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irrelevant like lyle said, this is about us and the rest of the forest, not reality

The forest is part of reality.

And honestly there are people who hate just because. I don't agree with it, I don't support it, but it happens, and I'm sure it happens here, and anywhere.

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I disagree.

As much as I do not hate people, there are others who just hate because of that person being there. Racism is a good example, as some racists don't even hate those people for any particular action, merely because of their race, and race isn't something you do.

In all respect.

I agree with what you say on racism, but that really isn't the case with me. Why would I dislike you for just being here? Wouldn't you have to do somthing to be disliked?

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Shuuda's hated >_> I don't know who/what/when/why and I don't care.

I agree with what you say on racism, but that really isn't the case with me. Why would I dislike you for just being here? Wouldn't you have to do somthing to be disliked?

Well there's me for example, I seem to destroy threads without even trying and if you hate when threads are destroyed then you certainly hate my existence here ^_^

Edited by Boo
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I agree with what you say on racism, but that really isn't the case with me. Why would I dislike you for just being here? Wouldn't you have to do somthing to be disliked?

I did not say that it applied to you. I was merely disagreeing with the statement. I apologize if it seemed like I was applying it here.

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thank you for that statement otherwise I would have taken you for the racist type

You are most welcome.

Al'right, I'm stopping before this gets out of hand.

Well I would like to know how my personality makes you dislike me, if it's alright with you we can discuss this off this topic?

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On an ending note.

Yes, I am a serious person, and yes I am probably not the most humorous person to be around, and it's not fun or exciting. Sure I may or may not talk a lot, but it's part of my personality.

If you expect me to change my personality just for you, then well, I have bad news for you.

I'm not saying anyone is, as I'm sure you do not, but I am saying if you feel that you do not like my personality, there is no point in that, as I won't change just for you.

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too much seriousness in one day, I like you cynthia except for that one little detail

Edited by Repede
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too much seriousness in one day, I like you cynthia except for that one little detail

Well unfortunately, I doubt it'll change anytime soon. It's not there though to spite you or anything though. I was this way long before you appeared.

I like you too Repede, but I do think you need to keep comments like that to private chat, like I said, don't be afraid to talk to me. I listen if you have an issue with me.

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On an ending note.

Yes, I am a serious person, and yes I am probably not the most humorous person to be around, and it's not fun or exciting. Sure I may or may not talk a lot, but it's part of my personality.

If you expect me to change my personality just for you, then well, I have bad news for you.

I'm not saying anyone is, as I'm sure you do not, but I am saying if you feel that you do not like my personality, there is no point in that, as I won't change just for you.

Well, this is one thing to say... or... more than one =D

1. I do sometimes get a little bit irritated, but I eventually don't because I know it's a good thing to be serious. You need serious people to try keep control of the forums... Though, the problem is that people on here just get more out of control because they get the feeling that they are being offended =/ So it's great to have someone like this and I won't object to it at all.

2. You know, people like this would be pretty good for moderators (is that spelled right? Or does it have the "e" instead of "o"?... or is it some other reason? ._.)... Maybe (only if you want) we could get Jyosua (how do you spell that? =D I am having spelling problems, plus it is a special name) and Vincent to consider having you as a modera.... well, yeah.

... I was gonna say more, but I forget. =(

Basically, my point is that people shouldn't be making so much of a fuss over Cynthia being so serious.

... my fingers hurt... :mellow:

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Well, this is one thing to say... or... more than one =D

1. I do sometimes get a little bit irritated, but I eventually don't because I know it's a good thing to be serious. You need serious people to try keep control of the forums... Though, the problem is that people on here just get more out of control because they get the feeling that they are being offended =/ So it's great to have someone like this and I won't object to it at all.

2. You know, people like this would be pretty good for moderators (is that spelled right? Or does it have the "e" instead of "o"?... or is it some other reason? ._.)... Maybe (only if you want) we could get Jyosua (how do you spell that? =D I am having spelling problems, plus it is a special name) and Vincent to consider having you as a modera.... well, yeah.

... I was gonna say more, but I forget. =(

Basically, my point is that people shouldn't be making so much of a fuss over Cynthia being so serious.

... my fingers hurt... :mellow:

lol that was uber cute for some reason

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Well, this is one thing to say... or... more than one =D

1. I do sometimes get a little bit irritated, but I eventually don't because I know it's a good thing to be serious. You need serious people to try keep control of the forums... Though, the problem is that people on here just get more out of control because they get the feeling that they are being offended =/ So it's great to have someone like this and I won't object to it at all.

2. You know, people like this would be pretty good for moderators (is that spelled right? Or does it have the "e" instead of "o"?... or is it some other reason? ._.)... Maybe (only if you want) we could get Jyosua (how do you spell that? =D I am having spelling problems, plus it is a special name) and Vincent to consider having you as a modera.... well, yeah.

... I was gonna say more, but I forget. =(

Basically, my point is that people shouldn't be making so much of a fuss over Cynthia being so serious.

... my fingers hurt... :mellow:

Well, it's natural for people to feel offended, so I don't hold it against them.

Although I'm flattered, I believe Jyosua and Vincent both said they need no more moderators, however you're the first to suggest such a thing, but I doubt it'd get a lot of support...

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