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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 5


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Claire went pale as the house next to her was blown to pieces. "That wasn't... wasn't supposed to happen..." she choked out. She felt sick. With the first home, at least she couldn't have known - but this time the blame fell squarely on her shoulders. She'd had a plan, but she'd totally fumbled the execution, and the wreckage to her left no longer stood as the consequence. Aside from a few stray, non-moving limbs poking out of the rubble, there were no signs of life.

This is my fault. The realisation made the mage's lip quiver, and turning to face the previous house didn't make matters any better. I always do this. I can't... She stepped away from the wreckage without another word, unable to bare facing it any longer, the battle around her completely forgotten. If I was better, all those people would still be alive. There was no getting around it, and no magic vials to place her blind faith in this time. The damage done was irreparable, and Claire knew it. Being buried under the ruins almost seemed preferable to the crushing feeling of guilt. She didn't know anymore. 

Claire to (9,14)

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Sidney made a very uncomposed shriek at the house next to her exploding. "C-Claire..." She looked at the mage girl, rather stunned, but... it probably wasn't good to press on with mentioning it more. Instead, as Claire headed away, she circled around the wreckage of the home, scouting for any more Deirans and seeing the treasure ahead. It's probably worth taking from them.

Sid to (11, 6)


No flame Owen, but... (Morning of May 12th, somewhere in Myrcia)

Sidney could, physically, be feeling much better in the morning. Oh well, it was worth it. Washing up sort of helped, but ridding the marks and scent of the previous torrid night entirely proved difficult, which definitely had the potential to be awkward. Maybe I should wait? But no, she saw for herself that waiting could so easily bring about fractures to relationships, and not all of them could be mended as easily as she and Owen had- and even so, she was feeling more upset with him in the morning after the spur of the moment faded. In love or not, their relationship seemed to still need a bit of smoothing out.

So on the same line of thought in terms of clearing up friendships, she headed to Claire's tent once she was at least a bit presentable. They hadn't quite gotten started moving yet, so now seemed like the right time to start. "Uh, Claire? It's me, Sidney... are you available?"

After realising that she'd read half a chapter of History of Turnips instead of her illusion book, Claire came to the conclusion that it was too early to be awake. The part texture of the dirt should have been an indicator that I was off-track, really... The mage let out a yawn, wondering if she could slip back into bed for a few minutes when a voice from outside called her. 

"Charlotte? Erm..." She looked down. Aside from a bit of bed hair, she was fairly presentable. "Okay, yeah. Come in?" She didn't sound too sure. What's this about...? Charlotte hadn't sounded too happy to be here, but Claire wasn't especially sure why- "Oh." There was probably one thing she'd want to talk about, if Owen had spilled the beans.

"... Alright." The 'oh' from Claire signified that she was aware of what she was going to bring up. Sidney entered the tent, sitting next to Claire somewhat awkwardly. "Owen... told me about the things happened between you two. It's alright, I'm not going to get violent on you or anything, but I... well, me and Owen..." How am I supposed to say this?! "We... sorted out our feelings, mostly, but I wanted to hear it from your side. If the stories don't match up too well, that's when I'm going to be really upset. So, umm... could you describe what happened to me? Sorry, I know it's a bit intrusive, but it's very important to me. Owen said Cass was involved and everything, and knowing a lot went on behind my back feels a little bad."

From what Charlotte was saying, it was pretty easy to tell what they’d talked about. Still, going straight into it at this time in the morning? Claire withheld a sigh. “Um, there isn’t very much to tell. I was in his room, about to leave, when he got up and kissed me.” The last part came out rather rushed and fairly quietly. Ugh, why’d have to make me say it... In spite of her mental whining, Claire forced herself to continue. 

“I was too surprised to really do anything. It felt so awkward that I almost ran out of the room, especially when Owen is, you know, not exactly the greatest at phrasing things sometimes.” The girl cringed slightly at the memory. Who just tells a girl that they “had to try it” after pulling something like that? Ugh... It took Claire a few moments to compose herself before she spoke. “Aside from that, not... a lot else happened.” Well, Owen had been rather distressed, but nothing physical anyway.

