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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 5


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The wyverns had come, but despite everything they've been struck with, Owen's posse was still doing good. Well, mostly good. Somehow Freya was taking the brunt of things, and her armor wasn't a match to the wyvern's assaults. "Goodness... take a breather, Miss Freya." It was time to help.

Owen to (14,16), attack Reliant #1 with his gutting knife.

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Freya winced. "What kind of weapon is that...?" It felt like she was armored about as well as Claire with how much pain the spear brought her. It was healed up soon enough, but she still didn't like the feeling of it... "Thank you, Prince Owen. But I don't have time for breathers. We have a battle to win."

Freya walks to 14, 15 and switches her Iron sword for the Heather shield in the convoy and equips it. She uses her javelin on reliant 1 if he misses. 

Edited by Juliette
forgot a square!
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Boom! Everywhere seemed to be exploding. Whatever the Deiran plan was, it seemed to be working far too well, as the village was practically crumbling around them and Sidney took little solace in retrieving trinkets from treasure chests. But maybe there was some hope still... she approached a lone home that seemed undisturbed by the battle. "Is anyone here? It's so horrible out there... the Deirans have explosives that are ruining everything out here, I just wanted you all to know. There's not fighting too close to this house, b-but, you should be ready to escape, just in case...

Sidney to (5, 15) and visits the home

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Suleiman moves to 15,13!

"I'll warn these people too!"

Decima moves to 10,3!
Decima warns the villagers!
Decima cantos to 15,3!

Owen moves to 14,16!

Owen attacks Reliant #1 with his Gutting Knife!
9 Atk, 75% Hit, 20% Crit, 18% Astra
(21 23 42)

Owen gains 30 XP!
Owen gains 2 WEXP!

Constance moves to 11,16!
Constance uses Mend on Freya!
Constance gains 20 XP!
Constance gains 3 Staff WEXP!

Constance grows to level 19!
(92 37 97 38 49 87 39 60)
HP up!
Skill up!

Freya moves to 14,15!
Freya trades her Iron Sword for the convoy's Heather Shield!
Freya equips the Heather Shield!

Sidney moves to 5,15!
Sidney visits the house!

A young man peered out of the window, giving Sidney a cautious look-over. "You don't look like one of those exploding goons, I've heard enough things to blow up for a lifetime. I overheard some of the soldiers, apparently their gear doesn't appreciate getting wet. Maybe you could use that to stop them from destroying any more of our houses?"

Eric move to 15,12!

"You're looking a little out breath, Serge... don't push yourself too hard."

Nona moves to 12,17!
Nona heals Steve!
Nona gains 15 XP!
Nona gains 2 Staff WEXP!
Nona cantos to 12,14!


Curate #2 moves to 22,12!
Curate casts Misfortune on Suleiman!

Swordfighter #8 moves to 16,13!

Swordfighter #8 attacks Suleiman with his Steel Sword!
9 Atk, 51% Hit, 23% Crit
(37 13)
Critical hit! Suleiman takes 27 damage! (12/39 HP remaining)
His misfortune passes!
Suleiman counters with his Great Lance!
19 Atk, 85% Hit, 11% Crit, 20% Sol
(77 60 13)
Suleiman's lance glows orange!
He deals 19 damage and regains 19 HP! (13/32 HP remaining)
(19 20 97)

Suleiman gains 27 XP!

Chapter 10A Turn 8



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Sidney moves to 17,9!

Decima moves to 18,7!
Decima equips Unreliable Flame!

Suleiman moves to 16,13!
Eric moves to 16,12!
Freya moves to 17,13!
Vesta moves to 13,15!
Owen moves to 17,14!
Angus moves to 18,14!
Steve steves to 16,15!
Constance moves to 14,15!
Nona moves to 15,13!
Claire moves to 15,15!


Curate #2 casts Misfortune on Freya!
Enemy Reinforcements deploy!

Chapter 10A Turn 9



"Looks like we have company... makes you wonder why they didn't try to help out when all their friends were exploding." Vesta commented, cautiously wheeling her ballista away from the enemy reinforcements.  She looked over at the island, shielding her brow from the sun above."We've still got our friend on the island over there. Deira's artillery aren't exactly top-notch, I'm pretty sure I could take them."

