be a bit less insufferable) prevents abuse of the system, +10 reinhardts from an account that someone opened just to grind one banner and also makes it at least worth using every once in awhile. also I see nothing wrong with passing skill fodder around, people who snipe for units would benefit quite a bit from such a system it would be nice to trade my ests or shannas for a unit from an orb type that I never try because all the units I want are blue for some reason.

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47 minutes ago, XRay said:

Wonder trade does not really do much except passing skill fodder around.

But isn't that the beauty of the phrase "One mans Trash is another mans Red Tomebreaker 3"?


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2 hours ago, thecrimsonflash said:

this is why it would restrict you to only getting a hero of the same star ranking that you gave, this way you could trade a 5* that you don't care for, like spring Xander I feel someone mentioned for a 5* merric and limiting it to only once a week (or maybe once every couple of days would be a bit less insufferable) prevents abuse of the system, +10 reinhardts from an account that someone opened just to grind one banner and also makes it at least worth using every once in awhile. also I see nothing wrong with passing skill fodder around, people who snipe for units would benefit quite a bit from such a system it would be nice to trade my ests or shannas for a unit from an orb type that I never try because all the units I want are blue for some reason.

Skill fodder is nice, but it is highly unlikely anyone is going to get units they really want out of Wonder Trade. If everyone is giving away units like SF!Xander and Merric, players will hardly obtain the units and skills they need. No one in their right minds is going to give away Death Blow, Life and Death, or Brave Weapons away.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

But isn't that the beauty of the phrase "One mans Trash is another mans Red Tomebreaker 3"?


The demand for R Tomebreaker 3 is pretty low and Henry is common enough that it is hardly in short supply. It may help out a few unlucky players here and there who never drew Henry, but once those few players are satisfied (if they are lucky enough to get Henry in return), the system will just be flooded with skills that everyone has a lot of.

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