"No, he isn't." Sidney frowned at that. "He really didn't say anything before he did that...? He's... he isn't very good at presenting his feelings without being told to. Which he promised he'd be better about... I hope so. He said it wasn't your fault, so I don't hold it against you, Claire. I admit he didn't say it was you outright at first, but I knew. Not a lot of people to narrow it down to, and you and me are pretty different, but you're kinda cute in your own way. That all lines up... which basically means he really is pretty clueless about girls." Maybe Claire didn't sigh, but she sure did. 

"It's hard to understand what's going through his head, and hopefully things are worked out, but he... he's tough to deal with sometimes. Worth it, but tough. Boys are so weird. Sorry for dragging you into this early on, but I can't let questions like that hang over my head, so I asked as soon as I could."

"He said that I was a nice girl or something I think? I don't remember very well..." It had happened a fairly long time ago at this point, Claire realised. The small shrug she gave probably wasn't especially reassuring, but she was pretty much stumped on what else to say, especially after the cute comment. Does everybody think that? It was starting to feel like it... 

"People are weird." Claire sighed. "Early on? Uh... well, it's alright, I think?" Charlotte's worries seemed to have been eased at least, but the more involved Claire got with everyone the more confused she felt. It was probably a good thing that Owen and Charlotte seemed to have smoothed things out, but Claire couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by it, pouting slightly. Ugh, come on you, don't be stupid...

"You don't remember?" That was completely baffling to Sidney, before another thought came to her. "Wait. How long ago was this, then?! I'm starting to wonder if there are other things I should really know about that are being kept from me now..." She had a look about her that was somewhere between angry and rather sullen, drooping her head a bit. "You're a nice girl, but still, this is a little hard for me to accept that things were just happening like that. And, sorry, early on... I meant that it's pretty early in the morning. Not thinking the best, I'm sorta tired, from... yesterday stuff." Sid flushed red at her incredibly bad excuse. "Village yesterday, and all that," she added halfheartedly after a few moments, which possibly could've been more convincing if she'd thought of it quicker.

“Well, we were still in Tytila at the time, and he definitely caught me off guard, so its all kind of a blur.” That probably wasn’t what Charlotte wanted to hear, but she’d asked for it. “Nothing else happened between the two of us. We were talking about other things before. and the aftermath was uh, almost instant regret.” It sounded kind of funny, put that way, but Claire doubted that Charlotte would see it in the same way. 

“He said that he would tell you about it anyway.” Claire continued, smoothing out her hair as she spoke. “I thought he would’ve done already, I guess not.” She’d figured at the time that it would be better for Charlotte to hear it from Owen himself, but maybe that had been a mistake.

"Tytila! And he never mentioned this until now, and only because I came to find his tent to talk about how he was actin recently... I would be storming out right now if we hadn't resolved things. And I think some talking to is still going to be in order. We sorted things out okay, but..." Sidney pressed her hands together, trying not to react even more. "At least it didn't go that far?" she mumbled, not pleased with such consolation that it could've been worse.

"Owen is mostly pretty bad in terms of dealing with women," Sidney said rather plainly. "I guess I'm more happy that he admitted it himself, but it took some more prodding than I would have liked. I'm not that hard to talk to, am I?" Mostly she was very grateful that Claire wasn't asking questions about her poor phrasing.

While the rogue's words put a positive spin on things, Claire couldn't help but suspect that they were mostly spoken so that Charlotte could try and convince herself. It doesn't sound like you're actually resolved anything... Was that too harsh? Maybe, but that knowledge didn't wipe the rather dazed expression from Claire's face until it was replaced with an equally pained look after the conversation. "This whole conversation is hard." she grumbled, stopping with her mouth still slightly open. I... didn't think that one through. Yikes...

"Uh... Sorry." Claire stared at the floor in embarrassment "That wasn't right, well, it is difficult, but you're okay."  She shot Sidney a half-hearted smile to top off possibly the least convincing response ever, and then sighed. "You're fine. I'm just... not great today, it seems. Did uh, you ask Owen about it before?" The subject change was mostly to mask some of Claire's awkwardness (although it was probably a lost cause at this stage), but also because she was a little confused. Had Owen lied about it, or had he just avoided Charlotte since their meeting?