"What if there are more coming... f-f-f... what if Tarasque couldn't hold back the other group? There could be a tonne of them on the way now!" Steve panicked, his eyes darting between the village hall and the enemy forces behind them. "We should make things quick before it gets bad!"

Edited by Shin
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Ugh, more of them? "They couldn't have lost, that's ridiculous." It was really odd, in both timing and reason, however. "Careful with your ballista, we've got to keep moving... but some of us have to stay and deal with them." It'd be bad not to.

Decima to (20,7), attack Musketeer #2 with UNRELIABLE FLAME, canto to (17,7).

Vesta to (16,14), take signal bow and gatling bow from convoy which she was supposed to at the start of chapter, fire last bolt at curate #2!

Owen to (14,14) I guess.

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You Sure About This War Thing?


Constance waited until the meeting was over before approaching Owen. "May I have a word, your grace? Somewhere more quiet perhaps?"

That had been a surprise, to be called so quickly since the meeting by... Constance. The peince couldn't guess what she needed to talk about, which was reason enough to entertain the request. "Ah, Constance? Very well. Outside?" He preempted, curiosity leading him on.

They found a quiet space outside, away from the crowd. "I don't have anything specific to ask about," Constance admitted. "It's just...I noticed you look worried. Is everything okay?"

Ah, it seemed Constance had picked up on his dampening mood... Owen knew he was never that good at hiding his feelings, but was he that clear to a (for all intents and purposes) stranger? "This morning, not long after I woke up, I received news from Baron Esclabor that my sister had been missing." Staight to the point. Still, continuing to ponder these thoughts only put the prince in more distress. "We've been searching her all day now, but it seems that she left too early for us to catch. I don't know what went through her head... it just doesn't make sense to me." Considering how many troubles were ahead of them, it almost seemed like she wanted to run away from everything... but that couldn't be it.

Constance widened her eyes. "The princess is gone? That is...susrprising. Do you have any idea where she might have gone?"

"No, we're not sure at all... but I can't imagine she would go to Deira, she disliked being involved in this war, even if Wyke is in trouble." The prince shook his head, memories of their argument were clearly fresh in his mind, but he wanted it to not get to him so much. After an exasperated hybrid of a brief sigh and huff, he let his words flow again. "It seems one of my vassals left with her. Whatever reason they have, I can only pray for her safety. As much as part of me wants to abandon the campaign and search for her, it would be a disservice to all the lives that we already sacrificed."

"Raewald would probably be the safest place to go, but something tells me that if she wants to avoid the war, then she won't go back there either." Constance tried to think of other possibilities, but he knowledge of geography was rather lacking. Whitwar perhaps?

The prince answered her next question by himself. "Are you sure you don't want to follow her? Many have died already, but even more will die in the future. I'm not even certain if Deira is our enemy. We both know the one that needs to be stopped is Malaphar. And that stooge, Emmet."

Raewald might not be ideal, indeed. "The only places that make sense for her to go are Magonsaete or Whitwar, if she wants to avoid anything about the war. I wouldn't guess what she wants to do, though... unless all Cass wants is to escape and hide." It was really bizarre... perhaps she was going to the remote place were Adele was recovering, but Owen's gut feeling assumed Cass would want to avoid more guilt out of that reunion. I just can't place it... what are you planning to do, Cass?

Constance pressed him with a question on his resolve being all that well-placed... well, Owen could understand why. "Raewald is too ambitious and Deira too reliant on blind faith to stop without intervention. I tried to arrange a meeting with King Olaf to hear his side... honestly, odds are that something will go wrong, but I'm trying to prepare for that. Malaphar does not have to do anything but watch the factions wear each other down, so the pressure is on us to act." And then there was the mention of Emmet. Thinking back to when Claire spoke about him, Owen's brows furrowed a deep frown. "That idiot just couldn't resist the embrace of eternal torment, siding with Malaphar. Next time, we have to find a weakness of the immortals. As long as we can stop this cycle."


