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I gotta say though Cynthia, you seem to have an affinity for pointing out and exploiting people's flaws and mistakes. I know you don't mean anything by it when you do, but after a while of you picking at a person, I can imagine that it could get irritating.

To be honest, I've actually been irritated by it myself at certain points. But I know you don't mean anything by it. Well I've learned that over the course of the time that I've known you. But it still can wear on a person's confidence in themselves, as well as just be annoying to that person.

Edited by Lloyd Irving
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Okay :D

I always try to be rational, as I could have just been flat out evil and hateful, when I did not. I simply answered the question, and refrained from saying anything that was irrelevant, and stated my opinion and why I believe it, and that it in no way represents who anyone is.

I would not have spoken if not asked.

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I always try to be rational, as I could have just been flat out evil and hateful, when I did not. I simply answered the question, and refrained from saying anything that was irrelevant, and stated my opinion and why I believe it, and that it in no way represents who anyone is.

I would not have spoken if not asked.

ill ask you next time i want your opinion on what I say.

ok. im done.

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I gotta say though Cynthia, you seem to have an affinity for pointing out and exploiting people's flaws and mistakes. I know you don't mean anything by it when you do, but after a while of you picking at a person, I can imagine that it could get irritating.

To be honest, I've actually been irritated by it myself at certain points. But I know you don't mean anything by it. Well I've learned that over the course of the time that I've known you. But it still can wear on a person's confidence in themselves, as well as just be annoying.

Once again Lloyd Irving, I only challenge something if it is brought up or asked, or relevant. I never challenge something out of the blue, and you know this.

I mostly take anything that is private, to a private discussion, unless there was a topic made about it, as then they brought it to the public.

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No need to be so dramatic about it, if you're this upset over the thoughts of one person, I am rather worried.

I don't make you who you are. YOU make you who you are, and nothing I can say or do can change who you are.

Well, Gatrie's life would explain why he is like this... =(

But yeah, Gatrie, you need to quit being overdramatic about just one person...

Remember, there are people who don't hate you.

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Well, Gatrie's life would explain why he is like this... =(

But yeah, Gatrie, you need to quit being overdramatic about just one person...

Remember, there are people who don't hate you.

yes thank you. im glad i told you my reasons for hating my life

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Well, Gatrie's life would explain why he is like this... =(

But yeah, Gatrie, you need to quit being overdramatic about just one person...

Remember, there are people who don't hate you.

Little lady here speaks the truth. How the hell is any1 suppose to know how gatrie reacts to something if he's acting differently online?

Edited by Boo
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I'm a bad ass.

They've sold parts of me in cans before. But it turns out concentrated awesome is explosive.

ANYWAY. Someone has to say something negative about every topic. If they didn't, well then no standard would be set.

At the end of the day, you all take everything too seriously. You should be ashamed. My cat certainly is.

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Once again Lloyd Irving, I only challenge something if it is brought up or asked, or relevant. I never challenge something out of the blue, and you know this.

I mostly take anything that is private, to a private discussion, unless there was a topic made about it, as then they brought it to the public.

There have been times where you have pointed out a flaw out of the blue. Like when I made that "I'm feeling amorous" topic you pointed out a flaw in my wording and made it look like I was some sort of jerk when my intention was nowhere near what you stated.

No one is perfect. Of course, your imperfection may be the fact that you point out what is imperfect about someone.

And you can still call me Lyle.

Edited by Lloyd Irving
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I'm not here to be everyone's friend really. I'm here to participate in discussion, whether it be to your liking or disapproval. And I'm pretty nice about it to, as if you talk to me in private and say something you don't want to be mentioned, then I won't mention it.

However if you ask me a question in public, I am going to assume you want a public answer, and I am 100% honest when I speak. I do however try and be a little respectful. As much as I point out something I didn't agree with, notice I always point out something that I DO agree with.

I don't make it a mission to point out flaws, but if you bring something to the table, which since this is a public forum, that means I can totally reply to it, then you can expect a reply. Don't want my replies? Then ask in private.

It's not that complicated.

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There have been times where you have pointed out a flaw out of the blue. Like when I made that "I'm feeling amorous" topic you pointed out a flaw in my wording and made it look like I was some sort of jerk when my intention was nowhere near what you stated.

No one is perfect. Of course, your imperfection may be the fact that you point out what is imperfect about someone.

And you can still call me Lyle.

It did look that way though and it was there so how's that "out of the blue"? You should be grateful she pointed that out so you had the chance to clarify it

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There have been times where you have pointed out a flaw out of the blue. Like when I made that "I'm feeling amorous" topic you pointed out a flaw in my wording and made it look like I was some sort of jerk when my intention was nowhere near what you stated.

No one is perfect. Of course, your imperfection may be the fact that you point out what is imperfect about someone.

And you can still call me Lyle.

Hmm pointing out a flaw from out of the blue....... now why does that sound familiar

*remembers why this topic was made*

o yeahh........

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There have been times where you have pointed out a flaw out of the blue. Like when I made that "I'm feeling amorous" topic you pointed out a flaw in my wording and made it look like I was some sort of jerk when my intention was nowhere near what you stated.

No one is perfect. Of course, your imperfection may be the fact that you point out what is imperfect about someone.

And you can still call me Lyle.

Lyle, once again you're mistaken.

I wasn't pointing out a flaw in you, I was merely stating the wording did sound a little weird. I wasn't trying to make you into a "jerk," or anything, I was informing you it sounded strange and perhaps you should rephrase it to prevent that.

My intentions are not that of evil. It wasn't even out of the blue either. You made a topic for public response, am I not part of the public?

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Hmm pointing out a flaw from out of the blue....... now why does that sound familiar

*remembers why this topic was made*

o yeahh........

I have to admit, Yogurt makes a valid point Lyle.

Honestly though, it's not really this thing of, "me versus you all."

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