"Hey!" Sidney scowled, crossing her arms, before Claire apologized (sort of). "I'm okay? What's hard to talk about it, figuring out how everyone feels? We just never got around to having a conversation before, I think Owen didn't know how to say what was on his mind until I came to speak with him... we decided to be more clear with each other in the future, but I think he was embarrassed or ashamed about not being honest in the first place with me about thoughts straying, and I said I'd stop... pretending to be someone I'm not. That was fine to us. W'e're... we're definitely at a point that's happy with each other. Even if not everything is perfect." Sidney's ears tinted red even at that much said.

"I'm still sort of waking up, alright?" Claire grumbled, rubbing her eyes to try and sell the lie. Saying what she really thought about the situation just sounded like a headache. And they didn't even speak before now? It wasn't like Claire had an extensive knowledge of how relationships worked, but she was fairly certain that it didn't involve ignoring one another for two weeks or so.

"Well uh, good luck with all of that." Claire offered, feeling infinitely more confused with all of the conflicting signals than she'd been before. If you don't want this conversation to be hard, stop being so confusing... She sat still, biting her lip slightly, with no clue what else she was supposed to say.

"Are you? Hmmn." Sidney didn't think much of that answer, brushing her hair aside with a huff. "I thought that you would be someone who's understanding of how difficult figuring out boys can be, Claire, but I guess I was wrong... ah, why's love so difficult? Thanks for the good luck wishes, I suppose. I'm not sure how much luck is involved with it. More like... sorting out how this sort of thing happened, and making sure it doesn't go that way anymore. We're at somewhere nice with each other now, so I would hate to end up going backwards because of all this stuff..."

She laid down on her side, finding herself sighing once again. "I like where I'm at. You, Owen, Cass, Freya you're all people to talk with that don't just make me mad. For the first time in a long time, I'm not on the run, and I have friends. So now, of course, I'm scared of that all collapsing."

“I’ve never been involved with a boy like you... with kisses and romantic gestures or anything like that. I don’t really know what to say.” Claire admitted. “Aside from well, uh...” That one didn’t need to be said. “I don’t think it really counts.” If she said it did, maybe Charlotte would  have slapped her for it anyway. 

“But when it comes to you and Owen,” Claire continued, not wanting to linger. “I think that you might have to be the one to drive things forward. I think that he means well, but has no idea what he’s doing.” It was a reasonable conclusion to form, even if it was a little harsh. “I don’t think things will collapse like you’re worried about though.” she offered, voice slightly more cheerful than before. Unless we get wiped out by Deira, Malaphar or anyone else, that is... Those weren’t particularly happy thoughts.

"I guess so... that wasn't all that considerate of me, I guess I'm feeling high strung what with everything going on recently, but it's not fair for me to take that out on you. Sorry." Sidney bowed her head down briefly before looking back to Claire as she made her next point. "Oh, I've figured that much out already, that he doesn't know a thing about taking the first step forward when it comes to anything romantic. I always end up taking the lead, be it sining, dancing, kissing, and, um..." Stop thinking of it! She flushed scarlet at the thought. Why didn't I wait?! "A-anyway! It can be frustrating, but I think that's the kind of person he is, to be a bit deferent. Not that it's bad, but learning when it's right to take the lead, I think that's something he needs to learn for himself, and for when he's King."

She started to look towards her hands idly, blanking on what to say for a moment. "It's probably not a rational fear. I don't even know if you like me, but you're one of the best friends I've ever had. I'm not that good with people either... I got along well with the other girls when it came to song and dance, but I'm not all too great at being a proper lady, so I only had a couple of good friends. Then most of the boys got all flirty with me for looks, instead of caring at all about the things I was interested in, or they'd just say they were better archers than me or something. They weren't. But you all, you're not like that, you see me for how I am. I guess I'm thanking you."

"...Is that right?" Claire tilted her head, on the verge of saying somethig else about Charlotte's odd reaction, but she thought better of it. Maybe I don't want to know... Considering Owen's reaction in Magon, when they'd all had a little too much to drink, Claire couldn't imagine that much had happened between that anyway. Charlotte was probably just glad to have finally spoken to him again, after so long.