As reluctant as Constance was to admit it, Owen was right. The war was happening. Even if they somehow eliminated Malaphar, thousands would die on the battlefield. "So you want to walk straight into a trap? Hmm, regretfully that seems like the best course of action. You have my support, Prince Owen. I must confess I am not comfortable with this war, but I will continue this fight for you."

Walking straight into a trap... Owen didn't like the sound of it, but it wasn't wrong, they were going through a pretty obvious, risky path. "Indeed. I'm taking a risk because nobody else will. At the least, I hope this means I will learn how badly Deira is being manipulated... I wouldn't be surprised if Malaphar is directly involved." It wasn't like the man to hide away with his ego, but he had let Owen be scot-free for a while now. Who else would have such dark ambitions to plunge the kingdoms into war? "You really don't have to go through such lengths, Constance... but I won't stop you if you insist. Malaphar is our common enemy."

"Malaphar is the common enemy of all mankind," said Constance. "If I may ask Prince, what would you do if the rumors those justice friends were spreading happen to be true. Would you continue to fight with Raewald to free Wyke, even if Raewald is just as bad as Deira? Malaphar did, after all, try and manipulate Raewald several years ago. It would not be strange at all if he were playing both sides now."

A common enemy, indeed. It wasn't saying much at that point, with how grim the fate of the continent seemed, but it wasn't helping to have such an omnipotent force ready to sweep and take it all right after the war was over. No, more than a looming threat, it was almost certain that Malaphar was turning the cogs of war again, just like he once tried during King Oswald's time.

"If what the Justice Friends said is true... Hmm." He was already giving it some thought, before. It was very likely that Raewald wasn't doing it out of the goodness of their heart or a need to preserve the status quo, but rather a chance to claim Myrcia and subdue Deira while they were at it. It wasn't out of the question. "In that case, I would have to cut their campaign short." He frowned, "I don't know how I can deal with both armies at once, it's a tall task, but I need to at least stop Raewald once Deira surrenders." Right now... the prince was out of options, though, just ideals. That wasn't enough. "I guess the easiest way would be to sabotage their army... but I have no experience with that." Owen was at a loss, and could only blame his lack of experience.


"I don't think you'll be able to do anything until you reclaim your own country. So long as your a prince in exile, and not a king, Raewald has you under her thumb. I think it best you try and limit Raewald's involvement in the reconquering if Wyke. Otherwise it might just pass from Olaf's hands, and into Ethel's."

A voice in the back of her head dimly suggested that she was possibly committing treason right now, but it didn't matter much. She never had much sense of patriotism. The monarchs that ruled Raewald had always been distant figures, unrelated to her own struggles.

"...You might be right, but at the same time I wonder how much time I will actually have to do that. If I come back to Deira conquered and Raewald ordering the mainland about, what can I do?" It was a harsh option, as well. One of his main worries in his own plan of returning to Wyke. "But I can't escape this, I lack the raw power, and the people of Myrcia can hardly fight back... even with Wyke retaken, how do I go about this? How can I stand up to Raewald on my own?" It was not only that he was a prince in exile, could Wyke really stand up as an army after being taken over?

Constance bowed her head. "That, I do not know. Truthfully, I barely know where Wyke is. I only offer my opinion. There will be no easy solution to this. We will just have to wait and see what unfolds. However, I don't expect to see Raewald ruling mainland Angelcynn unopposed. Somehow, I don't feel that's what Malaphar is working towards."

"I see..." That was expected, if not a bit unfortunate. "That's fine, Constance. I will see what I can do, then." That it wasn't Malaphar's goal... she was probably right on that. "I've no idea what his plan entails, but it is nothing but out of his own self-interest. Of that much I'm sure. He'll certainly bring ruin to whoever comes out on top." That was a grim fate for the whole continent, to be sure... destroying itself to Malaphar's whim. "Wyke is a few weeks away, across the sea, by the way."

Constance smiled. "Across the sea. You will have to show it to me, if I still live, when you reclaim it. I would...like to see Oswald's resting place."

"...Very well." Owen couldn't help a soft smile at the comment. "We'll reclaim Wyke yet. You can count on that."

Constance to 15,16, heal Claire,

Edited by Jotari
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Freya moves to 21,12!

