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How it feels when you're pulling for a specific unit

Mr. Phil, Phd

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6 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

If my first child asks me why I named him Bartre, I'll tell him it's because I was rolling for a daughter.

Otherwise, she would’ve been Julia?


After 100 pulls for Celica, I was elated when I finally got her. Neutral to boot!

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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Otherwise, she would’ve been Julia?


After 100 pulls for Celica, I was elated when I finally got her. Neutral to boot!

No joke, I think her Japanese name (Yuria) is very pretty and would consider it if I had a daughter.

Congrats on your Celica. How many of those red orbs were Bartre?

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My funny summoning story is I spent nearly 100 orbs trying to get Seth when he first came out and I did get him with a good nature to boot +atk, but now every time I try to summon red in CYL banner I get 4* Seth every other pull.  

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I keep pulling blue for whatever new useful blue unit comes out (most recently Delthea and Tana), but I keep getting Ninian.


Fortify Dragons is kind of useless when no new dragons are being released.

I would put escape route one of the next TT bonus units, I'm kind of enjoying it on Ninian and Anna currently. 

I pulled far more Lon'qus than I have DC units. 

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16 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I would put escape route one of the next TT bonus units, I'm kind of enjoying it on Ninian and Anna currently. 

  1. Cecilia is my source of Escape Route.
  2. I find Desperation more useful in Tempest Trials.
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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I keep pulling blue for whatever new useful blue unit comes out (most recently Delthea and Tana), but I keep getting Ninian.


Fortify Dragons is kind of useless when no new dragons are being released.

Hold out for Kurthnaga, Nasir, Gareth or Ena since FE9-10 seems like it's going to be a thing for a while. A Colorless Dragon would be kind of cool and Kurthnaga seems like he could fit that bill unless he's red (Gareth, Nasir and Ena are obviously Red/Blue/Green without even speculating.)

Edited by Zeo
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5 minutes ago, Zeo said:

(Gareth, Nasir and Ena are obviously Red/Blue/Green without even speculating.)

Funny you say that because the other, less arbitrary interpretation of Laguz units puts all Dragon Tribe characters as red strike or red breath.

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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:
  1. Cecilia is my source of Escape Route.
  2. I find Desperation more useful in Tempest Trials.

1. I forgot about Cecilia, because I don't have enough copies of her. 

2. Biggest advantage of Anna (ER + desperation + TT boost). 

Speaking of Ninian, I'm pondering if to merge my three copies to +2 for staying in Tier 20 (I don't have many merging options), or to give fortify dragons to Fae. 

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Speaking of Ninian, I'm pondering if to merge my three copies to +2 for staying in Tier 20 (I don't have many merging options), or to give fortify dragons to Fae. 

+1 and give Fortify Dragons to Fae.

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Just now, mampfoid said:

Seems to be the best compromise, thanks. Better Fury or TA on Ninian for arena offense? 

I prefer Triangle Adept for Arena offense. Fury is fine if you don't intend to let her fight and just need her to not die to stray hits.

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12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Funny you say that because the other, less arbitrary interpretation of Laguz units puts all Dragon Tribe characters as red strike or red breath.

For diversity purposes I doubt we'd go that route. I couldn't see Nasir or especially Ena as reds. Laguz units are tricky to begin with, but Dragon Laguz get a pass because they can basically just function as Manaketes. 

That being said, we need a Dhegensiea GHB and he needs to be busted.

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

For diversity purposes I doubt we'd go that route. I couldn't see Nasir or especially Ena as reds. Laguz units are tricky to begin with, but Dragon Laguz get a pass because they can basically just function as Manaketes. 

That being said, we need a Dhegensiea GHB and he needs to be busted.

I feel like kurthnaga or dheginsea would be the best unit to introduce hone or goad dragons with, because black tide had a very similar effect.

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