What was said next required a little more thought. "That's um... nice of you to say." Claire's response came slowly at first, eyes drifting towards the tent entrance for a few seconds before turning her attention back to the other girl. "You were't the only one who was like that before the Dettard mess happened. I was more or less the same, only without the petty crimes." Prison was only a minor detail, of course. "I don't want things to really change either. I mean, I know we're at war and that everything is a mess but... personally things are better for me now. It's kind of sad to realise it though." The mage shrugged. The circumstances weren't ideal, but she was definitely in a better place now. Hopefully things would stay that way.

"... Yeah. Even though he's hesitant, even when he stumbles, even if I don't always understand what he could possibly be thinking... at least I'm sure that we really do love each other, and to me that's what really matters when it comes to it." Sid found herself smiling as she spoke, more reassured than her previous panicking outlook, though not much less embarrassed. "He's a sweet boy."

She nodded along with Claire's thoughts on the situation. "Mm. How strange it is that conflict has ended up bringing us all together much more closely than... well, if it weren't for the campaign to Dettard's, I wouldn't have ever met any of you, and who knows what I would be doing? Probably something miserable instead of making friends, falling in love, redeeming myself from the past. But, I wouldn't say I don't want it to end. Even when we win... we'll all be a lot different than from when we begun, won't we? We'll all be friends, and we'll have plenty of work to do together to fix everything that happened. I... at this point, I've more ties in Wyke than Raewald, so I'd imagine I'll come back and, er, write to my parents more often, mostly."

"Yeah, that's a better way of putting it." There were certainly some aspects of their campaign that Claire would happily say goodbye to (like all of the fighting, for one) but at least some good had come from it. "We just need to get there first, one way or another. Deira, Malaphar, those weird twins... it's not going to be easy, but we'll find a way." They'd always managed it before, hadn't they? Speaking those words aloud made her relax a little, enough to prod Charlotte jovially in the shoulder.

"So take care of yourself, alright? You look worn out, even if we did have a battle yesterday. Did whatever happened with Owen keep you up...?" The redhead seemed to have a lot on her mind, so maybe it made sense that she didn't sleep very well because of it. That explanation made sense.

"It sounds a lot harder when you list out all the problem people like that. For me, I just think of it as... we'll win, no matter who it is that stands in our way, because we have to. It's not even an option for us to lose to Malaphar, Deira, those other two. And we can think about what lies at the end for us when we see the ending to this in sight." Sidney smirked with confidence, which again shattered almost immediately.

"N-no way, and s-so what? That doesn't really matter, what happened between the two of us... I'm not that tired... do I really look it?" She rubbed beneath her eyes, turning away from Claire. "I'm taking care of myself just fine, so you just... don't have to worry about it. Mhm." Totally sold it.

Claire raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth as if to say something, but Charlotte's defensiveness was so confusing. "You look like you woke up next to Angus' bear." she laughed. It was a funny mental image at first, but the cheeky grin slowly shrank as the mage finally clued into what had probably happened last night. "Oh. T-that was a bit harsh, but you should uh, probably go get up! Properly." Claire rose to her feet as well, although after realising that she had nowhere else to be she was just left standing still, feeling out of place in her own tent. "You uh, probably don't want more people asking questions..." She was trying to be reasonable about things here, but evidently that wasn't going very well.

"Not exactly who I woke up with this morning, no," Sidney mumbled, any sort of subtlety clearly useless by this point in time. She stood up when Claire did, wiping beneath her eyes still. "I thought I did an okay job hiding it by washing up, but obviously that's not very true. I doubt the comparison is very welcome, either, I'll not mention to him that you made it, though." She gave a rather wry smile to try and add a bit of levity to the situation. "But no, I don't think that's too good of an idea to let everyone know, err... our relationship specifics, so to speak. It's not perfect, but we certainly have something nice with each other, so we're working on things together, and... that's not always easy."