Freya attacks Curate #2 with her Killer Lance!
(90 67)
Nice miss.

Freya gains 5 XP!
Freya gains 1 Lance WEXP!

"I'll do my best! Hopefully only he explodes!"

Decima moves to 20,7!

Decima attacks Musketeer #2 with Unreliable Flame!
8 Atk. 85% Hit, 3% Crit, 15% Adept
(93 24)
Decima misses!
Musketeer shoots back with his Musket!
21 Atk, 47% Hit, 5% Crit
(69 7)
Miss! How productive!

Decima gains 5 XP!
Decima gains 1 Tome WEXP!

Decima grows to level 15!
(10 16 36 47 77 75 59 2)
HP up!
Strength up!
Skill up!
Resistance up!

"Sorry, I was so sure I could hit him..."

Decima cantos to 17,7

"Wasn't I meant to have that?"

Vesta moves to 16,14!
Vesta takes the Signal Bow from convoy!

Vesta shoots at Curate #2 with her Ballista!
25 Atk, 73% Hit, 0% Crit
(21 23)
Curate #2 takes 25 damage! (6/31 HP remaining)

Vesta gains 10 XP!
Vesta gains 1 Bow WEXP!
Vesta runs out of ammo!

Constance moves to 15,16!
Constance heals Claire!
Constance gains 20 XP!
Constance gains 3 Staff WEXP!

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Nona stays in place, heals Suleiman, and cantos to 17,13.

Suleiman to 13,14, trade for Owen's Round Shield and equip it, also equip Flame Lance.

Steve to 14,16.



Edited by Magnificence Incarnate
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Stop being... more of you! Sidney was sick and tired of this battle and wanted to just fall over and cry at all the people harmed, but it was not yet to be. One of the Deirans with a staff was cursing everyone... "Some joke of a holy nation you all claim to be, waving something damned like that around."

Sidney to (20, 12) attack the Curate with Flaming Bow, and also trades Freya so her Javelin is equipped

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If Sidney botches the kill, Angus to 21,13 , attack cleric with the whip.

If she doesn't, then Angus to 15,14, take hammer and deposit iron lance, and stay.

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"I prefer a man with a good head of hair."

Nona heals Suleiman!
Nona gains 15 XP!
Nona gains 2 Staff WEXP!

Nona cantos to 17,13

Suleiman moves to 13,14!
Suleiman takes Owen's Round Shield and equips it!
Suleiman equips the Flame Lance!

"This looks like a job for Ste-... Serge Mozzarella!"

Serge steves to 14,16!

Sidney moves to 20,12!
Sidney helps Freya equip her Javelin!

Sidney attacks Curate #2 with her Flaming Bow!
17 Atk, 85% Hit, 0% Crit
(94 2)
(8 70)
Curate #2 prays for a miracle!
Blessed be the children of Engel!
Prayer has been used up for this phase!

Sidney gains 5 XP!
Sidney gains 2 Bow WEXP!

Angus moves to 21,13!

Angus attacks Curate #2 with his Whip!
24 Atk, 71% Hit, 0% Crit, Charge not possible
(92 71)
Angus misses too!

Angus gains 5 XP!

Claire moves to 13,17!
Claire equips Blizzard!
Eric moves to 15,15!

Enemy Phase

Sniper #1 moves to 22,11!

Sniper #1 attacks Freya with their Silver Bow!
10 Atk, 80% Hit, 23% Crit
(62 96)
Freya takes 10 damage! (35/45 HP remaining)
Freya's misfortune clears!
Freya attacks back!
11 Atk, 62% Hit, 10% Crit
(73 39)
Freya misses!
Sniper #1 strikes again!
(24 93)
Freya takes 10 damage! (25/45 HP remaining)
Freya gains 5 XP!
Freya gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Curate #2 moves to 22,9!
Curate #2 casts Misfortune on Freya!
What a jerk!

Musketeer #2 moves to 21,11!

