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Why are individual characters so important?

The DanMan

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Chrono Trigger, the classic SNES RPG with only 7 PCs has better characters and worse ones. Crono-Ayla-Robo (or Frog) is better than Magus-Lucca-Marle (the worst character). Any and all games are going to have better and worse playable characters unless they play identically. I don't want WO3 Sanzang bad PCs in FEW, but if given the choice between 5 clones of Xiahou Ba (he's powerful right?) and 1 Xiahou Ba and four characters character with distinct movesets, all of whom are inferior to Ba, I would take the latter unless they were all really crappy.

The only character in HW (didn't play Legends) who was really bad if you ask me was Fi. The rest, even it there was better and worse, were good enough that is wasn't a chore using any of them.

Sorry, but Agitha and Zant were horrible pre-patch (Agitha became decent, and Zant became pretty good after). Ganondorf also didn't quite live up to his reputation pre-patch (again this was something adressed and corrected post-patch). Great Fairy is still horrible, and there's still a couple movesets pre- and post-patch that simply work horribly until you learn them and they become merely bad. (Looking at you Tetra! And you Impa's Giant Blade! And you Lana's Spear! And you Zelda's Baton!)

Also, from the stats alone, the clone characters in this game (except F!Robin and M!Corrin because they take up no slot) should generally be approached differently because their traits means they're meant to do different stuff from the parent character (Takumi and Sakura especially comes to mind here).

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48 minutes ago, Folt said:

Sorry, but Agitha and Zant were horrible pre-patch (Agitha became decent, and Zant became pretty good after). Ganondorf also didn't quite live up to his reputation pre-patch (again this was something adressed and corrected post-patch). Great Fairy is still horrible, and there's still a couple movesets pre- and post-patch that simply work horribly until you learn them and they become merely bad. (Looking at you Tetra! And you Impa's Giant Blade! And you Lana's Spear! And you Zelda's Baton!)

Also, from the stats alone, the clone characters in this game (except F!Robin and M!Corrin because they take up no slot) should generally be approached differently because their traits means they're meant to do different stuff from the parent character (Takumi and Sakura especially comes to mind here).

I'll concede the Great Fairy, and I was going to mention Zant, but he did get that massive patching. I've never played Tetra, but I have heard she is bad. I find Zelda's Rapier worse than her Baton at times- the lack of good crowd control hurts.

And I have heard of the Sakura-Takumi difference. It's nice to see strategy matters, but that doesn't quite excuse clones. I would have been better with clones if KT had been upfront about it and said "all characters will be divided into "classes" for their general moveset", since I thought they might try that in this game given the size of the cast.

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1 hour ago, Folt said:

Sorry, but Agitha and Zant were horrible pre-patch (Agitha became decent, and Zant became pretty good after). Ganondorf also didn't quite live up to his reputation pre-patch (again this was something adressed and corrected post-patch). Great Fairy is still horrible, and there's still a couple movesets pre- and post-patch that simply work horribly until you learn them and they become merely bad. (Looking at you Tetra! And you Impa's Giant Blade! And you Lana's Spear! And you Zelda's Baton!)

What? Lana's Spear was my most used moveset for Lana. I really enjoyed it. Ganondorf with his Trident was great too. 


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30 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

What? Lana's Spear was my most used moveset for Lana. I really enjoyed it.

It's really weak, awkward, and very hard to use properly. Not worth the payoff to me.

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16 minutes ago, Jedi said:

It's really weak, awkward, and very hard to use properly. Not worth the payoff to me.

I got used to it quickly and had no real issues with it. It was always my go-to weapon when I chose Lana for missions. 

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59 minutes ago, Jedi said:

It's really weak, awkward, and very hard to use properly. Not worth the payoff to me.

None of Lana's weapons are what I'd call top tier. The Tome is Upper Mid at best, and that's the best weapon she has. The Tome's weakness is even the 3 walls smash/shove (her C4) is a bit weak on crowds. The Summoning Gate has the wickedly strong powered Argorok summon, and Manhandla either way isn't bad either, but the weapon is slow, RNG dependent, and has weak officer power. The Deku Spear is neither terrible or officers nor crowds, and has usable attack speed, the C5 (the Deku Leaf air blast) is solid crowd control, the C2 is a standard juggler for Weak Point Smashing, and only the C4 (the water smash) is terribly slow and weak, and the C1 is useless. Inferior to the Tome, a good chance of it being so, but not horrid.

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14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

None of Lana's weapons are what I'd call top tier. The Tome is Upper Mid at best, and that's the best weapon she has. The Tome's weakness is even the 3 walls smash/shove (her C4) is a bit weak on crowds. The Summoning Gate has the wickedly strong powered Argorok summon, and Manhandla either way isn't bad either, but the weapon is slow, RNG dependent, and has weak officer power. The Deku Spear is neither terrible or officers nor crowds, and has usable attack speed, the C5 (the Deku Leaf air blast) is solid crowd control, the C2 is a standard juggler for Weak Point Smashing, and only the C4 (the water smash) is terribly slow and weak, and the C1 is useless. Inferior to the Tome, a good chance of it being so, but not horrid.

You should only really be using the Tome ever. Unless you're forced to use any of her other bad weapons. It's like having one solid moveset then having 3 Tingles worth.

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5 hours ago, Jedi said:

You should only really be using the Tome ever. Unless you're forced to use any of her other bad weapons. It's like having one solid moveset then having 3 Tingles worth.

The Summoning Gate is actually worth it... in the original version, if you've trained with it to consistently do the infinite. It was one of the few casualties of the changes in Legends.

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