She walked up to the other girl, giving her a small hug. "You're a good friend, Claire. I just came here to try and figure out what was happening overall, so I think that... I think everything will work out for us all in the end. Maybe that's a bit optimistic of me to think that this well all go swimmingly, but... I think of you as a good friend, personally, and I hope you see the same in me. Maybe that's naive, I just think there's more important battles to fight out there than getting mad at each other."

"Yeah, I figured as much." Claire nodded stiffly. "It's probably for the best that you keep it quiet. I mean, Cass will probably get it out of Owen- or me, I guess. I'll try not to say anything, but she can be..." Cass could be pretty Cass sometimes, but that wasn't the end of the world.

She probably should have gotten used to being pulled into hugs at this point, but she still let out a quick "Huh?" before returning the gesture,  signs of confusion still on her face, not that Charlotte could see them. "Yeah, I hope things still work out too." she murmured back. "And, yeah, we're still friends." As long as you leave soon, that is. Engel this is awkward... Claire broke off the hug and sat back down, picking up History of Turnips again with a frown.

"You really need to get going though. I have some things I have to sort too - we'll talk again soon, okay?" She held up a hand to wave goodbye, but any enthusiasm behind it was entirely fake, and the mage would be more than happy to collapse back onto the bed after she was left alone again.

"Ah, Cass is... yeah," Sidney agreed rather lamely. "She likes to know about things, the first time I even mentioned kissing him she asked me if I was pregnant already, which was... err, it was something else, that's for sure." Though I guess that could be a concern now... She tried not to think about that part very much. "Anyway, um... do your best?"

She let go of Claire as the smaller girl sat down again. "Well, well... friends it is, then. Don't get too comfortable with reading, alright? We're probably going to be marching again soon. Anyway, I'll see you around, Claire." She ducked out of the tent, feeling... mostly positive about the situation now.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Eric moves to 10,10!
Eric gives Owen his Wingclipper!

Suleiman moves to 12,9!
Suleiman equips his Flash Lance!

Claire moves to 9,14!
Freya moves to 14,13!

"One lizard on a stick coming up!"

Vesta moves to 13,18!

Vesta shoots at Reliant #2 with her Ballista!
42 Atk, 64% Hit, 5% Crit
(24 46)
Reliant #2 falls to his death!

Vesta gains 47 XP!
Vesta gains 2 Bow WEXP!

Vesta grows to level 14!
(11 72 92 39 21 70 62 66)
HP up!
Luck up!

"You're making a bad habit of this, I'll have to sort you out after the battle."

Nona moves to 11,10!
Nona heals Eric! (30/32 HP remaining)
Nona gains 15 XP!
Nona gains 2 Staff WEXP!

Nona grows to level 14!
(39 24 79 95 29 85 97 35)
HP up!
Strength up!
Speed up!

Nona cantos to 12,12!

"Why does she keep blowing up houses? Sh-shi-... does she really hate orphans?"

Steve moves to 12,15!
Sidney moves to 11,6!

Constance moves to 9,10!
Constance heals Eric!
Constance gains 20 XP!
Constance gains 3 Staff WEXP!

Constance reaches B Staves!

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"Um, thanks." Taking the sword from the mercenary, Owen gave a confused look, it didn't help that another house had blown up and taken his attention away. What are we to do about these men... I need to stop this 'Justice Fighter' as soon as possible. "We probably want to tell the villagers to evacuate the houses, instead of staying..." It only made sense.

Decima to (5,5); Owen to (12,14)

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The leaf reminds Angus he forgot his uncle's birthday last week!

"I'll go make sure the villagers are safe... and make sure Claire doesn't blow any more up..."

Decima moves to 5,5!
Owen moves to 12,14!


Curate #2 moves to 23,13!
Curate #2 casts Misfortune on Freya!
Freya feels unlucky!

Swordfighter #6 moves to 13,8!

Swordfighter #6 attacks Suleiman with his Wingclipper!
9 Atk, 34% Hit. 4% Crit
(72 22)
The light reflecting from Suleiman's head blinds him!
Suleiman attacks back with the Flash Lance!
13 Atk, 97% Hit, 0% Crit, 20% Sol
(72 17 93)
Suleiman deals 13 damage! (19/32 HP remaining)

Suleiman gains 10 XP!

