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Duplicate Brave Heroes: What will you be doing with them?


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F2P here.  I had a run of good luck and summoned a Brave Ike and Brave Lyn, in addition to choosing Lyn as my free unit a few days before.  It seems like a shame to sacrifice a S+ unit for Swift Sparrow 2 or Attack Smoke 3.  But it seems the only way I can put my extra Lyn to use is in Arena.  What will you guys be doing with your extras?  Any recommendations for me?

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I got a second Brave Ike, but I'm holding onto him for now. Got him to lvl 40, if I ever want to use him on any Chain Challenge, Arena Assault or Tempest Trial.

If I got a third Ike that has a good IV, I might consider merging the 2 of them into the good one. But that would be too greedy to hope for.

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I don't expect to get any, but if I do, I'll probably merge them. Brave Roy and Brave Lyn are the two I have so far, and they're quickly becoming two of my best units, so the merges would be going to good use.

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Seems like the areas you mentioned do not allow duplicate heroes...this is my impression at least.  I might try later today to see if I can use both Lyns in AA/CC...

Don't lose hoap, Othin!  We're all gonna make it.  I have spent only 60 or so orbs and have summoned Brave Ike, Brave Lyn, and 5-star versions of Tharja, Ephraim, and Olwen.

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13 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

Seems like the areas you mentioned do not allow duplicate heroes...this is my impression at least.  I might try later today to see if I can use both Lyns in AA/CC...

Arena Assault and Squad Assault do not allow duplicate heroes.

Chain Challenge and Tempest Trials allow duplicate heroes.

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1 minute ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Arena Assault and Squad Assault do not allow duplicate heroes.

Chain Challenge and Tempest Trials allow duplicate heroes.

That settles it, i'm keeping them!  Considering we get almost 10k feathers a week from Arena, Arena Assault, and daily quests, I don't feel in need of feathers.  Merging just once also doesn't seem worth it.  Thanks for your answer.

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Merging can be really nice for some units, plus if you're like me, I'm at max barracks space.

One thing is if I have a 5* with a bad nature, and I pull a better one later.  I'll merge the one that's already trained into the new one.  Or, if you're really lucky and have two right now, you can train up the inferior one and teach them skills before merging into the superior version.  5*s can be tough to get much SP on, so getting a double chance at grinding SP is nice.

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I got two Brave Lyns; one neutral (freebie) another +SPD, -RES.  I slapped them, regular Lyn and Azura on my defense team.  I got Four wins in 24 hours.  Just playing them in chain challenges is silly they are so good.

Brave Lyn may be the best character in the game, if 1 is good, two are better.

Edited by kcirrot
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Merging into the +spd -hp Bowlyn, holding onto the +hp -def one for Swift Sparrow (not that I expect to get a +spd roderick ever to use it on), or just leveling up the second one for double Bowlyn team memes.

Edited by Azuni
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47 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Any Ikes whatsoever: might give up for Steady Breath



Extra Lucinas: Idk actually lol.

The only one I have is the freebie Roy though.

You'd kill a Roy for a skill you could get on a 4*?

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Brave Lyn: merge; definitely keep if +Atk/-Def or maybe +Spd/-Def

Brave Roy: keep if better IVs (ie. +Atk/-Res). Galeforce fodder potentially.

Brave Ike: keep if better IVs (ie. +Atk/-Spd). Unsure otherwise.

Brave Lucina: merge probably, especially if good IVs.

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11 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I don't plan to go for dupes, but if I got them, I'd probably merge with my existing CYL units, personally. I'd only use them for skills if I got to +10 by some miracle with any of them xD 

Agree 100%.  In a game with limited resources, you have to play conservatively.  In my experience I NEVER sacrifice a unit for skill inheritance unless I have a +10 merged version of it as well.  This philosophy has served me very well so far.


55 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Any Ikes whatsoever: might give up for Steady Breath



Extra Lucinas: Idk actually lol.

The only one I have is the freebie Roy though.

Mayb throw Galeforks on Brave Ike? 

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