Musketeer #2 shoots at Freya with his Musket!
8 Atk, 61% Hit, 36% Crit
(9 54)
Freya takes 8 damage! (17/45 HP remaining)
Freya's Misfortune passes!
Freya's Wrath activates!
9 Atk, 73% Hit, 36% Crit
(31 9)
Freya crush puny Frenchman! (9/36 HP remaining)

Freya gains 10 XP!
Freya gains 1 Lance WEXP!
Ballista #1 shoots at Freya!
10 Atk, 91% Hit. 1% Crit
(94 80)
The bolt goes over her head!

Freya gains 5 XP!

Freya grows to level 19!
(33 81 42 48 25 69 47 32)

HP up!
Speed up!
Defense up!

Soldier A moves to 11,14!

Soldier B moves to 12,14!

Soldier B attacks Suleiman with his Silver Lance!
18 Atk, 48% Hit, 0% Crit
(25 23)
Suleiman takes 18 damage! (21/39 HP remaining)
Suleiman attacks back with his Flame Lance!
22 Atk, 100% Hit, 15% Crit, 20% Sol
(7 41 12)
Suleiman deal 22 damage and gets his HP back! (21/43 HP remaining)
(66 76 32)
And then kills him!

Suleiman gains 36 XP!

Soldier C moves to 12,16!
Soldier D moves to 12,17!

Soldier D attacks Claire with his Partisan!
15 Atk, 57% Hit, 0% Crit, 12% Adept
(85 4)
Claire casts Blizzard!
25 Atk, 100% Hit, 11% Crit
(30 51)
(58 56)
Cool story, bro.

Claire gains 36 XP!
Claire gains 3 Tome WEXP!

General A moves to 11,15!

Chapter 10A Turn 10



As unexpected as the enemy reinforcements were, more didn't follow. Their commander seemed rather cautious, pointing to his men and then to Owen. Whatever their goal, winning by force wasn't on their agenda. "He's got a lot of armour... that doesn't protect him from magic, right?" Serge asked, looking around at the spell-casters surrounding him. 

Meanwhile, the eastern front had their own problems. The enemy forces were intent on taking Freya down, although they were taking unusual paths when approaching the armoured fighter. The curate in particular had made sure to stop at a certain place, advancing no further. "Just a few more steps..." muttered Barnaby, casually twirling his revolver in his hand. "I've got all sorts of surprises for you Owen... even Jonathan won't expect such good results."

Edited by Shin
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Suleiman to 12,15, attack the General with flame lance.

Vesta to 13,15, attack the soldier C with signal bow.

Angus to 22,12, attack sniper with silver axe, canto back to 21,13.

Edited by Magnificence Incarnate
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Suleiman did his stuff and got a level, neat!

"It's a little small, but it's the best I've got!"

Vesta moves to 13,15!

Vesta attacks Soldier C with her Signal Bow!
7 Atk, 86% Hit, 2% Crit
(18 19)
Vesta deals 7 damage! (35/42 HP remaining)
Soldier C is signalled!

Vesta gains 12 XP!
Vesta gains 1 Bow WEXP!

Vesta grows to level 15!
(25 29 63 27 77 87 54 40)
HP up!
Strength up!

Angus moves to 22,12!

Angus attacks Sniper #1 with his Silver Axe!
25 Atk, 59% Hit, 3% Crit, Charge not possible
(21 13)
Angus deals 25 damage! (14/39 HP remaining)

Angus gains 11 XP!
Angus gains 1 Axe WEXP!

Angus cantos to 21,13!

Eric moves to 13,16!

Eric attacks Soldier C with his Killing Edge!
12 Atk, 100% Hit, 33% Crit
(53 37)
Eric deals 12 damage! (23/42 HP remaining)
Soldier C strikes back!
16 Atk, 50% Hit, 0% Crit
(80 15)
Can't touch this.
Eric attacks again!
(0 97)
Eric deals 12 damage! (11/42 HP remaining)

Eric gains 11 XP!
Eric gains 2 Sword WEXP!

Eric grows to level 18!
(81 91 2 62 57 96 29 95)
Magic up!
Speed up!
Defense up!

Constance moves to 13,14!

Constance attacks Soldier A with Balor!
22 Atk, 92% Hit, 10% Crit
(37 28)
Constance deals 22 damage! (21/43 HP remaining)

Constance gains 10 XP!
Constance gains 1 Tome WEXP! 


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