Swordfighter #12 moves to 14,14!
Swordfighter #12 has to attack Freya!

Swordfighter #12 attacks Freya with his Steel Blade!
2 Atk, 53% Hit, 18% Crit
(21 70)
Freya takes 2 damage! (36/45 HP remaining)
Freya's fortune improves!
Freya attacks with her Javelin!
13 Atk, 88% Hit, 7% Crit
(67 48)
Freya deals 13 damage! (19/32 HP remaining)

Freya gains 10 XP!
Freya gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Soldier #3 moves to 14,11!

"Come at me, bro."

Soldier #3 blindly charges at Angus!
He can't actually deal damage but Angus' misfortune passes!
Angus counters with his Iron Lance!
16 Atk, 98% Hit, 4% Crit, Charge Possible
(8 88)
Angus deals 16 damage! (19/35 HP remaining)
Angus charges!
(43 2)
Angus crits him!
Soldier #3 explodes!
Angus takes 2 damage!
The house explodes!

Angus gains 20 XP!
Angus gains 3 Lance WEXP!

Reliant #1 moves to 17,17!
Reliant #3 moves to 15,19!
Reliant Captain moves to 16,19!

Chapter 10A Turn 6



The soldier had quite clearly given Angus the middle finger just before he detonated, the explosion only lightly searing the young noble's armour. However, the same couldn't be said for the house ahead. The explosion burst through the wall, flames funnelling through the breach and taking hold of the building's interior. Screams and cries echoed from inside, slowly replaced by groans and splutters as the house succumbed to the blaze. The heat too much for it to bear, the house collapsed inwards on itself, being reduced to a smouldering pile of rubble. Nona looked down from above, her pegasus drawing back to avoid the smoke. She gave Angus a sympathetic look, shaking her head as the flames started to die down.

Steve began to sweat, the repeated explosions starting to take a toll on his fragile composure. "Prince Onio-... Owen? What about all the people inside? Aren't we meant to be saving them?" he asked, hyperventilating between sentences. "Oh geez, f-f-f-... we need to stop these guys, all these poor innocent people!"

"I might need a hand down here, I'm a little outnumbered." Vesta complained, the wyverns above circling menacingly. They were most definitely wearing Reliant colours, their leader's appearance nearly as menacing as the likes of Laudine. "Running out of bolts too, but that won't matter if they total my ballista."

Edited by Shin
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"Disgusting..." Owen spat on the floor, "You are not wrong that we're meant to save them, Mister Serge. It's a shame these men value them more as hostages to dissuade us from fighting than actual lives. They don't even seem to value their own... has Deira gone mad?" Gritting his teeth, Owen took the sword granted to him before, staring at the closing wyvern riders as he made his way towards the ballistician. "Back out, we will provide cover."

Owen to (11,18), equip wingclipper.

Vesta to (8,18), shoot Reliant #3.

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Eric felt much better after being healed(Wait, don't I still owe her for the whole mess with Accolon?...), but didn't have much time to revel in his good feeling, as he jumped almost a foot when the house not too far away spontaneously went up in flames. The screams were horrific in nature, and upon looking up, he noticed...that that wasn't the only one. There were three buildings, all reduced to smoldering ash. Not a comforting sight.

Eric to (14, 9).

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Decima to 4,4, visit house, canto to 9,4.

Steve to 10,18

Nona to 13,13, heal Freya, canto to 10,15

Edited by Magnificence Incarnate
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Owen's and Vesta's things happened, thanks SF!

Suleiman moves to 13,10!

Suleiman attacks Swordfighter #6 with his Great Lance!
19 Atk, 82% Hit, 11% Crit, 20% Sol
(56 68 64)

Suleiman gains 30 XP!

Suleiman grows to level 18!
(62 53 30 51 6 35 20 18)
Speed up!
Luck up!
Defense up!
Resistance up!

"You seem to be very popular with the enemies, Freya. Perhaps they've taken a liking to you?"

Nona moves to 13,13!
Nona heals Freya!
Nona gains 15 XP!
Nona gains 2 Staff WEXP!
Nona cantos to 10,15!

Constance moves to 9,15!
Constance heals Claire with Mend!
Constance gains 20 XP!
Constance gains 3 Staff WEXP!

