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Do you love your country?


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Well the, "best," is in the eye of the beholder, and you can't really prove America is better than everything. I'm not "negative," I'm realistic.

I know I'm not too intelligent , but I'm not retarded, I know there is no such way of proving U.S.A is the best

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Aside: gas prices go down close to election dates. That doesn't mean they're down for good.

Living in America's alright, I could be doing worse. Nothing substantial to complain about in my position.

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Oh how I love the British Isles. Beautiful countryside scenery, cold beaches, fish and chips, home of the proper English language, funny rocks n' shit, windy hills. And despite how most people complain about the weather, I think it is lovely myself. And let us not forget our grand history as one the largest empires in the world. Roast beef is awesome.

Edited by Shuuda
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I never once implied you weren't intelligent, and certainly did not say you were, "retarded."

I never said you said so.

I said about myself, and I think my posts prove the statement that I'm not too bight

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I appreciate a lot of what I have, but I don't have love for the US because I don't appreciate a lot of the things we've got wrong. I don't know if I'm the kind of person who could hold love for a location the size of the US though.

Then what has it become?

When the poor pay more taxes then the rich,

They don't. The rich pay far, far more in taxes.
When our politics and policies are ruled by a cloaked racism against everyone who isn't a Christian,
I could nitpick about the use of the word "racism," and I could talk about the worst examples of racism being much closer to the founding of the United States, but I think my post would be better used telling you something you likely don't know. The writers of the Constitution specifically avoided mentioning slavery in the document, because they were so intent on having the southern states join the Union. Also, 3/5ths compromise, Dred Scott, Jim Crow South, etc.
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