Freya moves to 12,16!
Freya equips her Killer Lance!

Eric moves to 14,9!

"I'll make sure they're OK! Leave it to me!

Decima moves to 4,4!
Decima visits the house!
Decima finds a Tasty Turnip and sends it to convoy!
Decima gais 15 XP!

Decima cantos to 9,4!

"My name's-... uh, yes, your majesty! Serge Mozzarella at your service!"

Serge moves to 10,18!
Claire moves to 9,18!

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Sidney moves to 12,5!
Sidney opens the chest!
Sidney finds a Smelling Salts!

Angus banjos to 14,12!

Angus attacks Swordfighter #12 with his Whip!
19 Atk, 77% Hit, 2% Crit, Charge not possible
(13 80)
Swordfighter #12 learns his place!

Angus gains 30 XP!

Angus grows to level 18!
(22 82 43 44 89 46 91 18)
HP up!
Res up!

Angus cantos to 12,15!


Curate #2 moves to 18,13!
Curate #2 casts Misfortunate on Freya!

Reliant #1 moves to 13,16!

Reliant #1 attacks Freya with their Flash Lance!
2 Atk, 67% Hit, 0% Crit
(15 12)
Nice 2 damage. (43/45 HP remaining)
Freya attacks back!
10 Atk, 76% Hit, 38% Crit
(24 8)
Painful! 30 damage! (9/39 HP remaining)

Freya gains 10 XP!
Freya gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Reliant Captain flies to 12,17!

Reliant Captain attacks Freya with their Diamond Spear!
16 Atk, 97% Hit, 0% Crit
(80 22)
Freya takes 16 damage! (27/45 HP remaining)
Freya attacks back!
9 Atk, 71% Hit, 0% Crit
(90 12)
Freya misses!
Reliant Captain attacks again!
(35 85)
Freya takes 16 damage! (11/45 HP remaining)

Freya gains 12 XP!
Freya gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Chapter 10A Turn 7



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Steve to 13,17, attack Reliant #1 with Gutting Knife.

Vesta to 10,17, attack Reliant Captain with the Iron Bow.

Edited by Magnificence Incarnate
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The sight of the wyverns descending upon Freya stunned Claire for a moment. Right, this is still a battlefield... The explosions hadn't ended it all. They had to deal with the 'Justice Friend' in charge before they were done here. The odds of a flying enemy being rigged with explosives had to be low at least... They had to take the riders down before they could flee anyway. "Get out of the way." she spat, sending a spell hurtling towards them.

Claire to (13,18), Razorwind the captain
Angus to (17,13), Iron Lance Curate 2

Edited by SB.
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"I've got this... just trying to stab a dragon with a knife... sh-sh-shit..."

Serge moves to 13,17!

Steve attacks Reliant #1 with his Gutting Knife!
6 Atk, 72% Hit, 17% Crit
(46 96)
Steve deals 6 damage! (3/39) HP remaining)
Reliant #1 attacks back!
12 Atk, 69% Hit, 0% Crit
(36 37)
Steve takes 12 damage! (11/33 HP remaining)

Steve gains 10 XP!
Steve gains 1 WEXP!

Steve grows to level 15!
(32 31 97 64 52 95 45 47)
HP up!
Strength up!
Speed up!
Defense up!

"You want me to move closer? If you're sure..."

Vesta moves to 10,17!

Vesta shoots Reliant Captain with her Iron Bow!
17 Atk, 82% Hit, 0% Crit
(68 93)
Vesta deals 17 damage! (28/45 HP remaining)

Vesta gains 13 XP!
Vesta gains 1 Bow WEXP!

Claire moves to 13,18!

Claire attacks Reliant Captain with Razorwind!
30 Atk, 96% Hit, 0% Crit
(19 70)

Claire gains 53 XP!
Claire gains 2 Tome WEXP!

Angus moves to 17,13!

Angus attacks Curate #2 with his Iron Lance!
21 Atk, 76% Hit, 0% Crit, Charge not possible
(76 33)
Angus misses!

Angus gains 5 XP!
Angus gains 1 Lance WEXP!


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